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Possible evidence that Obama is the Maitreya!

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posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:16 PM
Is Barack Obama really the New Agers and Occultists long awaited Masonic Christ?

Why was their a massive MASONIC BALL held in his honour straight after his Inaugeration ?

Will he be the one the Bible calls the Antichrist, and lead humanity into the NEW WORLD ORDER ?

Ok I just wanna raise attention to a few things I have recently discovered that could point to Barack Obama being the Maitreya spoken of by Benjamin Creme.

Who is Maitreya?

Now first off their is the report that apparently made headlines around the world of Maitreya appearing in a village in Kenya to 6000 people as Jesus Christ. The date of this alleged appearance was June 11th 1988.

Maitreya's appearance in Kenya in June 1988

Ok... so this theory of Barack Obama being Maitreya would gain alot more credibility if Mr.Obama was in Kenya around the same time as the Maitreya Kenyan appearance right? Well funnily enough that's exactly where our old buddy Obama was...

In mid 1988, Barack traveled to Kenya, spending five weeks there. During his Kenya visit, Obama met several of his paternal relatives for the first time.

Hmmm very interesting indeed! But of course the young Obama back in 1988 looked nothing like the pictures of Maitreya taken at the Kenyan appearance right? Well take a look for your self...

Ok now after taking into consideration that the grain of the photos are different, and that the facial expressions are slightly different and taken at different angles, I am under the impression that Maitreya as he appeared in 1988 and Barry or Barack Obama are indeed the same person.

Now lets move on to some other interesting similarities between these two.

Benjamin Creme has repeatedly said in his News Letters at that before Maitreya openly reveals his true identity he would enter the world stage as a man calling for wait for it... CHANGE! Now lets see... what was Barack Obamas entire campaign centered on? THE NEED FOR CHANGE !

Benjamin Creme also said that their would be many many people opposed to Maitreyas ideas at first, which is exactly what we are seeing unfold now with Obamas popularity beginning to shrink, as people fear he is leading the world down a path to Socialism.

Now keep in mind that the whole message of Maitreya is to SHARE... or in other words to spread the wealth around, which is exactly the same thing Obama stands for. It's really just a fancy way of saying global socialism where the middle class would be erradicated.

Also why was their so much hype about Obama being the Messiah, with many New Age people using some very Occultic language when describing Obama?

Some were calling him an evolved being that has come to lead humanity into the New Order (aka New World Order).. Others such as Nation of Islam' leader, Louis Farrakhan openly proclaimed that Barack is the Messiah, and New Ager Oprah declared him 'THE ONE'. Their were many more reports of such descriptions of Obama.

Just after Obama won the election, Share International made the announcement that a star has appeared in the sky, heralding the arrival of the CHRIST, in much the same way that the star in Bethlehem led the wise men to the baby Jesus... Is it a coincidence that shortly after Obama was Inaugerated as the first truly global president?

There is sooooooooo much more I could write about this, but I think that will do for now, and if anyone has any thing more to add, please FEEL FREE!

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:46 PM
wow you are taking some chances on this one my man

not sure if your information is correct, but from my point of view of events. this guy is transforming this once great nation into the next mother land! then after the mother land what is next? so keep up the good fight!

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:56 PM
I personally believe that the Maitreya is a fabrication, a construct of Mr. Creme's and all the subsequent writings about "him" equally fraudulent. I don't believe in the so-called "star" that nobody seems to be able to provide coodinates for, and yet can take numerous photos of. I questioned some who claim to have seen this "star" that supposedly heralds the emergence of the Maitreya, and every single one claimed that the star moved about and was not in the same place, so therefore coordinates could not be given. pffffffffffffffT!

That said, I think the OP has done an interesting bit of research, and I give them props for that. No, I don't believe President Obama is the Maitreya, nor the antiChrist, nor any other paranormal diety. I don't believe he's a reptoid either. he's a man. I pray he's the RIGHT man for these troubled times. I don't think that's so, but I don't mind praying for it to be. Please God, let me be wrong; let the man shine a bit and pretty damned quickly.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:11 PM
According to prophecy, Maitrya is supposed to come from the East wearing a turban.

I don't think either Kenya or America quite qualifies for that.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Dude im sorry to said but those pictures doesn't looks simillar at all

Is like saying that Charles Chaplin looks like Hitler just because of his moustache

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:21 PM
Mr. M seems to have the eyes more like Brad Pitt than Pres. Obama. I am sure the Pres. would appreciate being compared to J.C., however it does not seem to be anything close to a match.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:26 PM
This thread is possible evidence that the original poster may or may not be insane.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by dominuz
Dude im sorry to said but those pictures doesn't looks simillar at all

Is like saying that Charles Chaplin looks like Hitler just because of his moustache

Hmm You could really be on to something there.
Charlie Chaplan; Born 16 April 1889
Adolf Hitler Born; 20 April 1889
One who talked but nothing and the other did nothing but talk BS
One who was a Young artist the other thought they were an Artist being young.
One who played a Tramp an the other was just a dressed up Tramp.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:36 PM
I used think there might be somethin to benjamin creme's maitreya, but he's been all talk for over 20 years now!
and according the the share international man himself obama is not maitreya.

Q. A lot of people are saying that the new President Barack Obama, is Maitreya. Some question and answer sessions with Benjamin Creme infer Maitreya and Obama are two different people but that Obama may be especially open to Maitreya's ideals. Yet the most recent press releases advertising the emergence of Maitreya, his public talks about the economy and world ills sure tie in neatly with the emergence of the new President who is also talking about these same things. It is very easy to see why Obama is being seen as Maitreya by some people. Could you comment please: (1) is Obama actually Maitreya ? Or (2) just inspired by Maitreya ?

A. (1) No, Mr Obama is absolutely not Maitreya. (2) I doubt that Mr Obama has ever heard of Maitreya. He may well be inspired by the ideas which have emanated from Maitreya over the years. These have been articulated by Share International for many years and are now being repeated by more and more people as the economic crash, predicted by Maitreya long ago, becomes a reality. Maitreya has waited until now to come forward openly because only now has the impending crash come to fruition, thus bringing many people – one of them, hopefully, Mr Obama – to see the reality of the need to change direction.

[edit on 4-9-2009 by dnaobs]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by dominuz
Dude im sorry to said but those pictures doesn't looks simillar at all

Is like saying that Charles Chaplin looks like Hitler just because of his moustache

Yeh I agree now that i've had a closer look... but still... Maitreya can supposedly appear as anything he wishes... like he kinda has the ability to shapshift or something... so he could have changed his appearance slightly from what Obama looked like back in 88.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by dnaobs
I used think there might be somethin to benjamin creme's maitreya, but he's been all talk for over 20 years now!
and according the the share international man himself obama is not maitreya.

Well Benjamin Creme is of his father the devil, and LIES frequently, so of course he is going to try to mislead about Maitreyas identity, to try and keep their agenda secret until the right time.

And I believe that Satan has wanted to launch his plan much sooner, ie 20 years ago, but has been blocked by the true God, because the true God is working on His own timetable. Also Benjamin Creme is a false prophet, so he will get his prophecies wrong, but I believe we are now at the time for the emergence of Antichrist.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: savetimerushonline
Is Barack Obama really the New Agers and Occultists long awaited Masonic Christ?

Why was their a massive MASONIC BALL held in his honour straight after his Inaugeration ?

Will he be the one the Bible calls the Antichrist, and lead humanity into the NEW WORLD ORDER ?

Ok I just wanna raise attention to a few things I have recently discovered that could point to Barack Obama being the Maitreya spoken of by Benjamin Creme.

Who is Maitreya?

Now first off their is the report that apparently made headlines around the world of Maitreya appearing in a village in Kenya to 6000 people as Jesus Christ. The date of this alleged appearance was June 11th 1988.

Maitreya's appearance in Kenya in June 1988

Ok... so this theory of Barack Obama being Maitreya would gain alot more credibility if Mr.Obama was in Kenya around the same time as the Maitreya Kenyan appearance right? Well funnily enough that's exactly where our old buddy Obama was...

In mid 1988, Barack traveled to Kenya, spending five weeks there. During his Kenya visit, Obama met several of his paternal relatives for the first time.

Hmmm very interesting indeed! But of course the young Obama back in 1988 looked nothing like the pictures of Maitreya taken at the Kenyan appearance right? Well take a look for your self...

Ok now after taking into consideration that the grain of the photos are different, and that the facial expressions are slightly different and taken at different angles, I am under the impression that Maitreya as he appeared in 1988 and Barry or Barack Obama are indeed the same person.

Now lets move on to some other interesting similarities between these two.

Benjamin Creme has repeatedly said in his News Letters at that before Maitreya openly reveals his true identity he would enter the world stage as a man calling for wait for it... CHANGE! Now lets see... what was Barack Obamas entire campaign centered on? THE NEED FOR CHANGE !

Benjamin Creme also said that their would be many many people opposed to Maitreyas ideas at first, which is exactly what we are seeing unfold now with Obamas popularity beginning to shrink, as people fear he is leading the world down a path to Socialism.

Now keep in mind that the whole message of Maitreya is to SHARE... or in other words to spread the wealth around, which is exactly the same thing Obama stands for. It's really just a fancy way of saying global socialism where the middle class would be erradicated.

Also why was their so much hype about Obama being the Messiah, with many New Age people using some very Occultic language when describing Obama?

Some were calling him an evolved being that has come to lead humanity into the New Order (aka New World Order).. Others such as Nation of Islam' leader, Louis Farrakhan openly proclaimed that Barack is the Messiah, and New Ager Oprah declared him 'THE ONE'. Their were many more reports of such descriptions of Obama.

Just after Obama won the election, Share International made the announcement that a star has appeared in the sky, heralding the arrival of the CHRIST, in much the same way that the star in Bethlehem led the wise men to the baby Jesus... Is it a coincidence that shortly after Obama was Inaugerated as the first truly global president?

There is sooooooooo much more I could write about this, but I think that will do for now, and if anyone has any thing more to add, please FEEL FREE!

News coming on this front, if it's not suppressed. Stay tuned!

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 08:06 AM
Alice Bailey stated the externalisation of the hierarchy is set for 2025

Thus a great and new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025. During the years intervening between now and then very great changes will be seen taking place, and at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy—held as usual every century—in 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalisation of the Hierarchy

Ex ternalisation of the hierarchy By Alice Bailey

edit on 21-6-2022 by Flynnstudio because: (no reason given)


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