posted on Feb, 13 2003 @ 06:51 PM
It is true the hardest part is bioengineering a disease into a weaponized form, however, the bioengineering is already done!
Bioengineering an existing disease into a weaponized form is the entire reason for the existence of USAMRIID, and the CDC has a large portion of its
budget and resources earmarked to act as a backup/supplement to USAMRIID for this same purpose. And, as far as if someone can get hold of something
from USAMRIID for terroristic purposes, well, ask David Hatfield....
Of course, I would maintain (check out my post regarding Alternative 3 and the plan for humanity) that any release is likely to be totally planned,
and aimed at the reduction of the total human population.
I also expect to see such a release in the near future....Maybe not from Al Queda (although it will likely be blamed on them), but very similar in the
way I described.