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posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 10:36 PM
I was doing my nightly searches and I came across an article as shown below...

This intrigued me to look a little further...

Then I get this.... I ok'd the site...

after It would not let me visit the site I tried to copy/paste the site directly and I get the nice Error 500

I know this maybe nothing, but would any of you know any more info about this?

[edit on 3-9-2009 by TrainDispatcher]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 12:17 AM
that site is an antivirus2009 attack site. it will load malware and trojans from the Vundo virii collection on your pc.

upon clicking the red x or OK it will automaticaly launch.

it really is a bad site.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 12:23 AM
Bah stay away from the site if you got a warning about a virus man, just google it...

The link in the OP apparently isn't the only site that is throwing up the fake virus alert crap, be careful. When that warning window pops up, hit control alt delete and end task for IExplorer, DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING, even 'cancel' in the little box that pops up or you get a virus.

Very Very Odd that so many links about Leon Fuerth have this virus crap on them.

[edit on 4-9-2009 by twitchy]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by twitchy

The link in the OP apparently isn't the only site that is throwing up the fake virus alert crap, be careful. When that warning window pops up, hit control alt delete and end task for IExplorer, DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING, even 'cancel' in the little box that pops up or you get a virus.

It's more sinister than that. I've encountered cases where the red warning isn't due to an infected web site, but due to an infected computer trying to access the web site. It seems to install a browser redirector that forces the second or third web page being visited to display that mesage.
It doesn't matter whether you're visiting a conspiracy web site, CNN, or even Google. It will still display the message and try to trick the user into installing scamware.

This scheme is actually the payload from *another* virus (ZLOB, I think). Download MalwareBytes ( which is a free (or at least, free for you) utility that will get rid of it. You may need to download the program using another computer, as that red warning page will probably pop up continuously and prevent you from accessing anything.

Yes, I know this has nothing to do with the topic, I mention it becuase it's a public service announcement. I can't stand seeing a poor defenseless computer suffer.

[edit on 4-9-2009 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 10:05 AM
Speculation about Leon Feurth and the planning of 9/11 can be obtained by googling Leon Feurth 9/11. I think the information you were looking for first appeared on the website This site is now

They were run out of Canada a couple of years ago. They had a radio program in Toronto that ran an interview with the former German cabinet minister, Andreas von Bulow who said that he thought 9/11 was an inside job. A week later they were off the air.

Then their website was repeatedly hacked and they had to move to a German server.

Lenny Bloom a helicopter pilot who flew clandestine missions for government agencies in the Carribean, is the guy behind cloackanddagger. He used to have Sherman Skolnick as a co-host, until Mr. Skolnick passed away. They often had a guy calling himself "Tom of Venice", on, who I think was actually Tom Flocco.

The radio program was chaotic but really dished some dirt. One of "Tom's" trademark phrases was "the Cinton Bush crime family". For Canada that's pretty forthright. These guys didn't last long here but they were a lot of fun to listen to.

On their last program they said that they had news from sources inside the Whitehouse that their program had been axed as part of a much larger deal between the Canadian and American governments, to get Canada back into reconstruction contracts in Iraq. Canada, not being part of the invasion of Iraq had been frozen out of those contracts by President Bush.

[edit on 4-9-2009 by ipsedixit]

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