Sadly, because so many people on ATS are easily offended, and immediately assume that every post that talks about Jesus is trying to convert them, or
trying to prove to them that there is a God, I feel it necessary to start off with some crowd control.
I am not trying to convert anyone with this message. I am not trying to “force my beliefs on you”. I simply want to share a message of hope with
my fellow faithful. “Ephesians 4:7-13” tells us that everybody in the Body of the Church has been given different “Gifts”. I really don’t
think my purpose has anything to do with preaching or ministry, (at least I hope not because I’m a horrible public speaker) and even I will admit
that when some far out fanatics start preaching unceasingly it makes me a little uncomfortable. So I can somewhat understand some people’s
reactions. If you do not believe in God, or at least are not openly interested then this is not the thread for you.
With that little disclaimer said. I will begin my story.
I would like to draw your attention to “The Book of Romans 8:28” (this is directly related to my experience.)
“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.” –Holman Christian
Standard Bible-
My mother was a laboratory technician so I grew up around the medical field. On several occasions my mother could not find a baby sitter so she took
me to work with her. That, combined with several accidents and diseases which put me in the hospital in my early child hood through adolescence gave
me a firm respect for the medical field, and a desire to help people.
I also grew up with a love of science. All fields interested me, astronomy, physics, geology, etc. But my main focus was always biology and anatomy. I
loved learning how things worked, and why things were the way they were. In high school I took almost every science course offered, and in my one year
of college (prior to when this story takes place) after high school I focused on science classes.
I dropped out of school because I was having trouble. I have ADHD which causes me to lose focus, which in turn makes it difficult for me to learn. The
courses I was attempting were light years ahead of what I was used to in high school. So eventually I became frustrated and dropped out.
After about three more years of dead end jobs I began to lose hope. I fell into a deep depression that lasted six months. At time I wondered why I
should even go on trying.
It was during this time that I found God. I was raised a Christian but never really “knew God”. Now, at the end of my rope I turned back. I fell
in love with the scriptures and devoted myself to God, and confessed Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and then things began to change.
I met up with one of my brother’s old friends and we began to see each other a lot. He was a mechanic and I needed money. So he began to teach me
about engines, I helped him fix-up old Junkers and sell them. It was good to be doing something that I could see a result of. (Unlike working as a
cashier or stock clerk were all my efforts went to padding someone else’s wallet.) I was finally seeing the fruits of my labors and it gave me a
confidence in myself I had never known.
All the while I was thinking about my old love affair with science. I found myself relating car systems to body systems, and car parts to organs. Then
I met who would become my fiancé. I met her through my brother’s friend’s family, and we hit it off quickly. She was a believer, and we would
discuss our views about God, and it made me happy to be able to share my faith with her.
After a few months of dating her she told me about a school for medical assisting that she wanted to check out. She even inquired if I wanted to
enroll (as she knew my history, and love of anatomy). I declined at first, but as we were touring the campus together something rang true in me when
we got to the laboratory. I remembered going to my mothers work as a child, and the way I felt being, when cared for in my childhood hospital visits.
I knew God had a plan for everyone and thought that this could very well be it. I figured that even if it didn’t pan out, a CMA diploma on a resume
might be impressive.
After just the first week I knew that the medical field was for me. Almost everything came naturally, and the things that I struggled with my fiancé
helped me study. Nine months later I graduated with a 4.0, I knew that meant something special, because of my past learning problems due to ADHD. I
felt great about myself, and now I had a future in the medical field things could only get better I thought, my journey is over I thought. Little did
I know it then, But God had bigger plans for me.
After months of looking for a medical assisting position I became frustrated. I kept getting interviews but never got a job. I knew from my past
employers that I interviewed well, and just couldn’t understand why my fiancé got a job right out of school but I was having so much trouble.
The months went on; I began to feel hopeless again. I thought I knew what God had planned for me, and I began to doubt. I knew beyond a doubt
somewhere in my being that God had led me this far, but why had he left me in poverty, struggling to pay my bills, with the jackals at my door again.
I felt bad for doubting, (and knowing what I know now I feel worse) I made myself solder on though, I kept telling myself that God has a plan. I tried
to will away all my doubts and remember how I felt Gods love so many times throughout my journey. I kept telling myself that God would come through
for me. I just needed to be patient.
Then a year and a half later, things got worse. I had been working in retail again to pay bills waiting for my big break, but all of a sudden me and
my fiancé lost our jobs at nearly the same time. The meager earnings we had were taken away, and now hope was slipping further and further away.
After about a month my fiancé (God bless her) suggested I go back to college. I wasn’t earning money anyway, the extra in student loans could be
used on bills, and my current collage loans would be differed. I remembered how I fell in love with the Idea of helping people through a medical
career when I was attending the medical assisting school and came up with a plan.