posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 12:39 AM
I used to live in Cuba till the age of about 4 and a half. I was walking through a feild with two other kids when i was 3 or 4 and the kids i was
walking with were both a year or two older than i so they were more far along in everything basically. They were talking about "when i was
younger..." and "when i was younger that...." you get the impression.
So being a little kid i tried to mimic them in a sense by thinking back in time, and what i came up with were images of me as an adult so i started to
respond "when i was older..." and they both started to laugh, but little did they know i was not making that up i really had a memory.
I still have a hazy memory of the image that appeared in my mind that day, and why the hell in the world would that day/incident stick out so much in
my head that i will never forget it? Take it for what you will, opinions would be nice
If you dont beleive me or think im lying please dont post in this thread, you will be ignored and marked for moderation and i have no reason to lie
[edit on 27-8-2009 by Gladius]