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Purdue tower1 crash sim missing vital info. Why?

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posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by billybob

he pointed out that the wing spars are also very strong. although there are made of composite, the composite must resist extreme force, obviously, while in flight at near mach speeds. so, these wing spars should be considered in any argument concerning the strength of the wings.

The wing spars on a 767 are 7075-T6 aluminum, not composite.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by turbofan

Why would I want to change that statement?

Maybe I should add the mass of the building (since it was connected) to
account for interia?

Explain it Treb.

As for the aircraft: you would have to imagine an entire floor section
launched at the wing tips at 500+ MPH.

We'll just let you stew in the brilliance of your P4T Physics with regards to the above statement when kinetic energy is calculated for 150 tons of aircraft (including upwards of 35 tons (70,000 lbs) of titanium, steel and other dense heavy metals spread all throughout the aircraft) moving at 750 feet per second as it impacts a lattice-work of steel spandrels, 3/8’ in thickness, welded together, with a supporting box of 14” square (made of the aforementioned 3/8” steel) with 26” of glass window between the spandrels.

Your example is absurd. Kinetic energy is why a pumpkin can penetrate denser, stronger metals. Turn that pumpkin into an aircraft wing with 8,520 lbs of Jet-A in it (a little over 4 tons), add in the static weight of a 55' long 757 wing, accelerate it up to the speeds it was traveling - again, I'll let you calculate the resultant kinetic energy involved - and your example is even more absurd.

THAT is P4T in a nutshell.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by trebor451]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by billybob
in the "scientifically accurate" purdue sim, notice thin sheets of shredded wavy aluminum cutting or passing through core columns.

There's not even a residue of possiblility of sheet aluminum cutting a core column. Passing through, possibly. There naturally are open spaces between the columns that the aluminum pieces can make their way through.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:53 PM
Just by looking at that video I can tell they have poor collision detection. Pieces of the plane are just floating through solid steel. I would also add that modeling the fuel or liquid would mean the simulator would need an algorithm for calculating fluid dynamics. If the simulator is lacking in descent collision detection as well as fluid dynamics calculations then it's not really a descent simulation of the event.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by cloakndagger]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

i know. that's what i'm saying.
if you watch the "high fidelity, scientifically accurate" simulation video from purdue (how many times does the guy have to say "hi fidelity" and "scientifically accurate" about the video? you'd think once would be too many for a REAL scientist), they show the thin aluminum skin of the aircraft after it has ripped off the aircraft. a big sheet of it is flapping like a flag as it takes out core column after core column.
that's about as scientifically accurate as "back to the future".
there is simply no way in hell that aluminum sheets can cut through steel. the robust underbelly frame, and the wing spars, , landing gear, the engines and the apu could do something, but the rest of it would've folded like a cheap shirt against the core. certainly the outer skin could not cut anything.
there is nothing "scientifically accurate" about purdue's model. it's a cartoon. good physics for a video game, but not for a real life simulation.

they would need to actually model the plane's frame and contents, not just the shell with engines and the fuel. and, then , they would need to put all the things in the core that were in the core, like elevator doors, walls (which could have been marble, or wood, or whatever the design of that floor was), staircases and escalators (some floors had these in addition to elevators, and office furniture and partitions.

also, they show all this left over plane coming through the other side of the building, and, that didn't happen, either.

wile e. coyote's contraptions are about as physically accurate as this purdue sim.

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