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Jones and Icke: The Only Nutjobs I Trust

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posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:32 PM
I am including myself in the "nutjob" category. World's full of them, don't you know?

I am tired of Republicans who are only just now whinging about the loss of our rights, socialism, and totalitarianism when they gave Bush and Himmler--I mean, Cheney carte blanche because they were all on the same team. I said it to my Republican friends when the Patriot Act was being pushed through that they would regret this expansion of powers when a Democrat was in charge, but, no, no, noooooo! Bush was a decent guy and it was the liberals who didn't love their country or some other Fox News incited propaganda like that.

Thanks to you guys we now have the Patriot Act and fewer rights than ever before. I hope you still love Bush when you are arrested as a suspicious person for wearing an NRA t-shirt and have a Bob Jones sticker on your car. They made it all possible with their DHS and Fusion Centers.

Thanks. Bravo.

I am tired of Democrats who only hated government secrecy when it was Bush and Cheney that kept all the secrets. What happened to torture is wrong? What happened to "Bring the Troops Home"? What happened to ending the cover up about the abuse of power? Do none of you care that Obama hasn't repealed a single executive order that would enable the American people to see what thugs we have in office??? Do you not care that he expanded the war, that he hasn't even mentioned repealing the Patriot Act?

I won't blame him for the economy (in case you were wondering). I blame all of the Skull and Bones Club, but most of all their evil gremlin Greenspan.

David Icke and Alex Jones have consistently told the truth, that all of these people are bums, that they all are self-serving and that political parties are just a joke; a ploy to keep us fighting while they do as they please.

Alex and David never gave Bush, Clinton, Blair or anyone else a free pass. They never yielded to team pressures and picked a side other than the side of humanity. Maybe they are nutjobs, but they are my kind of nutjobs.

Gentlemen, I salute you!

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:35 PM
They are both two faced absolute scum. They both love people being tortured, and then they go on there, oh lets pretend, we are peaking out against oppression.

Your problem if you are taken in with them.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
They are both two faced absolute scum. They both love people being tortured, and then they go on there, oh lets pretend, we are peaking out against oppression.

Your problem if you are taken in with them.

Is trolling a part-time or full time profession for you?


And what evidence do you have that they love people being tortured? They weren't the ones creating happy camps in Gitmo for Afghani cab drivers, or trumping up false information so they can start a war that their family members profit from.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori

Originally posted by andy1033
They are both two faced absolute scum. They both love people being tortured, and then they go on there, oh lets pretend, we are peaking out against oppression.

Your problem if you are taken in with them.

Is trolling a part-time or full time profession for you?


And what evidence do you have that they love people being tortured? They weren't the ones creating happy camps in Gitmo for Afghani cab drivers, or trumping up false information so they can start a war that their family members profit from.

I am more to truth than you will ever be. You can bet your life i am right about those two, but you are not.

Find one topic i have posted in that has wrong info in, you cannot, when i come on here i will just tell the truth, and especially in threads with regards to police or government and them destroying lifes.

What i have been through at there hands, everyone should take heeed, as they are not in this world just to target my life, lol.

But keep living in your ignorant world. If you listen to icke and jones, and think they are great thats your problem, i know i will not be bothering.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

Well I have to agree with Andy there. Both are there to make themselves look good and make money at the same time. I wont bother polluting your thread with why because I wrote a thread on Icke a while back, but Im sure that they, for the most part are strecthing the truth.

Anything these guys say shouldnt be automtaically taken as truth. As Icke always says, think for yourself....yet Ickes followers always believe whatever he says, lol

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:51 PM
David Icke is brilliant

Alex Jones is not


posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I didn't say that I believed everything they said--on the contrary, I question everything and every one. What I like about them is that they have never subscribed to partisan politics. Alex Jones is obviously a conservative and yet he's not afraid to take aim at the Bush family and their cronies. David Icke is obviously a liberal and yet he'll call out the Blairs of this world along with the Major's.

I am sick to death of the free pass given to the people that we feel are on our team even when they do absolutely reprehensible things.

I love that Jones and Icke stir things up. They are showmen in the same way that Rage Against The Machine are showmen. They yell, shout, stamp, and entertain people and that serves a purpose. If ONE person wakes up because of Alex Jones it is, to me, worth it.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
David Icke is brilliant

Alex Jones is not



Well, Icke is my favorite of the two. How can you not love a man who believes that the Queen of England is a seven foot tall bipedal reptile?

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:56 PM
I would be careful who you put your trust in, no matter who they may be.

The only person who's thoughts and beliefs you can trust are your own, everything else is external and subject to the whims, desires and agendas of others.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux

There was a bit of humor in my thread title that I think people are missing.

*scratches head*

Perhaps, I should have said: Icke and Jones, the most trustworthy nutjobs I know!


posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori

Originally posted by LiveForever8
David Icke is brilliant

Alex Jones is not



Well, Icke is my favorite of the two. How can you not love a man who believes that the Queen of England is a seven foot tall bipedal reptile?


Although i think he has distanced himself from those statements since he said them. He himself said he was in a bad place at the time. Well maybe not a bad place, but was going through a traumatic experience.

The fact he said such things makes him more believable, in a way. Its so outrageous.

Im going to see him live next year so i cant wait. Sould be very interesting.

I still don't believe all he says, far from it. But i believe in his sincerity.

Can't say the same for Alex Jones, he doesn't sit well with me. Angers me.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:02 PM
I don't know if I trust either of those guys completely but, I know that I like your non-partisan logic. Way to see things clearly!

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Noooooooo! Don't tell me he no longer thinks the Queen is a reptile? *hangs head*

But I agree with you, he comes across as very gentlemanly and sincere.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I didn't say that I believed everything they said--on the contrary, I question everything and every one. What I like about them is that they have never subscribed to partisan politics.

I didnt read between the lines on your opening post

You obviously dont believe Ickes reptilian theory, do you??

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

I get it.

In a sense I agree, at least Jones and Ike aren't out to kill anybody. It's just that, someone who talks as much as Jones is inevitably wrong at least once in a while.

When you really boil it down, we're all insane. I can think of nothing crazier than the concept of society working out well and to the benefit of all those involved yet we operate under that assumption everyday.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by A Fortiori
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I didn't say that I believed everything they said--on the contrary, I question everything and every one. What I like about them is that they have never subscribed to partisan politics.

I didnt read between the lines on your opening post

You obviously dont believe Ickes reptilian theory, do you??

No, but I wish I did. The very idea of large walking, talking, shape-shifting reptiles appeals to the dinosaur, Land of the Lost loving kid in me.

It is so much more exciting to think we're ruled by shape-shifting reptiles than crusty old white geezers in suits.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

He may still think those things...but he doesn't say them anymore...much

I instantly loved him when he was doing a book signing and a group of Jewish protesters who were against him, attacked him (dressed as reptiles...of course:@@
and threw a cake at him.

Some hit him in the face.

Instead of getting angry he merely wiped his finger across the cake on his face and said......

"Needs more sugar"


posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
reply to post by A Fortiori

He may still think those things...but he doesn't say them anymore...much

I instantly loved him when he was doing a book signing and a group of Jewish protesters who were against him, attacked him (dressed as reptiles...of course:@@
and threw a cake at him.

Some hit him in the face.

Instead of getting angry he merely wiped his finger across the cake on his face and said......

"Needs more sugar"


Jon Ronson wrote about that in THEM I think. Icke is pretty smooth, I'll agree.

I do know Alex is a nut, but his sneaking into the Bohemian Grove and filming it was brilliant.

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