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29th July 2008 **Evidence That UFO's Are Manmade**

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 01:55 PM
It probably makes sense that, as others are saying, some of these craft are man made and based on downed alien hardware.

Then on the other hand I keep reading that the military arefifty years in front of te general public. So who really knows what they're capable of.

It's too big a subject to come to any conclusions based on one video.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 04:03 PM
There's much more to this than this video, the Nazi UFOs deserve a sub-forum of its own.

There are too many sides of this story, issues that are related and that makes it difficult to get the whole picture in one topic.

Yes, Nazi UFOs are real, they are hiding out and will reveal themselves when the time has come, most likely around 2012. The Saucers were reinvented after German archaeologists gathered all ancient knowledge, among it there was also the Vimana and Mesopotamian "Mythology". Hitler was aware of the coming age of Aquarius. The Nazis fought against the NWO, aka Zionists.
That's why Germany is still occupied.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 04:20 PM
Why 2012? sorry, i'm a noob.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 04:20 PM

you cant apply a one cap fits all theory to ufo,s

im pretty dam sure the ufo(craft ) i encountered twice was not "man made" not by our military anyhow.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:33 AM
Ive never heard of this Randy guy before but have heard of Billy Meier. Never really done much research on them but will do now. From what I have read it seems like everyones putting Billy into a HOAX category but I'll try make my own mind on what this guys about....

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by booda

This part of the video isn't related to the Meier Case.
Nazi-UFOs, most of you ignore them, but they are real!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:49 AM
brazil;? man, in brazil they cant even control the population .. what about ufos ... shut the x up

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Faiol

They are Germans hiding in Brazil and Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by sickofitall2012
Then WTH do we need with a lousy shuttle. Let's just zoom around and spook people, but not use them in any military or space mission. Yep, makes tons of sense to me. Sorry, can't buy it.

Exactly.... So apparantly the government has been making flying saucers yet some things don't make sense.

  1. UFO's have been seen for centuries.... were humans building flying saucers whilst we all sat in horse drawn carts?
  2. If they are ALL man-made.... why are we building Saturn rockets to try and get to the moon?
  3. If they are secret military technology.... why was the US govt trying to win World War I and II with the equivalent of a knife and fork when they had a chainsaw?

Can any debunker explain to me why we have this apparant military technology in flying saucers.... they risked losing World Wars by sending out tanks and soldiers.... when we had this amazing technology that could have won the war in hours at the turn of the century?

The debunkers and the pro-Telsa sympathisers simply cannot say all UFO's are man made when their "theory" simple does not fit.

[edit on 25-8-2009 by Total Package]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Total Package

Im not a debunker but maybe for space travel. They might be travelling the galaxy and other solar systems....who knows?

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by booda
reply to post by Total Package

Im not a debunker but maybe for space travel. They might be travelling the galaxy and other solar systems....who knows?

Makes no sense... why would they be keeping travelling to other solar systems a secret unless there is something they don't want us to know about the universe such as alien life..... if there is nothing out there then why the big secrecy... and if there is alien life then there is every chance the saucers are alien as well or at least they were before we backengineered them.

Now I can maybe make a case for the argument of... "they dont want us to know there is free energy because they are making too much money from fossil fuel"...... but that doesn't rule out cases of alien abduction... crop circles... animal mutliation. Why would the government mutilate animals in a field when they can go to a farm and buy a cow off a farmer to use for beef.

For a theory to be correct it needs to be able to make sense across all the phenomena.... not just pick and choose. Alien life is a theory that fits across all of the phenomena..... nothing else I have seen is.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:47 AM
The only way you could say something like "UFO's are manmade" is if you could pick one of them up, look in the bottom and read "Made in China".

Then I would believe.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Tifozi
The only way you could say something like "UFO's are manmade" is if you could pick one of them up, look in the bottom and read "Made in China".

Then I would believe.

Even then that would only prove that 1 UFO is manmade.. not all of them

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:15 AM
There could be many reasons for "hiding the truth". If the flying ships were not alien in origin but instead visitors from the future (I am not talking mainstream time travel in the future but rather accidental time travel). In trade for protecting them from people wanting to know about the future they may share their tech with the governments, or they may be prisoners of the governments for them to try to force information about the future while they back engineer the technology.

When I talk about accidental time travel, it is my opinion that these craft were possibly more like escape pods for a type of space station, or even visiting terrestrial craft (specifics are hard to come by in an opinion), If the space station had some kind of artificial gravity generator on board or something similar that malfunction and exploded, It could have had the possibility of creating a rift through time and sending these escape pods and or visiting terrestrial craft along with the space station itself hurtling through time depositing different pieces in different times throughout the history of the planet.

Now the above is all speculation, and in my opinion more feasible than an alien civilization finding our little planet with our little sun out of the vast many other solar systems with much larger suns at the center of them. To understand this you would have to take a look at our sun the way a distant civilization would, or would they even see our sun as even a faint star in their sky? If they don’t see our sun, what reason would they have to look in our direction to even find our planet?

Ok to sum it up where I do believe the UFO’s are man made, I don’t believe they were all necessarily made in the current time period. Some are made with current tech, and I believe they are having trouble with the originals getting older and less stable and the copies are still having problems making them exactly like the originals because of alloys not being discovered yet etc., which is keeping them from being able to be used in missions to space etc, thus the secrecy is kept until they can make the tech work properly.

I hope all of this makes sense.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:22 AM
I'm sure that SOME of the objects seen or filmed are probably Terran technology. However, I think that this is used as an all to easy excuse by people who can't find any other explanation for something. After all, no one is going to be able to disprove super-secret technology. Nice fall-back for skeptics.

However, I think claiming many of these objects are military just doesn't make sense. There is a reason that we have facilities in the middle of deserts. Why would you EVER test something over a city, where if it crashed, it could be discovered / cause injury and death? Even more laughable is testing these things over foreign soil. No government in their right mind would do this. Let's disclose our secrets *and* piss off another country at the same time... sweet!

Sightings like in Phoenix or the one in Indiana. Where an object is sighted for hours over many counties. Because that's something our military would do, right? Hardly. How often do you see COMMON military vehicles? Almost never?

I saw a pair of military choppers the other day in Denver. They instantly stood out. They were a rarity. That was the first military choppers I had seen over that area in over 10 years. That's how often they fly over civilian areas. With KNOWN vehicles. And yet we are supposed to believe they are flying all sorts of secret, expensive, prototype vehicles over our cities? Yea.. I'm not buying that.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

PSSSST Don't let jritzmann find this thread

[edit on 24-8-2009 by zorgon]

Too late.

I have some respect for Jeff Ritzmann's work, but I personally find his constant Billy Meier thread-stalking deeply disturbing. One man's quest has clearly turned into a crusade. I kinda feel bad for the guy. So much time and effort spent on one UFO case.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:31 PM
good find. I would like to see some analysis of the photo's and the bio of the narrator\scientist. and these photo's would have to have been faked in my opinion. upon discovery of leaked photo would cause a major security breech. one of the nature of Hunt & Terminate.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:00 PM
if you took over half the world wouldnt you take all the technology and artifacts from that half of the world as well? as well as the leading minds?

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by booda

Anyway, the guy speaking is saying that all UFO's are manmade from Brazil/Germany and have been using the technologoy since 1947...

In response to OP's thread title:

Well THAT solves it.


posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:58 AM
so this Randy guy claims they are all manmade etc but when watching some videos of him he claims Billy Meier has flown with ET's from the Pleiedes etc....

so what is it then ET or manmade....

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