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Need Help Interpreting Message from God(?)

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posted on May, 13 2004 @ 10:40 AM
I just had a dream a couple of days ago in which (I guess) Jesus Christ told me 3 things concerning the Judeo-Christian religions (I had been researching the life of Christ recently & was exploring returning to the Catholic faith). I am wondering if anybody out there more knowledgable than I about religious history and assorted matters can give me some clues as to what the following mean:

1) I was shown an image of a tall (almost giant) humanoid/insectlike being with legs that bend inward on a hinge like those aliens in the movie "The Arrival" -- I was told that this was "the real David."

2) I was told that there was one major figure in the early Christian Church/Apostles etc. who was really very evil & radically misrepresented what Christ was trying to say (my mind flashed to maybe St. Paul, but I got no confirmation on this; so I don't know).

3) I was told that the real Gospel, as far as he was concerned (or as far as he cared), was written in the "1800s"

As a person sincerely trying to get back into Christianity & to understand Faith this dream was very jarring. Any help interpreting would be appreciated. Thanks.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 10:43 AM

i was a dream you idiot, "god" didn't speak to you do you know why, coz there isn't one....or thats what they have you beleive on this site....we were made by aliens.......


posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
1) I was shown an image of a tall (almost giant) humanoid/insectlike being with legs that bend inward on a hinge like those aliens in the movie "The Arrival" -- I was told that this was "the real David."

This reminds me of an acid trip I had once where I was just sitting on the porch looking at the clouds, and there appeared a HUGE insect-like face which slowly morphed into the face of an old man with flowing hair and beard. I always wondered about the David/Goliath story and wondered if it was a literal historical account of a fight between a small Jew and a giant, or if it was a more metaphorical telling of a war in which a smaller, overwhelmed force won the day through superior technology.

3) I was told that the real Gospel, as far as he was concerned (or as far as he cared), was written in the "1800s"

This is interesting. The Mormon gospel was 'transcribed' just a little earlier than this. In it there is a re-translation of the Torah (The books of Moses - first five books of the OT), all kinds of references to trans-dimensional movement and existence, literal references to a planet called Kolob, which is the planet nearest the seat of God, literal explanations of the spirit world, all kinds of wierd stuff. I spent a nearly a year reading and studying the Mo's and I gotta tell ya, it's science fiction. Or maybe it isn't...

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
I just had a dream a couple of days ago in which (I guess) Jesus Christ told me 3 things concerning the Judeo-Christian religions (I had been researching the life of Christ recently & was exploring returning to the Catholic faith). I am wondering if anybody out there more knowledgable than I about religious history and assorted matters can give me some clues as to what the following mean:

1) I was shown an image of a tall (almost giant) humanoid/insectlike being with legs that bend inward on a hinge like those aliens in the movie "The Arrival" -- I was told that this was "the real David."

2) I was told that there was one major figure in the early Christian Church/Apostles etc. who was really very evil & radically misrepresented what Christ was trying to say (my mind flashed to maybe St. Paul, but I got no confirmation on this; so I don't know).

3) I was told that the real Gospel, as far as he was concerned (or as far as he cared), was written in the "1800s"

As a person sincerely trying to get back into Christianity & to understand Faith this dream was very jarring. Any help interpreting would be appreciated. Thanks.

I'll try to help but I don't claim to be the foremost authority on any of this:

1) Jesus was said to be "of the line of David" as in King David (David & Goliath, etc). If the being in your dream is "the real David" the implication would be that Jesus was a decendant of that being.

2) Paul was originally Saul of Tarsus and persecuted Christ's followers. In the opinion of early Christians he would have been an "evil man" who claimed to have been transformed by a vision of Christ. Since his transformation took place after the crucifixion, anything he taught would have been an interpretation of Jesus' message, not having heard it directly from the source. Whether or not it is valid is up to your own personal interpretation, your dream would appear to state that it was not.

3) Not real sure but this could be a reference to Mormonism which claims to have a second set of Christ's teachings. It would have surfaced in the 1800's.

I hope that helps some and gives you some places to dig deeper.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:55 AM
i m muslim here but at least give me a try to answer the dreamquests

1.of course all of the historian know that the real david that live in ancients time together with goliath,but there is no indicated in specific that david or king david a little deferences than other normal people in our history like in arab people since ancient or after the coming of islam
most of the prophet didnt make any statesment that king david came from any other strange living being or so-called alien,but in my believe in king david time most of the angel and the aliens always around in his time.

2.the second i believe so as a muslim i checking by my self that saint paul is the original person who change most of what jesus brought to this world.

3.i think that maybe refer to Father Brannan jeffersons
or Father Braghan jeffersons the one who believe that
jesus is only a prophets among all other jews prophets same like a moses or jacob,and nowadays most of the followers of Father Brannan all around the world live in INDIA
nearly forget to tell you this Father make his announcement
sometime in 1880s.that all i know about....but to my truth finder friends please make some more research
in your question subject thank you

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 12:50 PM
I think the aliens are trying to make you think that the big ole bug there is actually something you should worship.

And that Paul the Saint was actually a bad guy. But he WAS a bad guy until the angel fought him down blinded him for three days and then he turned into a repentent man who turned around and started saving people souls from hell, instead of killing them.

And the bible was probably tainted badly enough in the
1800's so that is where they would like to start you off on your bible lessons.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 04:39 PM
I would refer you to the words of Paul in Galatians. He specifically mentioned what to do if an alien/angel told you to follow another route.

Galatians 1:6-8
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel-- which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

Exactly what gospel is Paul talking about? Read Paul's words in 2 Cor.
2 Corinthians 2:1-2
When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

Basically, Paul is saying that the only gospel that should be believed, is the one of Jesus being crucified for your sins. Any other diversion, even if given to you by some supenatural force, is a lie.

Hope this helps

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 05:54 PM
Mormon's Mormons, Mobanes. What ever you want to call them. They are your source of your delussions.

John Walker or whatever their "inspired" leaders name was, put forth this loony concept that the Angels are all Aliens, therefore Jesus and his blood line were all aliens and that the only real story of Jesus is that of the 1800's retelling of Jesus "side stepping" time to appear in different cultures and different timelines on this planet.

Throw in their the whole "seat of GOD" planet. And you get one wacked out "religion".

I think since you started questioning your faith in the Christian religion you led your self open to attack my malicous forces that conspire to alter your sense of right and wrong.

Stay stedfast and demand that the malicous forces mind their own business and you will see the real truth

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 06:34 PM
"John Walker or whatever their "inspired" leaders name was, put forth this loony concept that the Angels are all Aliens, therefore Jesus and his blood line were all aliens and that the only real story of Jesus is that of the 1800's retelling of Jesus "side stepping" time to appear in different cultures and different timelines on this planet. " is the concept that angels are aliens any more loony than the concept of angels period? Or devouring the blood and flesh of your God?

The fact that the information I received all interlocked into ideas from the Book Of Mormon--a religion that I never had ANY interest in & had no data on--piques my interest. I have to know why I was given this specific information.

And the idea that Jesus side-stepped time to appear in different cultures answers the big question I had that drove me from the Christian faith in the first place: if Jesus is so special, why are there aspects of the Christian faith found echoed through out so many different cultures and times--like the reoccuring image of the Madonna & child, Jesus's philosophies similar to things Buddha said, resurrection stories in multiple cultures.

And don't the Mormons have this big project where they are mapping the geneology (bloodline) of every person in the US (or planet?). Isn't that like the perfect alien project, something out of the X-Files?

I'm not an advocate or a detractor of the Mormon religion at this point (tho maybe I sound like both at the moment). But I definitely am going to do quite a lot of research on this.

Point is: I'm not going to dismiss the Mormons completely right-off-the-bat as "loonies" without doing the research and then bouncing it off my intuition. There is obviously something going on if I'm getting this very specific, interrelated info from the "ether."

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 11:15 AM
Sorry but you are fulling into the carefully planned pitful that is the basis of the Mormon "religion" that is the deception of Christians into questioning their own faith.

It was carefully planned and constructed to do just that, convert Christians to Mormons. For what purpose and why, well just like many secret societies there might be many levels of "explanation" but only one real truth.

Like I said before there are malicous forces at work trying to upset the balance in the world. Be very leary of getting involved with your research into the Mormon faith. You will find your self questioning your very soul.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 03:10 PM
"Like I said before there are malicous forces at work trying to upset the balance in the world. Be very leary of getting involved with your research into the Mormon faith. You will find your self questioning your very soul."

I know that there exists a general Darkness/evil out there that tries to deceive people and tempts them to "lose their souls" -- so I appreciate the warning. But following these "leads" are just part-and-parcel of the essential Fox Mulderiness of my nature.

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