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Keith Olbermann Destroys Glenn Beck (VIDEO)

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
reply to post by xmaddness

On the other side of the coin, just because it is popular does not mean that it is a shill saying it.

Beck is a real patriotical, he senses evil and I agree with how he FEELS.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

He called George Bush a fascist on national television after the whole Verizon scandal, I think that was very much in tune what with people thought at the time.

Yet he ignores the fact that the very company he works for (MSNBC) is owned by GE.....who crazily...just happens to have THE CEO OF CNN as one of OBAMA"S ADIVSORS. GE received billions of dollars in bailout money as well.

Bush may have been a fact I won't even dispute it. No denying that he RAN THIS COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND long before Obama took the reigns.

But for Olbermann to flat out ignores the blatant "FASCISM" that GE and the Obama administration is doing...well...that's all anyone should need to know.

Not to mention GE has lots to gain with green energy and health care.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by David9176

GE got the bailout money -before- Obama was in the white house.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by xmaddness

Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter if it was done before or not. He's still an advisor and it's a conflict of interest....not to mention GE has it's own media arm.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by David9176

Does matter if you are using it in context to slight Obama, not that I even care. Also, I am sure Fox News is under the control of one of the big six. Be fair and attack them all instead of just a specific one for your argument. They all have it in for us, am I right?

You guys, all of you seriously need to leave the extremes and move towards the middle. This fighting is seriously getting sickening and annoying. You fall into their plans with the infighting and nonsensical partisanship. But go ahead, be the reason why future generations have it really bad, go ahead I dare you.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Does matter if you are using it in context to slight Obama, not that I even care. Also, I am sure Fox News is under the control of one of the big six. Be fair and attack them all instead of just a specific one for your argument. They all have it in for us, am I right?

It's true. And you are right about Fox News. Robert Murdoch has stock in either MSNBC or NBC...can't remember which.

And I'm trying to divide anyone....if anything I"m trying to do the opposite. Have you seen this thread?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
I like Obermann. He called George Bush a fascist on national television after the whole Verizon scandal, I think that was very much in tune what with people thought at the time.

That being said, since Obama has taken the reigns he's become very pro government as of late and its' a bit un-nerving.

I still do like his rants on Bill and Beck from Fox. And let's face it, he's one of the only anchors who pokes fun at those folks every day.

Perhaps he understands a little comic relief is necessary when we are bombarded with negavity everytime you open the teli.


What purpose does he have to "poke fun" at other anchors when it would be like shooting fish in a bucket if he went after Obama and those that Obama is putting into power.

Is he so out of materal that he needs to attack those who have zero power and have zero affect on our country?

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Xtrozero]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Olbermann just can't shut up. He is a desperate man who has resorted to bashing his competition. Whenever a salesman starts bashing his competitors, It is time to move on. Olbermann could dedicate an hour of TV to his hatred of Beck. The man is an amateur. He plays the same hate games with O'Reilly. O'reilly just ignores him. Olbermann just wants attention. It is pretty sad that he has to make an ass out of himself to get it.

The ratings should tell you that your career is just about over Nimrod.

It's time for your nap Olbermann.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:28 PM
This is nothing more than the usual pushing of the false two-party paradigm.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by xmaddness
So what you are saying is, we should believe everything Beck says because he is more popular? I'm sorry, but I thought we were supposed to believe the truth, not who is more popular.

@ Beck

Edit to add:

It is comments like this that I find despicable about Beck.

"Can you let your son's body become the same temperature as your son's head before you turn this into a political campaign against the president? Could you do that?"

* The Glenn Beck Program, May 14, 2004
* Comment on Michael Berg, the father of murdered American businessman Nicholas Berg

If Obama was in office at the time, you better believe he would be all over Obama being a "Failure" for letting the travesty occur.

I think I just got my first (or second) off topic post.

I can be terse and disrespectful, yeah, I know... =|

What I meant to say verbosely, I hope it matters, is that I hope that you don't just go with whom ever is most popular.

Life can be a fun popularity contest in the right context...

OR It can be a miserable popularity contest for some...

I was trying to point out that popularity exposes our humanity. We can not blatantly disregard our humanity, like some of the Jack Boots that would like to oppress us all. Humans have emotions, including joy & anger. Forcefully containing any emotion causes severe illness over time.

Here's a deep thought; popularity is a fundamental human attraction, sometimes, without any reason or facts to explain.

The fact that Glenn's ratings are off the scale and Olbermann retorts to these kinds of rhetorical slams are clearly below him. (As was my terse, off topic comment.)

He's obviously intelligent and at least plays at having passion for his views.

While Beck is striving to get his point across, others that could care less about anything but petty bickering keep on wasting extraordinary amounts of time trying to discredit him.

I'm not comparing Beck to Payne, yet a parallel, Thomas Paine was a radical, virtually revolutionary in his ideologies. If it weren't for a seemingly simple, small little chapter in his life where he inspired revolution, none of us would be here today.

Whatever animosity one might have towards what ever Beck's ideology or past 'transgressions', people should at least take the time to tune him in NOW because Americans shouldn't miss some of the items that he's putting under the microscope.

It's definitely NOT the usual mindless blather that MSM tries to pass off as news. If I can sit through Rachel Maddow from time to time ... Others should find an open enough mind to review what Beck is striving to reveal.

[edit on 9·1·09 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

I have to say I don't like either one. The MSM is friendly opposition to one another; it's goal is the dividing of the People.

Both Beck, and Olbermann have their agendas. They both have an ultimate goal laid down before them by their masters.

In effect they both represent agent provocateurs, and are in place to act as Shepards of the Sheeple.

I actually watch both occasionally, but only to learn what Slavery Inc. wants to indoctrinate through there psychological warfare program called the Mainstream Media.

Just my two pesos,



edit: I actually wrote a thread about the beck, olbermann, hal turner angle today trying to show People it's all the same.. wrong thread the first time..

[edit on 1-9-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

[edit on 1-9-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

Well, you sum it up quite nicely... Agenda in a can! Everyone has one.

What is your agenda? Why don't you point the finger at yourself?

Beck's agenda appears to be encouraging Americans to become involved.

Obama's agenda is that Americans will become involved because his minions will enforce his will upon Americans... and they will like it.

That's stinks too familiar with historical errors.

Pick your canned agenda wisely.

[edit on 9·1·09 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

My agenda? Live, and let live. Harm no one. Do unto others as You would have them do unto You. Last, but not least Freedom from oppression at all costs.

Now, I donno that You, and I see completely eye to eye; do You find that Fox is overall a great channel? An answer would be good.

I will give mine now that they are just another PTB controlled MSM psychological warfare machine. There was a documentary about Fox News, and the amount of subversion it was involved in. Rupert Murdock is just plain evil.

Glenn Beck has picked up on the patriot movement now, and is subverting it. Instead of 9/11 truth it's the 9/12 project......... He mirrors real patriots, but perverts the message.

The man is out there encouraging revolution.....almost, but it's with a skewed view point. He sides with Israel; which is siding with AIPAC, or the entire US Congress. It really is a matter of breaking down everything the man says. It is an elaborate con. Keith Olbermann is the same thing; just the other side of the Slavery Inc.

I only say this because they will incite until armed rebellion, and We could very likely end up with the same thing that happened to Russia in 1917-18. The Bolsheviks let the other sides beat themselves to death; the entire time cheering both sides on, and swooped in when the other sides were at their weakest. That's how We came to know Soviet Russia.


Just my two pesos

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

Those are nearly all wicca. Do you call yourself a wizard? Just curious. I'd hate to pin a tag if it's untrue.

After much channel surfing looking for something that I can trust... FOXNews is the best MSM (if you want to call it that.)

As for Rupert... and his agenda... and the whole conspiracy that people will paste across FOX's entire crew, affiliates and all, that they have some grand agenda as you imply. Inciting civil strife leading to Bolshevik Reruns; I highly doubt that. Unless you want to also pin 40's Fascism onto Obama.Admin...

It also goes to show just how influential the media is in our society. All of the alphabet broadcasters know exactly how powerful they are... they command millions. Until they are exposed as frauds to the core (if they indeed are.) FOX has paid their dues. Rupert is evil but you can tell by Beck's actions that his no more evil than any other.

Many other MSM have provided glaringly obvious examples that they are extremely biased. So, it's no wonder that most of the folks that just turn on the TV to unwind, tune in FOX because they have seen that they can trust them for the most part. Their popularity didn't happen over night.

In fact, it as CNN's blatant 'in the Obama tank' coverage of the Presidential Race that had me throwing things at my TV. Gurgen is a slime unlike no other. I better not get started. I have a huge rant for them.

FOX has it's flaws. You need to be able to trust the American people to make sound judgements/descisions based on information they obtain from whatever source they choose. Obama was obviously pushed as the hottest popular topic. With almost no competition in his popularity contest he won hands down. We still know almost nothing about him.

Beck and his crew are at least looking and asking questions they should have ALL been asking... but there's that dang agenda in a can again.

Personally, I could care less if he sides with Hebrews, Jews, Zionists (not the best company, in my opinion, as I've known one, maybe two, personally) I see that Beck is striving like no other to encourage people to get involved rather than using his power and position to force his will on others, "and they will like it." The guy is really a crappy communicator at times.

I don't see subversion in 9/12 or in any of his material. He very wisely is staying clear of the conspiracy theories for time being because; and it should be obvious:
If he wants to get to those great Americans that don't make time for forums and survival and UFO's and 9/11 truth ... He has to hit them with views that are tangible, facts that won't put him on the fringe.

He has almost come out and said it in plain English. "He's a recovering alcoholic" Really, who cares. What he's really saying is that people can change over time. What you knew about him before isn't necessarily the way he is now.

Anyhow, Just like the rest of us that don't run near the inner circle of TPTB he's striving to expose what he can... without going fringe. And it's working.

In my opinion, TPTB don't want America to fall apart.

Seriously, when flying coast to coast and seeing the wide sprawl of cities knowing that each house has 2-5 people (or use Google Earth) our country's size can be mind boggling. Our country could not end up in a civil war of sorts. Somethings got to give... I'd bet against American Revolution as a bluddy, never ending, street by street, confrontation. Although, Riots on the scale of the LA riots wouldn't surprise me.

People are just pissed off, many unemployed, they have nothing better to do than riot when a spark hits the combustible source. Unlikely that Beck's poor communication style would influence that far, the critics flame him yet almost in the same breath would be happy to claim it's all his fault, implying that his influence really does reach that far. Does it?

Wow, /ramblin off
What is your primary source of information? How do you know that you can trust it?

Edit to add: I'm from the generation that saw Nixon's ass handed to him on a silver platter ... by the press.

[edit on 9·2·09 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 05:32 AM

where do you get the idea that Becks viewers are less intelligent?

I've watched both.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
I like Obermann. He called George Bush a fascist on national television after the whole Verizon scandal, I think that was very much in tune what with people thought at the time.

That being said, since Obama has taken the reigns he's become very pro government as of late and its' a bit un-nerving.

I still do like his rants on Bill and Beck from Fox. And let's face it, he's one of the only anchors who pokes fun at those folks every day.

Perhaps he understands a little comic relief is necessary when we are bombarded with negavity everytime you open the teli.


Keith Olbermann never had his finger on the pulse of America, and has ALWAYS been pro-government, he's just not pro-government when a Democrat isn't in the White House. If you honestly think Glenn Beck's audience is that stupid, then you should flip over to Bill Shultz...or hell even Olbermann...who never ONCE attacks a democrat or has a guest on with opposing least Beck and O'Reilly do that (Even Hannity and Maddow do for Christ's sake). Olbermann somehow is a coward, yet a pompous asshole at the same time. I despise Keith Olbermann, he's the scum of the earth, and I would rather have to be waterboarded than to watch his show in marathon.

Originally posted by UneedTOhitTHIS

where do you get the idea that Becks viewers are less intelligent?

I've watched both.

So that either makes you really smart or really stupid...I've watched both of them as well, and as I said earlier in the past 8 or 9 months I have watched Keith Olbermann I have rarely if EVER seem him have someone on with opposing views. He's a contributor of the Daily Kos and has Ariana Huffington on as a frequent guest.

BTW: for all you Olbermann fans

He's slime.

[edit on 4-9-2009 by yellowcard]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
Beck's audience has a lower IQ per capita than Olberman's. There are also more of them than there are of the smarter civilians.

That said, both anchors are extreme and I dislike the far right and far left. Soon, neither will exist. No more libertarian selfishness, no more Communist hivemind. Moderation will come, and it will come from our souls and from our love. The Christian right has perverted the teachings of love and the Secular left has scoffed at the importance of spirituality.

Soon, the youth will take control of this world and it will be a better place.

there is barely a far left...91% of radio is right wing...there is no air america radio ( a liberal national broadcast) in chicago and new york, 2 of the biggest liberal markets in the country. and yet limbaugh is on mulitple stations in those 2 cities. the right own this country and any pretense that they don't is laughable. and if you think CNN is left, why do they have so many right-wingers on. i live in the central valley of california, and there isn't a liberal station for hundreds of miles up and down the valley...but limbaugh is on multiple staions. name me how many liberal stations are in the south?, how about in the midwest and rocky mountain states? obama was elected with 53% of the vote, but the liberal media represents barely 15% of all, i mean all, of any media in the US. do your own research.

Are you serious? That's the same old argument, but if you look at the Television the media is definitely left far as radio goes, I have XM, and the left have their own station on there just like the right, and it has just as many shows and "well known" commentators.

OH, and of course in the OP has a link of Huffington Post...when Mrs. Huffington is a frequent guest on guessed it, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, big shocker. I'm not defending Glenn Beck, but you people are using a political mouthpiece to try to discredit another political's really quite annoying...though frankly I'd take Beck over Olbermann any day of the week.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

No sir, just lots of World travels, and experiences have humbled my butt.

Your my friend for a reason; that is simply because You are an intelligent Person. I respect Your answer almost 100%.

My sources as You asked are simple observation. I wouldn't be a good friend should I not give my two cents.

Fox has turned 180 degrees in many arenas. I cannot stand anyone who changes that much, and they have; to myself it shows agenda. I know Beck is reaching out; as I've read many, many People mention that.

I will not say he isn't reaching out, but I urge Everyone, and You to be vigilant. People are learning, and one of the most important things they need to recognize is independent critical thinking skills.

The Patriot Movement existed long before Fox News, and is growing exponentially. It would be in the best interests of TPTB, and/or The NWO to gain control of that movement.

So, my Friend I only urge vigilance, caution, and using Your own critical thinking skills in the coming days

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