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9/11 researcher murdered

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Bill Cooper had some good information to share.

Milton William "Bill" Cooper (May 6, 1943 - November 5, 2001) was an American writer, shortwave broadcaster and conspiracy theorist. Cooper came to public awareness in the late 1980s when he promulgated a number of theories dealing with the assassination of President Kennedy and alleged links between the United States government and various extra-terrestrial races. When a number of his predictions failed to come to pass he recanted his alien life theories and claimed to be the victim of agencies within the United States government.

The son of a U.S. Air Force officer, Bill graduated in 1961 from Yamato High School in Japan, and enlisted in the U.S. Air force. He was honorably discharged in 1965, and enlisted in the U.S. Navy in December of that year. He served in Vietnam, rising to the rank of petty officer. Cooper was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal with combat V and the Navy Achievement Medal with combat V. He was honorably discharged in 1975.

William Cooper (Mystery Babylon) Gnosticism 1/4

[edit on 1-9-2009 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 11:54 PM
I'm pretty sure I've read here on ATS that Cooper was shot by police because he pulled a handgun while the cops were trying to serve a warrant.

Even John Lear(who knew Cooper personally) said he believed that Bill pulled a gun on the cops.

Who knows?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 01:59 AM
I didn't know of Bill Copper before he passed away but I have done some research as he kept being brought up in my 9/11 results. I know he predicted an event like 9/11 before it happened, some other events right before they happened and I am even aware of the crap Alex Jones pulled on Bill after Alex interviewed him on air back in the day.

My belief is that he was murdered wheather it be because he pulled a gun or not, he knew that TPTB were trying to mess with him and he stood up for is beliefs and got shot in the process. That can be taken both ways, Liberal equals he pulled a gun on a cop and should not have so he got what he deserved. Or Conservitive equals he was standing up fpr his rights, the cops pushed to hard and he pulled a gun that resulted in his being killed.

Either way a patiot is gone and his work is left behind for us to learn from or ignore and I lean in the direction of learn from.

Rest in peace Mr. Copper!

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:08 AM
I am sorry he was murdered, but doesn't this just stink of a cover-up?

Look in too hard and you are dead. I am more and more convinced that the US did it to their own people. How sick is that?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:42 AM
The first video should send chills down the spine of every american who thinks the government would never do such a thing....

They have, as they have many times before.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
I am sorry he was murdered, but doesn't this just stink of a cover-up?

Oh, good grief, grow up. If there was even a microbe of truth behind the claim he was murdered for a cover-up then Dylan Avery, Alex Jones, Morgan Reynolds, etc etc etc would have disappeared off the face of the Earth years ago. It's never any of the biggest loudmouths who are assassinated, it's always some guy that noone has ever heard of.

If you don't believe anything else I tell you, then at least believe this- every dictatorship from Hitler to Stalin to Pol Pot to Kim Jong Il all prove you don't have to go out of your way looking under rocks to find evidence of dictatorships. Dictatorships are always blatant, and will go out of their way to find you.

Look in too hard and you are dead. I am more and more convinced that the US did it to their own people. How sick is that?

Pretty sick, actually. It reminds me of that movie, "conspiracy theory" where Mel Gibson's character was so crippled by paranoia over nonsensical conspiracy theories (I.E. the gov't was testing earthquake machines on third world countriles from the space shuttle) he'd chain his refrigerator up to stop the secret agents from sneaking in and doping his food with mind control chemicals.

When things gets THAT far off the deep end, it's time to turn the computer off and go outside for some fresh air.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by spellbound
I am sorry he was murdered, but doesn't this just stink of a cover-up?

Oh, good grief, grow up. If there was even a microbe of truth behind the claim he was murdered for a cover-up then Dylan Avery, Alex Jones, Morgan Reynolds, etc etc etc would have disappeared off the face of the Earth years ago. It's never any of the biggest loudmouths who are assassinated, it's always some guy that noone has ever heard of.

Perhaps they haven't found what he did. As loud as they are, that doesn't mean they're a threat. Perhaps he found something concrete and conclusive.

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Look in too hard and you are dead. I am more and more convinced that the US did it to their own people. How sick is that?

Pretty sick, actually. It reminds me of that movie, "conspiracy theory" where Mel Gibson's character was so crippled by paranoia over nonsensical conspiracy theories (I.E. the gov't was testing earthquake machines on third world countriles from the space shuttle) he'd chain his refrigerator up to stop the secret agents from sneaking in and doping his food with mind control chemicals.

Well, in the context of the movie, the government was responsible for the earth quakes. He was a victim of mind control, and agents did break into his home... Did you watch it?

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
When things gets THAT far off the deep end, it's time to turn the computer off and go outside for some fresh air.

Yeah, because the government would never actually kill someone to cover up its involvement in 9/11. Not our government anyway, they're only here to help us, they even said so.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Unit541

Perhaps they haven't found what he did. As loud as they are, that doesn't mean they're a threat. Perhaps he found something concrete and conclusive.

Unlikely. If it was so incredibly easy for this guy to find it, then it would be incredibly easy for anyone else to find it. Besides, nothign has been shown that this person ever did any real hard research other than make videos from commonly found broadcasts to put out on the internet, which is exactly what Dylan Avery does.

Well, in the context of the movie, the government was responsible for the earth quakes. He was a victim of mind control, and agents did break into his home... Did you watch it?

Yes I did, and no it wasn't! He was merely putting together randomly occurring events and attempting to make patterns out of it. Problem was, the patterns he was putting together were completely half baked I.E. the Vietnam war was actually started by a bet placed between two billionaires.

This is exactly why I mentioned it, becuase the similarities between the movie and the actions of the overanxious conspiracy theorists in real life ought to be obvious.

Yeah, because the government would never actually kill someone to cover up its involvement in 9/11. Not our government anyway, they're only here to help us, they even said so.

Oh, well, in that case, we can likewise say that people who subscribe to conspiracy theories *never* go off the deep end and pull a gun on cops in a fit of rage, or die from traffic accidents, or of heart attacks from eating too many cheeseburgers. Conspiracy theories are better than St. Michael medalions in keeping people safe, and the better they are at spinning conspiracy theories the longer they'll live. It's only the amateurs with lackluster performance that the gov't hit men are able to snuff out.

When I say people are attempting to derive patterns out of randomly occurring events which leads them to absurd conclusions, why do you think I say it, exactly?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 07:09 PM
There`s been a few deaths so far, I wonder if the record will get broken

Grrr one of those annoying links copy paste both as one link.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by Seventh]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
I'm pretty sure I've read here on ATS that Cooper was shot by police because he pulled a handgun while the cops were trying to serve a warrant.

Originally posted by Rams59lb
My belief is that he was murdered wheather it be because he pulled a gun or not, he knew that TPTB were trying to mess with him and he stood up for is beliefs and got shot in the process. That can be taken both ways, Liberal equals he pulled a gun on a cop and should not have so he got what he deserved. Or Conservitive equals he was standing up fpr his rights, the cops pushed to hard and he pulled a gun that resulted in his being killed.

Originally posted by spellbound
I am sorry he was murdered, but doesn't this just stink of a cover-up?

Look in too hard and you are dead. I am more and more convinced that the US did it to their own people. How sick is that?

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Oh, good grief, grow up. If there was even a microbe of truth behind the claim he was murdered for a cover-up then Dylan Avery, Alex Jones, Morgan Reynolds, etc etc etc would have disappeared off the face of the Earth years ago. It's never any of the biggest loudmouths who are assassinated, it's always some guy that noone has ever heard of.

Who serves a warrent in plain cloths, in an unmarked vehicle, at night?

They provoked him.

They confronted him at night, in plain cloths in an unmarked vehicle and acted like hooligans to lure him out of his house.

Start at minute mark 8:30

Then proceed onto the next video.

The bottom line is these people hate light. THey are like evil blood sucking vampire leeches, they prefer darkness.

If you ask too many questions they'll kill you too.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Who serves a warrent in plain cloths, in an unmarked vehicle, at night?

You ought to watch "The First 48" more often. EVERYBODY serves arrest warrents at night, in unmarked vehicles and in plain clothes- U.S. Marshals, SWAT, ATF, homicide, narcotics, etc etc etc, particularly when they suspect the guy they're after is an armed and dangerous person who'll more than likely put up a fight. They wear plain clothes so they won't be spotted, and they arrest them at night to minimize the chance they'll be a fight. PLUS, they try to grab him in his car when he'd be far away from innocent bystanders.

This guy pulling a weapon on these cops says right there they had every justification for worrying the guy was armed and dangerous. What part of "don't ever pull a weapon on cops" was too difficult for him to understand?


They provoked him.

Bullsh*t. I've had discussions with many of you conspiracy people, and one thing I've learned is that you ALWAYS ALWAY ALWAYS leave out some incredibly important detail that, if we knew about it, it would actually convince us of the *opposite* of what you're trying to tell us. This is becuase you're not here to tell the truth. You're here to pursue a political agenda.

Case in point- despite all the "the gov't is scheming to kill us all" paranoia here, not once have I seen you people reveal the reason they listed on the warrent why the police wanted to arrest this guy in the first place. I know full well you people know becuase you know every OTHER flipping detail about the guy from the videos he makes to his favorite brand of breakfast cereal, so why would you leave out THAT important detail? He could have had missing hitchhikers buried in his back yard for all I know, but you're certainly not going to tell us that becuase it sabotages your "the gov't is scheming to kill us all" campaign you're trying to foist on us.

Come on now, do you really expect us to believe every single person in the truther movement is a choir boy who never swears, drinks milk and says their prayers at night? A sociopath is still a sociopath, regardless of what his personal politics happen to be.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I honestly need the last few minutes of my life reading your posts back. You have absolutely no idea, you're what's wrong with this country.

Case in point- despite all the "the gov't is scheming to kill us all" paranoia here, not once have I seen you people reveal the reason they listed on the warrent why the police wanted to arrest this guy in the first place. I know full well you people know becuase you know every OTHER flipping detail about the guy from the videos he makes to his favorite brand of breakfast cereal, so why would you leave out THAT important detail?

Yah case in point, you're an idiot that opens his mouth without actually knowing anything about the subject. The warrant claimed he was making bombs and stockpiling weapons.

Not one bomb or any materials were found, and only one hunting rifle was found near the entrance of the house.

He could have had missing hitchhikers buried in his back yard for all I know

You know nothing, and need to shut your mouth cause you look like a total bell end.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by king9072]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:38 PM
Bill Cooper was what Alex Jones wanted to be - admired and respected.

Cooper was also extremely underrated, and his death goes to prove that if Alex Jones was the person thousands of people want to believe he is, he'd have been dead years ago, too.

And of course, the standard cover story would follow.

For those that never discovered him, try the book 'Behold A Pale Horse', found both in bookstores and on the net. Very informative.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by king9072
Yah case in point, you're an idiot that opens his mouth without actually knowing anything about the subject. The warrant claimed he was making bombs and stockpiling weapons.

Not one bomb or any materials were found, and only one hunting rifle was found near the entrance of the house.

Oh, you lying, ARROGANT sack of [censored]. This post pissed me off to the point where I just had to look into the details, and what do I find? The guy was wanted for brandishing weapons against people passing by his home. He was ALSO wanted for tax evasion and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon against a doctor. Worse, he specifically posted a message on his website that any attempts to serve a warrant will be met with armed resistance. No flipping wonder why they cops went in loaded for bear- he actually DID shoot one deputy in the head!

Here's the full story you're trying to hide from everybody-

What the conspiracy people are hiding from everybody

Oh, and guess what else I've learned- this guy ALSO was a UFO groupie, who claimed the gov't had a contract with space aliens to go out and kidnap people. Good grief, no wonder you're hiding everything about the guy's background- he's completely kookoo for cocoa puffs!

You know nothing, and need to shut your mouth cause you look like a total bell end.

I normally let such personal attacks slide, becuase I'm an adult and I don't get my jollies from getting into adolescent insult-fests, and just becuase I disagree with people it doesn't mean I can't talk to them with respect...but I have to say that YOU are a complete tool, dude. If you didn't like what I posted, fine, but don't be cloaking your bullsh*t with arrogance and putting on airs like this becuase I WILL find out about it and I WILL call you on it. If you can't discuss things with civility and respect here then go back to playing Mario Kart on your Nintendo, little boy, becuase noone here wants to hear it.

You have no credibility whatsoever. NONE.

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