posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Annav
Because maybe you really haven't seen everything? When I seen it, I thought hmm that is interesting - wonder what it is. Then as the video went
along, I got more and more proof that it was a shadow.
Now I can't remember ever seeing a contrail do that before - true. But I have seen tons and tons of clouds cast shadows on other clouds - that is
what makes them so dark - less and less light getting through.
Logical, reasonable explanation and exactly what I would expect to see.
I must wonder, why someone would automatically assume their are chemicals or other things in them? I'm sure they do things from time to time, but
to think each and every contrail that is seen is a sign of chemicals? And on the people themselves from that altitude?
2 parts to finding the truth, first one must be open minded - yes. But also, be able to find things that are false and identify them as such. I
don't like the guy with coke bottle glasses on TV telling me about "trained observers" and how he never saw a UFO before - but I love the skeptics
who provide valuable information and good reasons with them. You gotta be able to filter truth from fiction.