posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Melissa101
photovoltaics aint cheap either to buy a ready made panel or build your own if on a tight budget. however, as you have a woodburning stove in the
cabin, if you have water, a better solution would be a mini-steam engine to drive something like a gym-treadmill motor
The best thing about these motors is their can make them into a wind turbine using the 'Chispito' design, or if you are near a
running brook that you can create a decent head of water, a hydro driven setup
The best place to start researching however is this place...quite possibly the most informative alt.power place on the internet. lots of projects, and
a very knowledeable community board for any Q&A's
the next consideration is a battery bank to store the power you produce, and then an inverter to turn the DC power into AC for appliances
if you read through the stuff on the two sites linked above before you spend any money, you'll have a good grounding on where to start