posted on May, 19 2004 @ 04:41 AM
Im in a market 4 tv station, with direct access to world wide news wires from about 8-10 major newswire services, including Al jeezera, and other
international feeds. I get the raw video piped in from around the globe, things you'll never see...(mostly due to graphic nature)
Im the breaking news bell ringer.
Ive got "real reporters" including the first ones to be at the Berg families house and investigate his backround.
Ive got helicopters at my disposal, and access to network resources...Im also the guy that coordinates with world media requests of us for them...and
I credential us for ohh say the white house (And every other thing needing "clearance").
I have a ton of resources at my fingertips, including ATS.
You may try to spin the media angle any way you choose, but those of us in the know...understand both what it takes to gather and VERIFY information,
as well as the economic forces that drive mass media.
Yes i changed the lists name from what you said....
but consider the source "free republic" consider that a one sided biased source as much as i would or Act
Those of us that are legaly bound by slander and liable laws (unlike the wild web) on a daily basis learn objectivity quickly..(none of my reporters
enoy going n air with biogus info, it makes them look bad)..that and rebels dont last long in the media as the big media is affraid of being sued or
anything that could hurt revenues.
Is my finger close enough to the info pulse for you to at least give me some credibillity? Or am i part of the media/gov conspiracy?
By the way, ill only try to speak as a in the trenches journalist, NOT as an administrator....we ask ourselves much like all workers do...what were
managers thinking sometimes....but there isnt any fascist gov worker anywhere around fact we usually chase them, not them chase us.
But this diverges from the topic....which is essentially...someone tries to blame bush for all the worlds ills. specifically the fact that Berg
volunteered of his own free will (for whatever reason) to go seek work in Iraq, a war torn and dangerous place...a decision that resulted in his
capture and death at the hands of TERRORISTS..
I suppose if one extrapolated the timeline from could say that Bush started the war (true)
the warzone that created profit potential which mr Berg was seeking. therefore in the wildest streatch, one could try to say it was Bushs fault.
Facts do not support this theory, which is highly generalized to begin with.
A grieving parent will look at anything to rationalize the death of a child. Understandable.
but put things in context.