posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:03 AM
FEMA’s Job is to prepare and be ready for any type of emergency that could occur on U.S soil. If we have a “dirty Bomb” explode in a U.S City we
are going to have Hundreds of Thousands dead. Its FEMA’s job to deal with that. The only thing they can do with dead bodies that are infected with
“chemicals” would be to Incinerate them. (Burn them).
Too many people killed from a Major disaster ( Earthquake, Volcano, tsunami, Chemical attack, Plague. Etc etc) will not get buried like most normal
dead. We can’t just dig holes in the ground like we see in old 2nd world war footage and Bulldoze bodies into the ground. Like that’s going to go
down well here in the US.
FEMA have already set up Camps to deal with Mass arrests in the event of Public disorder after such events. Some of these facilities have Incinerators
to burn infected dead bodies.
If the Swine flu break out gets bad and Hundreds of thousands die, they might put these facilities to use.
This is where the FEMA “death trains” come into play. The best way to move high volumes of bodies are via these Box cart trains. The same ones
they use to carry cars. If its mass dead coffins or mass arrests, the train serves the best Practical use without having to spend Millions making some
other form of transport. The coffins will come into use at the Site of the Destruction and short hauled to the nearest train collection area and mass
piled into the trains and then shipped to the closest camp for incineration.
It would not be practical to drive trucks hundreds of miles to the same locations. They cannot carry as many in numbers. Also trains are not as
visible by the general public. It beats seeing 500 trucks going down the highway.
I doubt there is any hidden plan for the use of these facilities. Camps, Trains, Coffins. But as we know they could be used for any purpose. But
that’s not to say that is what they are for.