posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 11:18 PM
Here's a good reason to quit, well in America anyways. Tobacco is now government regulated. Meaning, they can put whatever the hell they want in them
now and you'd never be the wiser. Bioweapons, chemical weapons, influenza, nano machines, etc. The list could go on and on. And don't think that
they'd think twice about doing it either. The government has experimented on the population since anyone can remember. Anyone remember the
radioactive isotopes in the children's cereal back in the 50s? They don't care about us. The sooner you all realize that, the better off you will
be. Myself, I'm on my last pack and I will not be buying anymore. Since the government took oversight on the tobacco, I have noticed a significant
difference in the flavor of the cigarettes I was smoking. They've wasted no time in messing with the ingredients. Not that anything in a cigarette
was ever any good for you, but now, they have a blank check to do whatever they want with them.
If they want population control, what better way than to introduce a weapon into tobacco that will kill everyone that smokes. They all think of
smokers as less than human these days anyways. I think it's high time for all of us smokers to join the non-smokers. You'll also be denying them tax
dollars and money for their pet projects if you quit. Here's to quitting!!