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9/11 Truth Protest at Ground Zero on 9/11/2009!

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posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 03:38 PM
Goodluck my friend, I wish I could be there but I live in Indiana. :\

The truth movement grows everyday.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by ugie1028

Maybe should go around corner to "TEN HOUSE" on Liberty St - quarters
of FDNY Engine 10/Ladder 10. Sure they would love to hear you expound
your insane conspirsy theories. Tell 'em the one about how they are all gov't shills in on the coverup....

It's statements like this that are pathetic. WE, the people looking for the truth of that day, DO NOT say that the brave firefighters of that city are government shills. Pathetic and typical. It's the easiest way to try and discredit people that you fear. You try to belittle them and come up with the craziest, most extreme examples of the conspiracy theories that have been presented.

Ask the average person seeking the truth of that day if the firefighters were in on it and you will hear a RESOUNDING NO! But you, and many others like you, continue to spew garbage like this.

To the OP. Go for it. Just don't get into people's faces if they want to be left alone to remember the people lost that day. At least give them that much respect. Stand there with your signs or record people and so on but don't go around screaming '911 was an inside job!" That doesn't help much. Because that hasn't been proven. What us real truth seekers are looking for is a completely unbiased and unblocked investigation of what took place that day. Including WHY and HOW it took place.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by dariousg

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by ugie1028

Maybe should go around corner to "TEN HOUSE" on Liberty St - quarters
of FDNY Engine 10/Ladder 10. Sure they would love to hear you expound
your insane conspirsy theories. Tell 'em the one about how they are all gov't shills in on the coverup....

It's statements like this that are pathetic. WE, the people looking for the truth of that day, DO NOT say that the brave firefighters of that city are government shills. Pathetic and typical. It's the easiest way to try and discredit people that you fear. You try to belittle them and come up with the craziest, most extreme examples of the conspiracy theories that have been presented.

Ask the average person seeking the truth of that day if the firefighters were in on it and you will hear a RESOUNDING NO! But you, and many others like you, continue to spew garbage like this.

To the OP. Go for it. Just don't get into people's faces if they want to be left alone to remember the people lost that day. At least give them that much respect. Stand there with your signs or record people and so on but don't go around screaming '911 was an inside job!" That doesn't help much. Because that hasn't been proven. What us real truth seekers are looking for is a completely unbiased and unblocked investigation of what took place that day. Including WHY and HOW it took place.

Thanks for the support. i know the boundaries. i am just one person among many persons whose looking for a full transparent view of what happened that day and the following days. im not going to be a part of those chants; ill just record, view and ask questions.

For the post you replied to, some people don't get it. they will just throw anything at you because its in their nature to disagree to just disagree. ignore those posts, they dont know what their talking about.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:06 PM
Will Van Jones be there?

I heard he was looking for a new gig.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by thedman

I LOVE it when the people who support the NIST repoort on one hand cite damage from the falling buildings on the other. The NIST final draft directly contradicts this implication, and it really goes to show who has done their research and who has not.

The only thing better is when they ALSO cite popular mechanics hack job that the NIST final report also contradicts. Its like a bowl of stupid soup.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by dariousg

I was refering to the whack job who wants to roam around WTC filming
people - no doubt trying to get them to agree with his nutbar theories

I am trying to go to WTC this Friday, Sept 11, meet up with retired FDNY
member to introduce me to his old firehouse

I am not claiming FDNY are shills - only the conspiracy nutbars do

I'm a FF too and respect my brothers everywhere

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by dariousg

I was refering to the whack job who wants to roam around WTC filming
people - no doubt trying to get them to agree with his nutbar theories

I am trying to go to WTC this Friday, Sept 11, meet up with retired FDNY
member to introduce me to his old firehouse

I am not claiming FDNY are shills - only the conspiracy nutbars do

I'm a FF too and respect my brothers everywhere

Just to let you know, just in case you missed it, i didint call them govt shills, you did.

i have a brother in-law whos a firefighter.

their not nutbar theories either, professionals have come forward who claim that the OS does NOT line up.

go ahead, keep name calling.

your the only one making yourself look bad here.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:09 PM
No, he's really not. He looks rational.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 03:15 AM
It's almost heartbreaking to read this thread. Lots of newbie shills.

That's OK. You'll get your reward. You know not who you serve, it's part of the deal. The way it works. Ya find out at the end, when it's too late. God is an excellent gamekeeper.

Nearly zero on this on the googleman. Looks like were ready for another 'attack'. God knows we earned it.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 03:41 AM
There are at least 2 excellent viddys on youtube. One can be found by typing Missile strike 911. The other can be found with final zoom no big plane. Clearly these are missile shots, maybe drones. But the people are fearful of the stranglehold the israeli media have on our collective consciousness. It was all spelled out many times why it is that people will not regard what is inconvenient as being the truth. Also, once the brain has been imprinted sufficiently with bogus media assaults, it becomes very difficult to see what is real. I do not subscribe to conspiracies; I see motivated lies in almost every thing the media beams at us. Nothing creeps across the tube without a dead serious intent, and when you change channels, the lies are timed as to be staggered. Hence, one is given the subliminal impression that there's no use...

They are expert at this. It's what they do.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:46 AM
hello guys,

I have some video/pics from the protests at ground zero, but i have a question regarding conversion.

I have a camera, and it recorded .mov files. i want to convert them to AVI, but i dont know which software to use. anyone have an idea which program i should use?

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 02:23 PM
ok, no one helped me before, so im just going to post the raw footage... please dont mind the rain, and the shakiness of some scenes.

I am uploading them to youtube now. im also going to try to upload them on ATS media portal.

some assistance in anything would help... even words of encouragement.

Check my profile on youtube in case im not here to post the video, in case any of you want a head start. these files are huge and will take a few to upload. im also heading to another protest in jersey city (up the block technically) so ill be bringing in more footage.

(edit to add more stuff)

[edit on 9/12/2009 by ugie1028]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

When a disinformationist dose not have any proof to offer then, they fight you by ridiculing, name calling, hit and run insults, and that is how you know you are dealing with a disinformationist. Ignore them.

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