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Ideas to Avoid the Swine Flu Shot

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 05:50 PM
I had one particular idea out of the blue that might help you in case if the vaccinations become mandatory in your area. It's better than doing nothing that might get you in jail, fined, or become quarantined right?

So here's my plan:

Things you need:
-Makeup (for later)
-A sanitized pin
-Some white medical tape that they use

So basically you are recreating a fake Swine Flu injection. So pin point on your arm of where they would inject you. Poke yourself with your sanitized pin on that arm, then of course clean off your arm. Then you are basically done, then just put your cottonball on and patch it up with tape and you are good to go. After a while from a injection you would get a bruise on that area, and that's where the makeup comes in. Unless if you poked yourself under some deep skin, then forsure you'll get a bruise from that.

If they have a checklist, maybe say they forgot to check off my name. Hopefully they should fall for that one. :p

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:02 PM
I guess the other is stop being so paranoid and understand flu is all around us, all the time. You can take the risks either way. Take a shot, don't take it. The actual question that befits a response is: Is there a great conspiracy in all this. I suspect if you have a gun and canned food stored in your underground bunker the answer is yes. And the aliens are coming to get you to. Seriously, when will this paranoid trash end?

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Get a lawyer for an injunction to stop the forced vaccination. A good lawyer will be able to keep a court tied up with it for a while - perhaps long enough for the guillian burre victims to start piling up. By then, the courts might side with ya'

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:09 PM
A good idea but I think the records of those up for the injections will be extremely efficient and computerised and the drone at your door will be checking a PDA or some other device, which will negate your self-inflicted puncture marks.

If it comes down to a mandatory vaccination program than I think it best not to underestimate the coordination and planning that will have gone into this. I think it also safe to assume that a mandatory vaccination program will be a well-oiled machine with few margins for error.

This seems to have been something that has been in the planning for many years by a class of people the average person has never had the misfortune to come across prior and would not be fooled by your plan.

In my case if it seems that, a mandatory vaccination program is about to come on-stream in my country I will be out of my house and away from civilisation long before the first person gets their shot of poison. If they want me and mine then they are going to have to come and get us and I will not be compliant.

Even if by some stroke of bad luck, I am in a situation where I am going to be forced to take it… Death would be preferable so threats of fines or imprisonment and so forth mean nothing to me.

They can stick those needles where the sun does not shine, it is my body not theirs, they have no rights to it.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Shrukin89

Just don't be the first in line if you can avoid it. They will need the 400,000 troops deployed in the US to do this.

If Obama lets 400,000 troops wander around he risks a military coop. Military run martial law. He could be put out of office like the leadership in a third world country. This would be very weird.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:17 PM
Just say your allergic to one of the ingredients they put into the shot.

Not a one liner.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:20 PM
Bribe a nurse friend
or a doctor
or whoever youknow that gives the shots

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:35 PM
Join the Obama administration.

second, though not as snarky, line.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Ok I want to point out something many have missed. If they make it mandatory they already know we will resist and fight back. So in thinking like them, while I sit here in my back forty think tank, they will want to minimize trouble.

EMP blast in the upper atmosphere, takes out our cells and land lines, no communication. Takes out our electric and our cars, no transport and if in winter to cold to leave an already dark house. Prior to this troops on edge of area to be serviced.

Second phase to reduce any complaints, sound machine already in place the decibels of the unit will cause all inhabitants to be immobilized. Shote given, guns taken, chips inserted, no muss, no fuss.

If you think they will just announce it and let you be ready, you are nuts.

The ducks are lined up and the enemy is in the field.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:49 PM
Im glad you said sanitised....

Otherwise we could have ATS members dying of tetanus,

They wouldnt get tetanus shots either, becuase i read somewhere here that they are also "evil"

I love reading these threads, they are so funny....although your idea OP, is quite clever


[edit on 24/8/2009 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:50 PM
This might work, even against a "well oiled machine":
1) For 3 days take excessive amounts of the herb Echinacia - it increases white cell count & raises core body temperature.
2) Stay awake for 36hrs before putting the plan into effect, using as little caffein as possible - makes you red-eyed & jittery without the obvious signs of stimulants.
3) Make an emergency appointment to see your doctor.
4) On your way to the appointment, do some strenuous exercise - to make sure your temperature is high.
5) Shortly, but not immediately, before seeing your Doc, insufflate a small line of table salt into each nostril - will make your nose run badly & your eyes water.
6) Lie to your Doc describing the onset of your "flu" - they'll give you some mild painkillers & decongestants etc.
Having had the disease, voila, you wont need a vaccination!
If you have access to cordite, apparently soldiers used to eat a small bit to make themselves look really ill to get out of duty... might work, IDK

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:54 PM
How about say 'No' and just walk out. That's what I intend to do if the subject ever comes up... Any resistance will be met with swift violence...

But it will never some to that - as a prev poster said - stop with the paranoid BS, all you gotta do is not make a scene and just say no.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by son of total newbie

There is opportunity in chaos.

Stick and move, brothers and sisters.

Stick and move.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 07:07 PM
Thus far just reactionary replies. Jingoistic on either side = no winners. Like there is gonna be a winner in a contest with equally daft arguements. Is there actually a reasoned arguement here? I'm suspecting not.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by logican
Is there actually a reasoned arguement here? I'm suspecting not.

Uh yeah, how about "We aren't cattle, and won't be innoculated like a herd of them against our consent with poorly studied, well known toxins".

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by son of total newbie
reply to post by Shrukin89

Just don't be the first in line if you can avoid it. They will need the 400,000 troops deployed in the US to do this.

If Obama lets 400,000 troops wander around he risks a military coop. Military run martial law. He could be put out of office like the leadership in a third world country. This would be very weird.

I forgot that I should mention that I'm from Canada... I wouldn't exactly have to worry, Alberta is getting free for all vaccinations in mid-November. So it's not quite yet enforced yet over here. Which I guess is good....

The only worry for me is if the virus mutates into a deadlier form and that I die from it, I have asthma so this would be a issue either way, shot or no shot doesn't matter.

[edit on 24-8-2009 by Shrukin89]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Dissemination

If it comes down to a mandatory vaccination program than I think it best not to underestimate the coordination and planning that will have gone into this. I think it also safe to assume that a mandatory vaccination program will be a well-oiled machine with few margins for error.

Like any other program our "well - oiled" government machine implements...


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