posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:34 PM
I personally believe that the bill was purposefully written in such a way to create an internecine partisan battle that would keep Americans occupied
while backdoor bills were created to limit our freedoms and consolidate more power to the Federal Government.
Consider this, the Cold War arms race enabled the passage of that legislation that allowed FEMA to take control of the government and have our
Constitution suspended. The 9-11 "attacks" enabled the Patriot Act to be pushed through, creating a significant loss to our rights to privacy, due
process, and presumption of innocence. The health care debates wherein "angry individuals" or agent provocateurs (I'm not sure which) have made it
appear as if there is a violent threat to the government's chief executive thus giving the administration an excuse to evoke/invoke articles
contained within the Patriot Act. Problem, Reaction, Solution. These problems allow them to react and provide a solution.
We don't like the solution.
Furthermore, with everyone watching the news to see what new thing the "nutjobs" will do the states are passing quarantine legislation right and
Let's see...loss of privacy, expansion of FEMA powers to suspend Constitution, camps being built, potential coffins being moved to locations near
these new facilities, swine flu pandemic that's not a pandemic, mandatory vaccinations or quarantine, real id, biometric cameras...
Yeah we really need to worry about that evil health care bill because there is nothing worse on our plate...