posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:19 AM
Erm... by the time anyone figured out it was a major biological attack, it would be entirely too late.
Biological agents aren't instant. Their effectivity depends on who and what is getting it -- for instance, I'm one of a number of people who is
immune to smallpox (yeah, really) and some people are immune to rather horrible things like Ebola.
I know novels make it look like you'd know within hours, but the truth is that it can take days or weeks for symptoms to show up. During that time
(depending on the agent), people may or may not be shedding the virus/bacteria/etc. By the time they'd identified it, people would already have
recovered or would be recovering.
And standard quarrantine procedures would handle it. The CDC and WHO are experienced with this, and we use their guidelines/tactics on major
(non-bioweapon) disease outbreaks such as the flu.