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State changes tests for swine flu

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posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 09:50 AM

TOPEKA, Kansas (AP) - The Kansas Department of Health and Environment says it's changing the way it tests for the swine flu virus.

Link to Source

The state is no longer accepting specimens from everyone who sees a doctor with symptoms.

Health officials say they will collect specimens from hospitalized patients and a limited number of specimens from clinics and hospitals that are submitting weekly information on patients with flu-like symptoms.

The State of Kansas says they aren't going to be doing as many tests any more. I don't think I like that. It's going to lead to misreported numbers of infection. The numbers will end up like the unemployment figures, misreported for an agenda. Here is the part that bothered me the most.

Dr. Jason Eberhart-Phillips, state health officer, says even testing random samples from the clinics and hospitals will stretch the state's lab capacity this fall and winter.

He says for patients who see their own doctors, confirming a case of swine flu would not affect the treatment and advice given to the patients.

Apparently, the state health officer says that swine flu is not going to be treated any differently than any OTHER flu. This sort of reinforces the thought that the Swine flu is just a lot of hype.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 10:40 AM
They stopped lab testing in the UK a while ago. Now you turn up at the doctor with flu-like symptoms and they pronounce it swine flu, prescribe some Tamiflu and mark it on the infected numbers.

All the infected numbers over here have been made up for a while. Not surprised America is going the same way.

It's the perfect plan! Engineer a virus with symptoms similar to a common virus. Tell everyone they've got it without even checking. Over inflate the statistics. Then hit them all with a useless vaccine that does more bad than good.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 06:32 PM
Yep Im in Missouri. We just got a paper home from my kids school this week that a child was confirmed with Influenza A and suspected H1N1. After checking around a bit, I am finding that they are just going to assume from here on out that if a child has influenza A they have H1N1, and treat it as such.

Well, here is our story. The end of last weekend/begining of this week, my oldest gets a sore throat. It turns into what we think is a bad cold. Middle of this week he has a wonderfull sounding cough and my other two kids are now comming down with this nasty 'cold'. My other two kids (the elementary school kids) come home with letter. Yesterday, my husband starts to come down with it. Today my son that came home with the letter says that every single one of the kids in his class have this 'cold'. This evening, my oldest, the first to get this 'cold' has developed a fever. My other two have low grade fevers, my husband is feeling more like crap by the hour, and now I feel like crap and also am developing a low grade fever.

Considering how this moving, I seriously doubt there will be many kids in school next week.

Symptom wise, this is like the typical flu so far. If their coughs get any worse we will be visiting the Dr. BUT HOLY COW does it spread like wildfire!

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by mrsdudara

Because is to early for the seasonal flu I guess you got the swine one, let us know how it progress and how it compare to the seasonal flu.

I am sure you and your family will get over this with not other complications, at least now if is the swine flu you bodies will have antibodies to fight anything that can come next.

Take care and take care of your family, by all means the worst of the swine is the upper respiratory infections and fever, don't wait until too late to visit your doctor, better safe than sorry specially for the littler ones watch their symptoms closely.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Thanks marg. I will be sure to get me and mine to the Dr. as soon as necessary. I might take my daughter tomorow. Her cough is starting to sound like the onset of pnemonia, her eyes are getting dark, and its starting to affect her tummy. Poor thing she will be 6 next month. I hate it when little ones get sick. As for my boys, they are starting to get glassy eyed and have a nagging cough. My poor hubby has the same symptoms my oldest had a week ago, but 10x's worse.

It has taken its time knocking down my kiddos, but it seems to have hit me like a big Mac truck. My whole body hurts.

I worry about my oldest because he was hospitalized with a bad case of RSV when he was 6 weeks old. Luckly he does not have asthma as a result, but he does not do well with upper resp. illnesses.

Also going to point out that I am a germaphobe and I took every percaution I could. This is the first time my whole family has come down sick with the same thing, not to mention have it at the same time!

CURSE YOU WHO for starting this whole thing
sorry couldnt resist.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 04:36 PM
Ok, cool thought I would update. We did not end up having the swine flu. Had to take the kiddos to the Dr. because they were coughing so bad, but it ended up being something else. Dr. did say though that they have had some cases in, and the swine flu now is so mild that he wishes he could catch it so that when it mutates and does become something nasty he could be immune. Good plan Doc, now if I could just find someone with the swine flu.......

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:39 PM
I just want to remind everyone just how the flu is spread.

Everyone is running around talking about surgical mask and breathing contaminated air and they are wrong and that is why it is spreading so fast.

The flu regardless to the type is spread by "droplets". If you are across the room from a person with the flu and he coughs or sneezes you more than likely will not pick up the virus from the air but if you touch the doorknob that he touched on the way into the room then you have a better chance of getting it.

Children are very poor at washing their hands and they touch everything within their reach.

Of course you want to try to stay at least 6 feet away from anyone that is coughing and sneezing but your best bet from keeping flu free is to wash your hands before putting them in your face or putting anything in your mouth but most of all you should be washing your hands on a regular basis just to be safe.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

That reminds me of this cooky lady we saw in the hospital. She, like everyone else was given a mask to wear. I kid you not, she took it off to cough and sneeze, then wiped her hands on the arm of the chair. But good lordy she kept putting that mask back on like it was her life line.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by KSPigpen

...The State of Kansas says they aren't going to be doing as many tests any more. I don't think I like that. It's going to lead to misreported numbers of infection. The numbers will end up like the unemployment figures, misreported for an agenda. Here is the part that bothered me the most.

The data is already skewed.

A few months ago, I predicted on my clan's gaming forum that the CDC and WHO would eventually reach lab saturation and would change their reporting/testing requirements. This happened about the 3rd of July. You can see it in a plot made from the WHO data located at ,


The red line is a plot of the reported cases, and the blue line is an extension of the growth rate up until 3 July. (blue = a projection)

This also allows you to see an interesting effect due to the less stringent reporting requirements. As the number of actual cases becomes less and less accurate, the mortality rate will seem to climb since it is based on known infections verses deaths.

In the following graph, you will note that the death rate got to about 0.416% before starting it's slow climb. For comparison, the Wikipedia reported death rates for two other pandemics are also noted.


[edit on 14-9-2009 by RoofMonkey]

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