posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne
Good guess...more like Masons though. I have investigated cow mutilations and the last was in 2008 just south of Springfield Missouri.
The Missouri mutilations occurred on full moon nights, involved the sighting of silent helicopters and people that were caught and claimed to be with
the Missouri Dept. of Conservation.
Further into the investigation we found out that a group of people had moved into the town of Mansfield in 1993 claiming to be druids, passing out
literature then within a years time moves out and the mutilations began. Mis-direction?
Masonic ritual hold the pineal gland high and the blood ritual they do has to be adrenaline charged blood.
During the Chernobyl cloud passes mutilations went up from an annual average of 600 to over 2000.
Cow mutilations are anything but alien harvests.