posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 09:35 AM
Oh, wow!
I've been waiting for V.2 for a long time.
In case anyone doesn't already know this, Dolan's 1st book of the same title is probably one of The 5 Best books on the subject. Ever.
In my opinion, it's THE BEST.
No grasping at straws, or unfounded conclusions. Thoroughly documented and backed up with legitimate and unassailable sources.
It can be considered as authoritative yet is not flamboyant. It is filled with encyclopedic analysis, yet reads almost like a novel.
I'm on my way to the bookstore right now.
Great find. Thanks.
s and f, most deservedly
(probably the most valuable post I've read in a long time)
[edit on 30-8-2009 by jdub297]