posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:10 PM
Problem A:
People (rich and poor alike) tend to have a "tiny" problem with taxes. So while noble people (like OP,surely) would gladly pay 2 percent - or more,
some less noble ones (like me ,probably) would not appreciate paying another two percent to
Problem 2:
bunch of beurocrats who would spend the money in multiple meetings, on multitude of different commities, and on quarrels one with another due to
Problem 3:
political and economical differences.
A little example - people in African country are suffering from famine/epidemics. 100 millions are needed and are available from your noble fund. Now
bunch of dudes with totally unrelated interests sit down and start to decide how to invest it all wisely. Experts,hotels, meetings - couple of
millions are spent at once. Then - what is source of food/medication? Country X says - we donate the most, it should be bought from us. Country Y says
that theirs is the best. Z - that theirs is the cheapest. There is a silent struggle about who would get the contract. Result is not always the best
possible. Or usually not the best possible. Another ten millions wasted on this strugle. Then - who would be responsible for delivering it to people?
Government of African country? But they have enemies, do not control all the territory, are corrupt and such. Majority of aid goes to local militias
who then resell it and make money. Several millions do reach the simple people who in the meanwhile are suffering from thirst too. And have bigger
problems like civil war going on between now rich militias and government forces.
So my suggestion - fixing result of problem does not work. Fixing the problem is needed. Investing the money in economy and stability of these
countries would eventually make them capable of fighting emergencies by themself. US (and others) are sending billions $ to poor countries for decades
- and those billions come from taxpayers pockets, just as you suggested. Result is - same old, same old. Famines, wars, hunger,malaria and bunch of
other problems. Western firms that produce the goods sent as aid - gain. Economy of countries who reiceve those goods remains in crap.
[edit on 24-8-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]