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Swine Flu:The Bigger Picture

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:10 PM
I visit this forum the most out of any on this site, not sure why exactly but instinctively I take an interest.

We've all seen the info on whats in the vaccine, the immunity of the drug companies from prosecution and the government's response to criticism of it.

What I wanted to start here is a discussion of what the overall goal of swine flu is because though people mention things in other threads I feel a fuller discussion to look at every possibility is needed.

Government gone safety crazy?

NWO depopulation plan?

Pharmaceutical company +WTO profiteering racket?

A fear mongering False flag?

Or anything inbetween, I'd really like to hear people's views and the reasons why.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:34 PM
The general population of the US and many other "free" countries have been the major road block to the plan of global elite assholes.

They truly fear our commitment to peace on earth, goodwill to man.

The thing now is about control, not money.

The plan they hatched many, many years ago is coming at us like a runaway train.

Few can or will want to see this but it is unfolding now and the time to prepare is quickly fading.

These animals are not stupid and cover their tracks well.....(911)+others.

Only a miracle of profound proportion can stop what has been set into motion.

Soon it will be every man to himself......Via con dios

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 08:07 PM
Rich old men wanting to be just a bit richer.I don't think it a depopulation plan,i don't think the government are safety crazy...i do think it shows how much power big pharma have over organizations such as the WHO and also governments.They will be making a fortune because of swine flu...the $$ is all there is too it imo.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Chilled Zen

This White House stated that they would not let a good crisis go to waste.

The swine flu can be used to stifle first ammendment issues from people assembling in groups, to misleading information on the tv or web.

The swine flu can also be used to promote government health control issues.

The swine flu can also be used to vaccinate a large population of people with whatever they want.

The swine flu can also be used to mandate quarantines, of individuals or even cities.

It could also be used to invade privacy by medical records and data profiling to determine disease spread.

The swine flu is nothing but a huge bonus for this administration.

Juuuuuuuuuuust my humble little opinion. . .

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 08:24 PM
It is public knowledge that the swine flu is a non-epidemic. See this reference, for example:

When less than half of one percent is infected fatally, that is a non-issue. I think we are getting confused. It can be an epidemic, it can be a pandemic, but it doesn't matter if the fatality rates are so low. Think of it as a little worse than the common cold. The fatalities from pneumonia are twice those of swine flu.

Please, people....look at the facts and stop with the tirade about swine flu.
The world is not coming to an end over any swine flu epidemic/pandemic/whatever...

Don't you think it's just media hype? I do.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Jim Scott]

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Jim Scott]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 08:28 PM
With the amount of "advertising" this flu is getting, it surely is about the bottom $$$ in regards to vaccinations, medicines, etc...

Really, it isn't any different from any other flu. It isn't even new. It just mutated. Most flu's do that as well.

Most flu's kill millions of people every year.

In my opinion, it's advertising with fear mongering. That = $$

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 08:32 PM
I'll try to cut the whole thing with Ockham's razor:

You've got a pandemic, public panic, and a new government health care bill congress is pushing. And off course - "vaccines".

I'm not a huge fan of David Icke, but I have to qoute him on this one, cause on theses things he's right on the money:

Problem - Reaction - Solution

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Chilled Zen

You can't understand the answers you get to your questions. You can't believe this, but there is a non-human bot intelligence present on this planet.

Laugh all you want. Watch how TPTB back off or back down.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by huntergatherer

These animals are not stupid and cover their tracks well.....(911)+others.

C'mon Huntergatherer, you of all people, to say "These
animals". What is your avatar? I've read many of your responses
and all have been intelligent. You know the PTB are HUMAN, not
animal. Just thought I'd give you a poke about that

The big picture on the flu I'm afraid is that we are being set up
for a mass eugenics operation with the vaccines. We know that
Baxter has sent LIVE h1n1 bird flu virus in vaccines sent to
europe. Another container with the same stuff blew up in a Swiss
train. We're supposed to trust these clowns?

Look at who holds the patent for the vaccine - NIH and Dyncorp.
. Sometimes I swear life has turned into a walking
nightmare. No needles for me thanks, I already have Guillain-Barre.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Red_Fox
I'll try to cut the whole thing with Ockham's razor:

You've got a pandemic, public panic, and a new government health care bill congress is pushing. And off course - "vaccines".

I'm not a huge fan of David Icke, but I have to qoute him on this one, cause on theses things he's right on the money:

Problem - Reaction - Solution

But that's only the USA - they'd need the backing of every other country that is also hyping swine flu.

I really have no idea what it's all about - could it be so they can tell us that all the bailout money would have worked except for so many ppl getting sick and taking time off work?

Could it be a way of pumping money back into the economies because ppl are buying anti-virals and then they'll also buy vaccine?

I can't understand what it's all about or why countries already in their flu season aren't reporting it being a massive problem. If it's so serious that they need to rush out a vaccine, without proper testing, then why aren't those countries reporting something much more serious going on?

It's all quite bizarre really.


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