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Latest Glenn Beck 911 Disinfo Rant about truthers

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posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:09 PM
Is anyone watching Fox News this afternoon? This latest episode is a real gem as the Perps who control Fox have once again sent in their shill agent maggot Glenn Beck for another dose of 9/11 damage control attempting to further discredit and ridicule the truth movement by linking an Obama advisor VAN JONES to 9/11 TRUTHERS.

Can anyone find or create a YouTube Clip of todays show?

This is an excellent example of the type of brainwashing and manipulation of the FACTS of 9/11 going on throughout the MSM, in particular FOX NEWS, thats responsible for why MOST have such a retarded concept, confusion and lack of knowledge of 9/11.

They continue to perpetuate the ignorance, cherry pick the evidence, twist it, and use the absolute worst representatives/Pseudo Truthers or sites out there that claim to be TRUTHERS who either lack the ability to properly articulate the evidence, or have failed themselves to understand it.

With another anniversary of September 11th approaching, and the truth movement gaining more and more strength spreading like a virus exponentially across the planet, its no wonder we're seeing the MSM stepping up the damage control and the shills frantically coming out of the woodwork.

So the main problem I have as it relates to VJ and GB/fox, is Becks attempt to judge the Truth Movement based on both VJ's opinions/statements about 911 and the cherry picking of the most obscure and twisted views from some random or radical pseudo 911 site that doesn't even remotely reflect or contain the most basic significant bullet points/questions regarding 911 such as WTC7, CD, Missing/edited Frames in the PENT footage etc etc etc. He's linking pseudo sites and Van Jones who don't have much of a clue as to the REAL ARGUMENTS and EVIDENCE driving the TM. The only arguments he focuses on is an OLD and faulty logic the TM doesn't even really use that the BUSH ADMIN "ALLOWED" 911 TO HAPPEN!

WTF? REAAAAAAALY! NOT ONCE HAS THIS "MOUTHPIECE OF TRUTH" from Fox discussed or SHOWN a clip of WTC7's collapse which anyone with a brain can blatantly see is a CONTROLLED DEMO. pffffffff

Imo GB is well aware of his role or in denial and nothing more than an accomplice to the Perps... and its for that reason he has no credibilty and I've lost all respect for him. At the very least he's a truly dispicable human robot tool who will in the future join the growing list of 911 criminals as the Perps are exposed and put on trial one by one. If Becks attack is just based on ignorance or denial, then I am much more willing to give him leeway. However, Glenn aint stupid... you can't tell me he doesn't have the brains or ACCESS to seek out the truth and find the MOUNTAINS of EVIDENCE or QUESTIONS surrounding 911 that goes FAR BEYOND the idiotic argument about how the US GOV supposedly LET 911 HAPPEN... THATS NOT THE ARGUMENT THE TM is based upon... to say it is, is disingenuous and TRADEMARK LOGIC of the disinfo agents, shills and Perps.

the US GOV and BUSH admin didn't just LET it happen, THEY PLANNED AND PERPETRATED IT.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by Orion7911]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Orion7911

I saw parts of it, even heard him mention the "truthers". But iCarly came on and my 6 year old had to watch

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Orion7911
Is anyone watching Fox News this afternoon? This latest episode is a real gem as the Perps who control Fox have once again sent in their shill agent maggot Glenn Beck for another dose of 9/11 damage control attempting to further discredit and ridicule the truth movement by linking an Obama advisor VAN JONES to 9/11 TRUTHERS.

Can anyone find or create a YouTube Clip of todays show?

This is an excellent example of the type of brainwashing and manipulation of the FACTS of 9/11 going on throughout the MSM, in particular FOX NEWS, thats responsible for why MOST have such a retarded concept, confusion and lack of knowledge of 9/11.

They continue to perpetuate the ignorance, cherry pick the evidence, twist it, and use the absolute worst representatives out there who claim to be TRUTHERS.

With another anniversary of September 11th approaching, and the truth movement gaining more and more strength spreading like a virus exponentially across the planet, its no wonder we're seeing the MSM stepping up the damage control and the shills frantically coming out of the woodwork.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by Orion7911]

Now I am going to play Devils Advocate, and please do not take this offensively, and if I offend, please forgive me.
I did watch Glenn Beck today as I do find his commentary to be something to look at and think about. Even though he appears to be going right after the advisors that are picked by Obama, and do not require congretional approval, the ultimate question is this: Who exactly are these advisors and does the President Obama know about their back ground, and infact does anyone for that matter.
Van Jones, based off of what is stated, and from what I could dig up is not a person who I would have even considered to be someone who should not be advising the President of the United States. Glenn may not like the 911 truthers, but his ultimate point is that if you are going to be advising the President of the United States, and believed that 9/11 was an inside job, would you not let it be known that part of your time will be spent finding out who knew what and why such was not disclosed to the public and in conference with the Justice department on such? Ultimately that was the point on that part of program. Now I am going to ignore some things that is reported about Van Jones, don't care about his politcal party affiliation, and I am glad that he is such an activist. However his blanket statements that he has made, that he has stated is such that gives pause to think that maybe he needs to be looked at and have the public ask, who is this man and what qualifications does he have to advise the President of the United States.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:42 PM
Actually Glenn was asking why a Truther could work for the government, and so closely to the President.

He also made it very clear it was about how the people who Vetted Van Jones didnt do a very good job.

I knew a post like yours was going to pop up. Sure it makes the Truthers look a little bad but the whole point of the episode was to point out that our president has radicals and nut-jobs working close to him.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:54 PM
It wasn't an attack on Truthers as much as it was a question of a) why one would work with the government who allegedly allowed/caused 9/11 and b) who the President has in his inner circle and c) does the President really know these people in his inner circle.

These people are not accountable to anyone......but, we still need to know who they are, what they stand for, who vetted them, and if the President knows them, because they are the ones making all the decisions in DC.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:41 PM
Glenn Beck doesn't want to admit 9/11 was an inside job, just like Ron Paul he said he wants a new investigation . just imagined of Dr Paul said 9/11 was an inside job, his Audit the fed bill wouldn't of passed would it now?

Also sean hannity and Alan Colmes admitted on live TV they don't believe the the official version of the story

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by dino1989
Glenn Beck doesn't want to admit 9/11 was an inside job, just like Ron Paul he said he wants a new investigation . just imagined of Dr Paul said 9/11 was an inside job, his Audit the fed bill wouldn't of passed would it now?

Also sean hannity and Alan Colmes admitted on live TV they don't believe the the official version of the story

Realllllllly... Hannity doesn't believe the official version? What does that mean?

Pretty vague if you ask me since I've heard Hannity attack Truthers far worse than Beck... In fact, imo, Hannity makes Beck look like an angel.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Orion7911

here you go dude

also Sky news admitted they want a new investigation, let me see if i can find the link

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by dino1989

Don't defend shills. You make yourself look bad and disgustingly partisan. They don't like you, they do not like your theories, and they don't care about you. Beck is walking nonsense. Also, I have seen Hannity literally belittle a mad on television for claiming that the 9/11 official story might not be truth. Take it elsewhere because around these parts, you are supposed to deny ignorance.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

yeah he made fun of the truth movement back in 2004-2006 era , now he admitted it he doesn't buy the official story

look dude these are people just humans , they will eventually look at the facts and make up there own mind , do you really think mainstream media in controlled ?

[edit on 3-9-2009 by dino1989]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

I just had to say that your reply is right on target.

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