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Vaccine Testing on Troops?

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:30 PM
Recently, I went to see my military health care provider for a routine assesment. I find it odd that although I am not due for my next installment of the "anthrax vaccine" they handed me the normal paperwork one fills out each time you get the shot. Furthermore, I had spoken to the NCO who looks through the database and says who needs what shots prior to going. He said that I was not on the list to recieve any vaccines that day. I also found it odd that there was reference to GBS (the disease linked to the experimental swine flu vaccine) and questions asking if you have been diagnosed with GBS in the past. I would not have recognized this disease if i had not been browsing the ATS forums recently. So judging by the fact that i was not due for this shot yet and that the paperwork was somewhat suspect, it begs the question....what the heck did i get shot with?


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