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Subverting a Nation?

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posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 05:24 PM



SUBVERTING A NATION? by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator

First, you study history to determine what "coup d’etats" in the past
worked for dictators and what failed. Here we can follow Adolph
Hitler and Josef Stalin in their successful take-overs of Germany and
the Soviet Union. Then you "adopt" their methods of success and
abandon or modify those sections of their take-overs that failed. You
then move on to build a private army which reports back to only you
and then you move to control all other forces.

The following, in no particular order, is wha
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

mod edit, to remove ALL CAPS in title...and fix links

[edit on 29-8-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

Mod Edit: Changed links.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 05:24 PM
I think the most threatening aspect is the one regarding the creation of a "civilian force" which was proposed during the campaign and now appears to be coalescing among the SEIU, ACORN and other radical revolutionaries such as former weathermen underground types and the founder of STORM, now a czar.

This cannot be allowed to progress any further. Every effort, such as the one to 'shut down the internet' (you know, Algore's invention?) points toward an ever more tyrannical administration and out-of-control congress.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by skycopilot

you need to put up a link.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals


SUBVERTING A NATION? by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator

First, you study history to determine what "coup d’etats" in the past
worked for dictators and what failed. Here we can follow Adolph
Hitler and Josef Stalin in their successful take-overs of Germany and
the Soviet Union. Then you "adopt" their methods of success and
abandon or modify those sections of their take-overs that failed. You
then move on to build a private army which reports back to only you
and then you move to control all other forces.

The following, in no particular order, is what might be adopted in
the probable upcoming take-over of America.

Recruiting some in Congress who would be open to something colorfully
called "Change", believing they could improve the way America
functions and benefit politically. Some Congressional recruits would
have no problem in dumbing down the Constitution, considering its
terms of restraint an impediment to what they really want to do.
Constitutional Revisionists are valuable in any plans for a take-over
of the American democratic government. Of course, it is also vital to
gain control of the banks, liquid assets and the money presses to
complete your total control.

Then you could take advantage of disaster (natural or man-made) to
declare a national emergency and thus declare martial law. This would
allow the perpetrators to initiate severe actions under the guise of
"saving the nation" and put your private army into action. Remember,
President Obama said: "We cannot continue to rely only on our
military in order to achieve the national security objectives that
we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force
that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (1)

Congress could be sequestered in a military lock-down, purportedly to
protect them. They would be kept out of touch with any authority,
neither Army, nor National Guard, the Media, no Communications, no
cell phones, etc. until the "coup d’etat" was fully operational.

Large quarters are already prepared to take care of Congress should
something catastrophic happen - like a radiation "Dirty Bomb" or a
real nuke hits Washington. Those same quarters could easily become a
lock-up for Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Another use of a crisis would be a national epidemic or pandemic
wherein banks, schools, food delivery systems are closed and
hospitals are over-crowded. The Guard or Army would be called in for
crowd control - or as Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel said:
"Never waste a crisis". All legal institutions would be disbanded and
only the "new" government would be in control to issue "diktats".

To take over a nation, one must have supreme belief in oneself, be
ruthless (but, not at the starting threshold). For example, Hitler
started out as a charismatic charmer. He built his political base
through evolving fear and appeal to nationalism. Once elected, he
dismissed or co-opted lawful institutions and appointed his own
representatives who reported directly to him and/or his appointees.
(Sound familiar?)

All of this would be implemented under a theme of national emergency
and the people would accept their loss of freedom - even cheering him
on with adoration and "Seig Heil". Hitler literally owned the German
Parliament, the once vaunted German Supreme Court and all the
mechanisms that run a country. The industrialists complained a bit at
first but, then they fell into line and profited. (2 & 3) The
Nuremberg Trials displayed those criminals who assisted Hitler’s "de
facto" "coup": the industrialists, the judges and the military
monsters who were willing to go along with Hitler’s take-over.

One vital component of a take-over is to control the Media. They are
a voice to the people who must be kept either passive or fearful. At
first, they are enlisted to go along with the new regime based upon
promises. Couple that with a raid on the Treasury which devalues
their savings. The government can then print money, which could be
described it as "funny money".

When Congress and the people finally discover the truth, it is too
late. No one in today’s modern time knows how to react in real time
to a "coup" and to survive whatever happens, no matter what. Then
they (especially the Media) must protect their damaged reputations
for having been cheerleaders and dupes for Obama. Sometimes the Media
continues to delude themselves - even as the institutions of law,
order and freedom are crashing down around them. Even if the Media
are "in the box", remember they are also people with families and,
therefore, vulnerable to these actions.

Later, when they no longer can deny their role in the "coup", they
simply obey in fear, lest what happened to their fellow outspoken
journalists will happen to them. As of March 6, 2007 Reuters reports
that 1,100 journalists and support staff have been killed since 1996
in the world’s violence, war and Terror.

Glenn Beck, the 5 pm EDT host on FOX NEWS has been a leader in
blowing Obama’s cover - along with Obama’s collaborators. He asks
embarrassing questions of this government. Will Beck be targeted?

In the days of building of Third Reich, the Media consisted primarily
of newspapers, radio and movie newsreels. In this day and age we also
have talk radio, TV News and talk shows, Email, Twitter and Texting
on cell phones. This is harder to control and shut down, although
Obama’s team is laboring mightily to silence all those who speak
against his programs.

In a take-over of America, many channels of Communication would
either be shut down and/or put under rigid control of Presidential
appointees. Some of this is already in motion as disclosed by FOX
NEWS, especially the TV host Glenn Beck at 5 PM EDT. If you haven’t
watched his program perhaps because you think he’s too flamboyant,
well, you’ll be surprised how convincing it can be when he brings you
the real truths with names and facts. "We hold these truths to be
self-evident." They may be unpleasant but, we ought to rise to the
challenge, fight for our country, her freedom and democracy while we
still have it.

Beck screened the video clips of Obama’s plan to build a separate
army, which is now being assembled and reporting directly to Obama.
Why are police and other law enforcement officers been ordered to
take riot gear home and been given coded designations to report to
assembling areas when these codes signal them to report? Beck has
courageously taken on the challenge of exposing an American President
who seems to be running amok with power.


1. "No One Took Barack Obama at His Word" FOX NEWS by Glenn Beck July 28, 2009

2. "The Splendid Blond Beat: Money, Law and Genocide in the Twentieth
Century" by Christopher Simpson Grove Press NY 1993 &

3. "Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis, and Its Disastrous
Effect on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy" by Christopher Simpson
Weidenfeld & /Nicolson NY 1988

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:43 PM
I have been putting in the links, but they are not appearing, or are only partially appearing.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by skycopilot

Good read, oddly I couldn't use quote in my relpy to you. i was wonder ing about the source on the bit about police taking riot gear home, etc. was that glenn beck? which show? thanks

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