I know the story is old, but I think the post below, which is new, explains why I'm bringing it back.
Defcon5 wrote:
"I think the rats smelled the water as the ship started flooding, looted what they could, and took the lifeboats leaving the rest of us to face the
impending situation. I can think of no other reason why these people would be so brazen, not even attempting to hide their robbery of the system,
other then its life or death, and they feel they have nothing to lose."
I don't think the rats were caught by surprise.
I believe this has all been engineered. The aim has been the destruction of the U.S. of A. When JFK ordered the creation of single United States
Note to pay off the Federal Reserve in 1963, he signed his own death warrant. One of Johnson's first acts as Prez was to have the plate destroyed.
He then devalued the coinage by abandoning silver (1965). As a poke at JFK, he had the half dollar devalued to 40% silver ('65-'70). Nixon made it
clad ('71). Johnson also retired all U. S. Notes (red seals) in 1966, leaving only Fed Reserve notes. Johnson stopped silver certificates and
stopped redeeming them for silver in either '67 or '68 (don't recall which.)
So this has been a long time coming. And Kissinger meant that Obama was to kick out from under the U. S. economy all supports so that the NWO could
begin. The cash economy of the U.S. had been centered in three businesses: 1-Banking (which is collapsing and has been strong-armed); 2-Insurance
companies (the real reason why he wants to take over health care - just see what has happened to AIG); 3- Wall Street/Chicago (commodities). The
volume is not there on Wall Street. When hyperinfaltion hits, it won't be on Chicago either. What do you think the WTC and the 2 bombings were
When an economy is basically a three-legged milking stool, knock out one leg and you don't have a stable chair. And TPTB are milking us for all its
When they are done, the whole country will most likely be sold to "pay the debt". Of course you have to get rid of the 'owners', so vaccinations,
anyone? And a good way to speed up infection/compliance are FEMA camps.
To get rid of corporations (GM, Chrysler) let the unions 'win' and everyone loses.
This is not about the U.S. - it's about the world.
Didn't any of you play RISK (world domination) when you were a kid?
(visit the link for the full news article)