posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:58 PM
You don't have to not like Obama in order to believe that he's not a citizen. And to tell you the truth you can't call it BS based on your
perception of the events.
Nobody knows the truth about anything, It would be nice if people stopped attempting to tell us what the truth was.
In any case as far as stopping the wars, we can demand stuff all we want. We never get anything.
I see the American people demand the war end, I see them demand lower taxes, fair wages, human rights, equality, affordable healthcare, the right to
due process, etc.
The list goes on forever. We do ask them to stop pretty much everything they are doing every day, yet we never get an answer or so much as a mention
on the news.
Middle America is not in charge, the Elite are. This whole asking thing you have put forward is a farce, and it's innefective. You want things to
change? Pick up a gun and wait my friend.