Glad I found this spot for a rant.
My wife is talking to me on her cell fone, while waiting in line. My wife was in DMV, registering our car and paying a ludicrous tax on owning tha
damn thing. She had our toddler with her because we are not millionaires with an immigrant nanny or something. We can hardly afford to feed junior,
much less entertain him.
So there she is, and the burokrat is some gum-smacking government rendition of Lilly Tomlin's "we don't care--we don't have to--- we're the phone
company." There's about four people in other lines.
Our poor kid is getting weepy cause he has to wait in line with mommy instead of eating LUNCH like a free human could, standing in line like a little
peasant family to ask the burgermeister for permission to work in the muck-mines and breathe m'lord's air.
So mommy gives him a piece of a cracker and he gets it in his mouth and he's CHOKING on it. OH MY GOD he's choking so hard he's throwing up and
turning blue and his little eyes are rolling back in his head O MY GOD and mommy is screaming for HELP! HELP! Could someone help us? Call and
AMBULANCE, can someone help me do the HEIMLICH on MY CHILD. And eveyone
...LOOKS AWAY. They pretend not to see my family in need, 10 F****ing feet from them. They look out the window and pretend not to see. Some of them
keep on talking in their conversations. Das BUROKRAT just says NEXT! And where am I? I'm listening TO THE WHOLE THING ON my wife's CELL PHONE!
My wife eventually got the cracker out after kiddo puked so much he knocked it loose, and retrieved the rest of it by doing a 'throat scrape.' No
one would even go to the bathroom and get her some paper towel to clean up the mess with.
No one, not even my wife will know the rage that boiled inside of me, the powerlessness that could have been translated into violence on a bunch of
souless apes that treated my family as less than human, and didn't lift a finger.
And the same bunch of fugly TROLLS wants to know how wholesome American kids could torture defenseless strangers in Iraq? I'll tell you how! They
have no freeking compassion. They are souless zombies who cannot empathize with a child who cannot breathe. How can you expect them to treat
'furriners' as human when they themselves have no humanity!
Tell me again why I should be a good neighbor and a taxpayer!!!!!!!!!!!
It would make Jesus puke.