posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 08:03 PM
may I suggest .
recruiting people is far more difficult than you make it sound .
if it were as simple as " the enemy of my enemy is my friend "
it would happen more .
security is not the problem here .
may I offer a diffrent point of veiw .
in the beginning :
you collect 4 or more wealthy persons who will fund your organization .
you place in temp employment agency's 20 persons of unqualified loyalty .
as powerful and important clients to these agencys , your wealth funding requests the advancement and employment of your recruiter
your " recruiters" have access to 10's of thousands of named persons with resume's , work history and personal history .
once identifide'd , you very carefully filter out specialists .
all the while , keeping them employed .
when you have a list of names ....
set up a teliphone number , that can make a single phone call ...
and get things done .
the call would sound something like this .
" I have 5 contracts , when completed I pay 500.oo .
if you want one , I will call again with details . "
the action contracts will not be understood by the phone agent , only the person to contact , where and when to meet .
the person they call has a " legend " , a handle , a fake name .
a debit credit card to put money into when a contract is completed .
and a cell phone number that may be changed at the whim of the legend , when they are call'd by the phone agent .
it important to understand what a mobius loop is at this time.
if you take a strip of paper (2inchs wide and 50 inchs long)
and put a half twist in it and tape its ends togather .
you can begin at one edge of the paper and begin writing names
and phone numbers .... and never have a name not followed by another name and phone number ....
you can add or subtract names and phone numbers any where on the edge of the paper , and if you follow the edge , a name
always follows the next name .
unlike a list , on the other side of the paper will be a second name and phone number . a person who gives contracts and takes
contracts . but never see's or knows who the person is they talk to .
if you build three such mobuis lists .
you have your alpha , bata and recruiter organization .
with out any one ever haveing person to person contact .
your three or more wealthy business men will need to fund the operation for a short time .
you have one group that seeks out tasks that need to be done , and people who feel strongly enought to pay the bills .
you have one group that receive , organize , and hand out the tasks , and pay for their completed task .
you have one group that does the task , and is paid only when and if it is completed .
the nice thing about a mobius structure .
you can put a task in at any point ,
you can receive , organize and hand out at any point
you can do the task , and get paid for its completed tast at any point...
when people are added or subtracted from any one of the lists , it doesn't change anything .
no one person needs to have the whole , for it to function .
and as it grows... you can brake it , into smaller units , or combine smaller peices into a larger whole .
the three active concepts
1) never use a real name
2) you know only what is required to do your job
3) you get paid for what you complete , not for good efforts or good attempts .
concepts of intrest
1) never ask a person to brake the law , or engage in illegal behavior ( rico )
2) never ***** in your own nest , never use locals for a local problem . never make it personal , never take it personaly ,
and never ever do for your self , what others will handle for you .
3) be polite , apathic and proffessional .
4) avoid radicals , passionate , philosophical , or motivated .
build a very simple temp personal agency
that uses the poor , honest , hard working , among us .