posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Im sorry, Im so bad at coming up titles that are not its a bit confusing!
However, I thought it was interesting to talk about not so common
I was at the Zoo a few days ago, the weather was absoultely lovely, and I enjoyed wading thru and staring at all the beautiful animals and plants, it
was truly a delight and knowing myself I generally avoid large crowds because I tend to get insecure about my looks, voice or just how people perceive
me in general
But...I do like watching people myself too *snickers*, although I am aware that staring or having a certain mimic can be very disheartening or uncomfy
for someone else
So early in the afternoon I saw two bald guys, one with sunglasses, the other one without, big men, and they were holding hands and had their two boys
with them, they seemed sooo happy and having fun. Im not sure if they noticed me but after they passed by I kept looking, it gave me a happy
An hour or something later I passed an info board with a mirror, which was part of some children's game. So I thought "Ok, good moment to check out
if my hair's still ok and my clothing still sits right , or my lips are hydrated .... I mean, I thought I was standing there alone
I turned around to move again and saw two women in their early 30's, holding hands, in summerdresses walking my way. I looked at them and I couldnt
but getting aggravated and walked to a nearby animal fence in some sort of protesting way, like an enraged Tyra Banks would do at a fashion show . I
saw from the edges of my eyes that they were a little irritated by it as they moved on
I felt so ashamed and really wondered why I reacted like that, I didnt expect it , I thought I would have been more hospitable
And about myself, I am a "straight" male, having a male body but I think I shouldnt have had a gender/sex to begin with or an androgynous one . I
often feel discomfort with the way the world supposedly is, people are strictly this ..or that, even though I prefer women's company and ideas
Im just a little confused why I react like this and why they both gave me such odd unexpected reactions
Im feel a little dissapointed in myself