posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 07:30 PM
Originally posted by make.changes
to clarify im not an evolutionist im a christian who believes in the creation story of the bible. so how do you convince an evolutionist that the god
of scripture is real, for all athiests and evolutionists.
I am awfully sick and tired of saying this and not once has it been acknowledged either by a creationist or an atheist -
most Christians are actually also evolutionists!
I presume that both sides actually know this, but prefer to argue heatedly, which means not acknowledging that creationists are a tiny sub-set of
Protestants, almost all of them in the USA (only a handful in other anglophone countries such as NZ, Australia, Canada and the UK.)
The Catholic church has accepted evolution since Darwin, which brings me to another thing that upsets me greatly - the bigoted
But-Catholics-aren't-Christians assertion I keep coming across on ATS.
Nonsense. Those who say that can say only because they haven't the foggiest idea what Catholics actually believe and do, but have been persuaded by
the like of Jimmy Swaggart in a way that he does not deserve.