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Who turned off the Chemtrails?

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posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

This raw data you speak of, are you the interpreter or do you have computer programs that do all the analyzing then pop out the answers you are seeking? Why is your accuracy better than the TV weatherman's?

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
reply to post by OzWeatherman

This raw data you speak of, are you the interpreter or do you have computer programs that do all the analyzing then pop out the answers you are seeking? Why is your accuracy better than the TV weatherman's?

Both, I recieve raw data from a weather balloon, which is interpolated by a computer. Using that data, its easy to see what the upper weather conditions are doing.

Also, I dont know about what its like in your country, but over here in Australia, our TV weathermen arent meteorologists or forecasters, they are only journalists. They get their data from where I work, Bureau of Meteorology, and are forecasts over here are fairly accurate. The reason the forecast is often not right is due to the rapid ability of the weather to change, hence, the twice a day weather balloon flights

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

You must have an interesting job. From your response I suspect that even you guys in the know are not always on the same page? Data interpretation-wise?

Our weather forecasters say they are meteorologists but their forecasts are put together using Doppler Radar (they say). The last time I watched a weather forecast, the youthful guy in front of the camera actually told us that "today, we are having generic rain". I'm no idiot despite my lack of knowledge in certain areas. In 48 years, that is the first time I ever heard of "generic rain". How entertaining!

Anyway, if I could get a job where my accuracy is not required, say like a weather forecaster, my life would be set.

I appreciate you answering my questions. You deserve respect but I suspect that your knowledge is not impartial, nor are your conclusions, IMHO. I will admit you know more than I do about weather.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
reply to post by OzWeatherman

You must have an interesting job. From your response I suspect that even you guys in the know are not always on the same page? Data interpretation-wise?

Well data interpretation we are, but making forecasts using the data depends on who the duty forecaster is. In my organisation we actually monitor the quality of the forecasts to see when we were wrong. Last time I checked it was roughly around 92% correct

Our weather forecasters say they are meteorologists but their forecasts are put together using Doppler Radar (they say). The last time I watched a weather forecast, the youthful guy in front of the camera actually told us that "today, we are having generic rain". I'm no idiot despite my lack of knowledge in certain areas. In 48 years, that is the first time I ever heard of "generic rain". How entertaining!

The doppler radar isnt used for forecasting, unless its an extremely short term forecast for wind speed or rain. It isnt really useful for anything else but looking at the current weather conditions.

Generic Rain???Lol, Ive never heard that term either

I appreciate you answering my questions. You deserve respect but I suspect that your knowledge is not impartial, nor are your conclusions, IMHO. I will admit you know more than I do about weather.

Thanks for the kind words

[edit on 3/9/2009 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 08:51 AM
The truth of it is that no one can 100% predict mother nature. Sure we can take the data, crunch the numbers and come up with a probable scenario with the weather but that can change at a moments notice and usually the amendments to the forecast change but not instantly. The new data has to be received and crunched again then updated.

I have to say that for the most part, the forecasts are very accurate but again, things can change very quickly.

I know a few TV weathermen that actually do work for Environment Canada but again its not a perfect science.

If we could be 100% right all the time that would be great but thats not going to happen.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 11:12 AM
They are back on today, and there has been no change in the weather....

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 11:20 AM
I find the chemtrail stuff extremely humorous. Hmm, dry conditions and "they have stopped spraying". Yeah, because they weren't spraying to begin with, the conditions for contrails don't exist.

I live in bay area cali, and where I live is usually low moisture in the air. Guess what? I rarely if ever see even a contrail. We get them from time to time, just like we get rain from time to time. But I guess it's just coincidence?

Sky is bluer? Well could that be because there is less moisture in the air, and the haze from before was the moisture?

Now I'm sure they do things from time to time and such. But this entire spraying on a daily basis to kill people is just utter nonsense. If you think that is what they are doing, then you have no real clue at all what their game is.

Humans are the planets greatest resource. "They" think of you as a resource, as a number, or like cattle. They aren't going to kill everyone off, if anything it will be selective. Ranchers don't go prodding the cows that stay in line, nor do they prod the entire herd for the actions of a single cow.

There are so many valid things "they" do it's really kind of pathetic that people waste their time on such a topic. Just look at all the stuff they do in the open, any of those are good provable things to fix.

Where are your critical thinking skills? Even if that was their goal, they are going to do it in a better and more effective manner.

And if there actually are chemtrails, it's never going to be known if this type of thinking is what people looking into the topic have. Why? Because you can't even tell the difference between contrails and chemtrails. It's about like everyone who see's a light on youtube screaming alien.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by van001
I live in Southwestern Pa, Pittsburgh to be specific. Home of this years G20. Hooray. For the last couple of weeks I have not noticed one line in the sky, when most days I lose count at how many I see...subsequently I have seen some of the bluest skies in all that I can remember.

I must say I agree with your observations !

Here in Ann Arbor, MI, there have been virtually no 'jet-trails' at all for the past few weeks, except for a single day last week when I saw and photographed a few. Those photos and my description are posted in Oz's thread ...

Normally we see them all the time here, and in great abundance. When the upper altitude winds are right we are right on an approach path to DTO, a huge international and domestic airline hub ...

It's interesting that our conditions here seem to be so similar to what you describe over in PA, at least 500 miles to the east ...

I am trying to get 'up to speed' on the 'con-trail science' and there's a lot to understand.

One of the things I have noticed here is that some individuals definately seem to have their minds already made up concerning whether or not 'chem-trails' are real ...

IMHO, that issue is already closed -- the US govt and others besides have already admitted they are engaged in currently ongoing weather modification programs.

Much of the 'debate' here seems to be centered around whether or not 'proof' exists regarding the use of 'dangerous substances' in these weather modification programs ...

Many believe the 'spraying' is a direct 'chemical attack' on the general population ...

I myself remain open on that issue. My own inclination is that it would be a lot easier ( and cheaper ) for govts to carry out such an 'attack' by 'spiking' the water with whatever.

On the other hand, if their goal was to 'turn off' food production, and 'further disrupt' ecosystems, say, by killing off the bees for instance, so as to tighten an 'iron grip' of control on populations, then that would seem a plausible justification for govts to maintain such hugely expensive 'high altitude spraying' programs ...

As I say, I haven't taken any 'position' on this aspect of the situation. In my view the jury is still out. For example there are many possible reasons why the bee populations have been decimated, and we, at least here in the US, are not seeing any food shortages as a 'direct result' of the loss of honeybees ... ( yet )

Anyway, just my two-cents, or since this post was so long, maybe four ...

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by visible_villain

I think they probably do try to modify weather and all sorts of crazy things. Personally, it just bugs me when people think each and everything they see is a chem trail and act like they are being murdered. Like it's an ongoing daily process

They are like boys who cry wolf. It reminds me of people who see the virgin Mary on potato chips. Completely "clouds" the topic.

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