posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 03:56 AM
We have been in contact I am in NW Indiana about an hour from Chicago am 33 and work in the railroad field and let me tell you i have seen some wierd
stuff get shipped even covered cars marked DODX in the computer system to keep the operators and general employees from knowing what is being shipped
more on that later I will follow up with Pics and Vids of some of this crazy stuff.
Also am working on some hotspots in between Chiacgo and Indianapolis I know this is a large region buy I have been into recon and visit some of these
places at night I go in dark and have not been seen as of yet no one I know personally knows what I do they assume I work and sleep but i must keep it
low key because there is a military base near and a lot of blanket cameras in the area I am now equiped with night vision and a decent digital
camcorder and hope to post some pics and decent video of what is going on soon. All I can say is that there is a heavy UN presence in the area which
is not right as a nation they are not supoosed to be on our soil orbs have beens seen and a large cylinder appeared out of thin air and tumbled to the
ground followed by heavy helicopter activity not sure if they were black or unmarked as in the rural Indiana areas it get really dark
and soon left the area I am glad to be a part of this community because information needs to be free and no where else would i be able to post what is
going on and not be told oh that's just military exercies like the town people think
Thanks again and I will be back with info am doing recon in the area at least 3 times a week and if safe hope to hookup with Hii_98 for a trek out
there as i find he is not that far from me
Later all