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Controversial New 9/11 Ad (must see)

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posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Extremely poor taste. 3,000 people were murdered on 9/11 (no matter which version of events you believe) and that makes it far worse than 3,000 people being killed by an act of nature. The fact that more people may have died in another event doesn't make it right - this isn't a competition, for heavens sake!

I'm sorry, but if you don't find this image even remotely insensitive then your moral compass is well and truly FUBAR.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by Curio]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Curio

Last I checked human beings ARE an act of nature, one might even say humanity is the worst Natural Disaster in history.

I'm unsure how a life murdered can be considered more valuable or heartbreaking than a life lost in a horrific disaster.

Are you saying just because the deaths during the Tsunami weren't caused my men that somehow diminishes the loss or tragedy?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:45 PM
Should have been:

The Tsunami Wasn't a Black Op.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:49 PM
Calm down. That is what I have thought about also, 9/11 killed only 3,000 people which is nothing compared to main other disasters. We are just sensitive about it because it happened on our soil and in the middle of one of our biggest cities, which showed us that we are still vulnerable. If a bomb went off in India and killed 3,000 people, everyone would say it was tragic but they wouldn't care if a poster like that was made about it because they can't relate to the victims.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull

Last I checked human beings ARE an act of nature, one might even say humanity is the worst Natural Disaster in history.

Spare me the clumsy pseudo-philosophy, please.

I'm unsure how a life murdered can be considered more valuable or heartbreaking than a life lost in a horrific disaster.

It's more shocking and harder to recover from; the knowledge that innocent people were killed in a cold-blooded and calculated fashion is far more disturbing.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Any idiot who compares an act of terror to a natural disaster obviously has some agenda at hand. This is a completely offensive ad, no matter how you slice it. I'm totally amazed at some of the posts I've read. Sickened, is more like it.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Curio

More disturbing perhaps but no less sad but then again in the case of 911 there are plenty to point fingers at (terrorists, government who knew it was coming and did nothing to stop it), there are people to blame.

One thing we shouldn't do is become bitter or be angry at every little mention of the attacks that we deem disrespectful.

If we're going to be angry let's be angry at the people who committed the horrific acts that day, not some ad trying to make a point about how many more people died in the Tsunami. And if we're not going to get angry and do something about the morons in office who allowed 911 to happen and then stole our freedom then let's stop the charade now and stop getting offended when someone brings up the attacks...

No, instead we kept all the anger and let it direct them down this self-destructive path, we left the same old politicians and corrupt financial powers in charge and let the terrorists get away (those that hadn't already blown themselves up), we sold our freedom for the illusion of safety and then invaded two nations who had nothing to do with the attacks... Now after all that we get offended over a simple Advertisement

Seems us Americans will only get truly angry and passionate about something if it involves complaining from our keyboards...

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:13 PM
I understand the concept of this ad but ...
What I don't understand is why they would do it at the expense of another countries loss.
I mean. Who is the target audience of this ad?

Are there that many people out there that see the US as a bunch of overreacting drama queens when it comes to 9/11 that this ad is justified to them?

Regardless of the obvious point the ad's creators are trying to make, I would love to know what the real purpose of it was...

[edit on 2-9-2009 by xEphon]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by xEphon

Regardless of the obvious point the ad's creators are trying to make, I would love to know what the real purpose of it was...

[edit on 2-9-2009 by xEphon]

The purpose is quite simple, if it is being made for WWF it is looking at the environment. What it is saying is that the environment kills many more people than the terrorists, we are willing to go after the terrorists, but not so willing to look after our environment. It would be much easier to reduce the deaths from environmental disaster than it would be to stop terrorism (after all you kill one terrorist more will crop up, we will always have war until humanity is willing to accept difference).

Put more money into this area rather than the military and war, upgrade warning systems etc. Look after our environment, research what factors we could change to help prevent these disasters.

Simply put the environment is more powerful than any act of man, we should respect it.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by Mattieon]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:38 PM
I think the ad is all about perspective.. if you find it offensive, maybe it's because you don't have any?. 9.11 was a sad, terrible event, but there are so many other things happening in our world that are just as bad, or worse. Things we can prevent, like children dying from hunger worldwide, every single day. 16000 children a day die from hunger.

That's just *children*. Dying from something that's completely preventable. If we'd put all the money that's gone into anti-terrorism, war propagation, etc, into feeding the hungry, and finding better ways to feed the hungry, in just one day we'd save over five times as many lives as were lost on 9/11.

You think that ad's offensive? I find dead children more offensive, sorry.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Mattieon

So what are you saying - we need to put money into anti-tsunami technology? The US provided all kinds of aid to the areas that got hit by the tsunami - I know because within 2 days I was helping in Thailand and a week later was helping with aid in Sri Lanka. The US also helped fund the tsunami warning system expansion so that all areas in the region get some warning that a tsunami is approaching.

The poster has no real point. There were more deaths in the tsunami than on 9/11. And your point is......what? What does it have to do with WWF and their goal of "living in harmony with nature?"

[edit on 2-9-2009 by bagari]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by bagari
reply to post by Mattieon

Exactly. The poster has no real point. There were more deaths in the tsunami than on 9/11. And your point is......what? What does it have to do with WWF and their goal of "living in harmony with nature?"

Sorry did you read my post at all, take money away from war and put it into the environment and disaster prevention. I think I made that pretty obvious .

Umm the amount of help provided to the tsunami is worthless compared to the useless money spent on a war that has done nothing but spread violence.

Are you saying that the only time the environment needs money is AFTER a disaster happens? The environment deserves a lot more money put into it than any war or disaster, after all we seem to take for granted that it sustains all of our lives when we really only take from it.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by Mattieon]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:50 PM
It does not matter what your viewpoint is on 9/11 or the environment, whoever made this is a piece of human waste.

It's one thing to want no war and a clean environment it is another thing altogether to purposefully offend the families and friends of victims of either to get attention.

Attention is what this really about. Somebody so insecure in themselves they would do anything to get attention. A week from now the poster will be forgotten. It is meaningless.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:03 AM
Aren't the ideas of adverts to get attention.

In today's world people seem to get offended by anything, it's going to happen, people need to stop being so overly sensitive. We seem to want to be sheltered from all the mean and horrible things, get over it, it just can't happen. We can't just say 'well this subject may cause offense lets just send it to oblivion and never bring it up again', people need to move on and stop dwelling on things so much, death is a part of life accept it and you will be all the better for it.

I am truly sorry if you lost someone on 9/11, but people lose people everyday, move on and live your life. It's been 8 years that's 10% of the average life span time to move on, or just waste the rest of your life if you want, but don't push your grieving on to people who have moved on.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:03 AM
Great ad (the video ad is better than the picture), great message, 5 out of 5 stars! I'm jealous I didn't think of this! If the video ad got even a little airtime in the US, it's message would have been remembered for ten years. People think that 9/11 killed many people, but what about the 2005 tsunami?

Anyway, it's just creativity, people. Their using their creative license. I heard that, right after 9/11, '24' cut a scene from their show because it involved a crashing airplane. I don't think people should edit their art because of things occurring in modern times. (And, yes, television shows, movies, ads, and etc. are forms of art.)

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 01:01 AM
What this add shows is “IGNORANCE”, “LACK OF TASTE, “LACK OF RESPECT” for the victims of 9/11, “HATE FOR THE UNITED STATES”. And “LACK OF SENSIBILITY”.

And Mattieon my friend, you are lost on WW2 and it´s ending.
Those viewpoints on the atomic bombs used to end WW2 are typical of people who ignore how WW2 played out.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by rush969
And Mattieon my friend, you are lost on WW2 and it´s ending.
Those viewpoints on the atomic bombs used to end WW2 are typical of people who ignore how WW2 played out.

Care to explain?

Still my point is that America has done many things worse than anything these terrorists have done. After all contrary to popular belief, there are reasons for terrorists attacks, and no it's not they just hate Americans.

And ignorance in the poster, I see more ignorance in this thread. The poster is trying to destroy ignorance towards the environment, which imo it should be commended for. As I said before humans seem to forget there is way more to the universe than ourselves.

Hate for the united states- I don't see that, but if you mean that it is saying 'hay america you aren't the centre of the universe' definitely.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by Mattieon]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:49 AM
World Wildlife Fund? You mean the Eugenics Society with a different name, aimed at wiping out the population under the guise of "environmentalism"?

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:04 AM
i cant believe what i have just read on some of the posts on here
how some of you can actually sit there and compare body counts on which is the worst disaster!!!!! a disaster is a disaster at the end of the day whether 100 deaths or a 1000,and if you are a family member that lost anybody in any tradgedy to have to walk around and see it advertised or to hear people compair their lost ones with others must be crushing!!! and how you can tell people to just get over it and move on is horrifying,if i was one of those family members and you came up to me compairing which death was worse i would slap the stupidity out of you!!!!

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:45 AM
Calm down everyone - I work in advertising, I'll tell you how it works.

This is known as a Scam Ad.

It was done by a Brazillian agency called DDB - part of one of the great agency networks in the world (their most famous ad 'Lemon' even featured in the first episode of Mad Men).

The ad was designed soley to win advertising awards. The top three ad awards in the world are Cannes, D&AD, and The One Show (the premier American award show, where I was told this morning that the ad was once shortlisted).

Winning an award at one of these shows means a significant increase in salary for the creative team responsible, or a better job.

The ad was not, in my professional opinion, made to persuade opinion in favour of WWF.

The guys who did this ad are now in that terrible adland position known as 'untouchable and unemployable'.

Even this morning at the agency I work for, we all had a look at the ad and remarked how bad it was.

The main offence is the poor relevance of the headline to the main message. Worse still, the creatives failed to follow the general rule that one should 'Never Show And Say It'.

Anyhow, Friday tomorrow, I'm off to an expensive Italian restaurant for lunch, get loaded on South Island pinot noir, then head off to the local micro-brewery pub for some over-priced Emerson's Pilsner.

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