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HOWTO: Fluoride Removal

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Does anyone know of a relatively cheap, and practicle way to remove fluoride from drinking water?

I have searched around for some filters, and weird devices, but they all require "refills". I'm looking for more of a DIY saw, and pvc type of guide.

Any information is much appreciated.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:54 PM
Here are a few links:

Seems to me Reverse Osmosis is the most feasible.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Thanks for such a quick response. I will have to read all of the links you posted a bit more, but from looking at the first link it says,

"Reverse osmosis systems are generally unaffordable for personal use".

I will have to take my time on this one, and do some hard research.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by iHateMasses
Thanks for such a quick response. I will have to read all of the links you posted a bit more, but from looking at the first link it says,

"Reverse osmosis systems are generally unaffordable for personal use".

I will have to take my time on this one, and do some hard research.

you can rent RO systems from places like culligan's. We've got 2 running in the house, one was a rental from culligans, the other was purchased at a hardware store. If you're not installation saavy, it might be difficult. >_

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by iHateMasses
Thanks for such a quick response. I will have to read all of the links you posted a bit more, but from looking at the first link it says,

"Reverse osmosis systems are generally unaffordable for personal use".

I will have to take my time on this one, and do some hard research.

Google berkey.

But the filters they provide are only good for 1000 gallons, and then need to be replaced. 1000 gallons is enough to boil water for cooking, and drink for approximately one year. Depending on how much you use. For less then $50 per filter, (can't recall exact price), this is extremely cheap. A few hundred dollars could provide ample clean (flouride free water) for years to come.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:09 AM
Thanks for all your help everyone

I think I will just study how to filter water for a bit, and then build my own. I have this thing about filters...

Anyways, If I can't do that, then I will break down, and buy a refill type sytem.

If I come up with anything that I can prove works, I will definitly post a tutorial.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:26 AM
Check this sucker out.

It's a water bottle that filters on tilt

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 01:05 AM
I have a relatively cheap system I use to filter my water. I use a Reverse Osmosis system that I originally purchased for aquarium use but ended up using it for drinking water. Whenever I need it, I just drag it out from under the sink, hook it up to the faucet and turn the water on. It’s a five stage system that actually takes my tap water from 350 parts per million down to about 3ppm. I then re mineralize the filtered water, with liquid minerals, back up to about 150ppm and store it in one gallon glass jugs. It’s a very simple system that could be “automated” more, if need be, but I have no problem dragging this filter out once a week to produce safe drinking water. Everything was purchased on line for about roughly $240.00 which is definitely less than what I would have paid for good quality drinking water over that same period. We go through a lot of drinking water in my house but so far, over a year later, I have yet to change the filters in my system and it is still working very efficiently.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 01:17 AM
Activated carbon should be able to remove fluoride.


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