posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:41 PM
( post script )
I need to add , my great grand father buildt 3 iron bridges over rivers with the aid of shop keepers and other dairy farmers
near the bridges, he was a 'donkey skinner ' ( live steam boiler operator in the timber industry ) , and a third genaration
logger .
the local lumber mill operators helpped pay for the bridges after the fact , and no govermental agency , permit or certifacation
was asked for or was ever received .
his comment was " I would rather ask for forgiveness , than beg for permission "
the greatest problem we face to day is simple : the goverment has the tax money needed to enforce laws that genarate more fine
money , that enforce more laws , that genarate more fees , that enforce more laws , that pay for greater enforcement over
ever aspect of living .
the single answer... remove all the money ...
untill the goverments money is taken away , the laws they pass will continue to remove personal freedom .