posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:27 PM
I have been doing a bit of thinking...and a bit of research as well on the topic im about to discuss.
First let me ask you this,WHAT IS HEAVEN,and WHAT IS HELL?
Is it what the bible eternity in either pleasure or pain?
Is hell the reincarnation onto this dimension over...and over..and over until you "get it right" Imagine dieing...and knowing that there is
SOMETHING BIGGER...SOMETHING BETTER...and everyone you once loved and cared for IS THERE...and you have to go BACK to the place you are "tired of" learn something you couldn't quite get. Well that would be hell wouldn't it?
I thought about heaven and hell...and man...and how the world is today, and how it has always been. It seems that very rapidly and "all the sudden"
man became civilized, it began to "learn"
One could say they just "evolved"...others say aliens came and taught man how to be "more modern".
Im not a very holy person, but the story of LUCIFER came to my mind.
Lucifer was an Angel of god. Actually one of the "HEAD ONES". Lucifer however wanted to be AS POWERFUL as god...or quite literally BE GOD.
God himself told Lucifer you can not be me...the other angels told him as well. So in the end, Lucifer was "KICKED OUT OF HEAVEN" and was told to
rule on earth. That he could only stay IN THAT DIMENSION, and would never be able to come back to Heaven. He was forever "banned".
What kind of iniquity was found of him? In the book of Ezekiel, God has let us stand with Him at the very beginning, to see the origin and the
creation of Satan. But, why does God say this? What is this iniquity? We must look back to Isaiah 14:12, which tells us of Lucifer/Satan's choice.
"I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend
to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High." Did you notice in this passage all of the "I wills. " He said he would exalt his
throne above the stars of God. The word "stars" here does not refer to what we see in the night sky. It refers to the angels of God. In other words,
"I will take over heaven, I will be God." That is Lucifer/Satan's sin and that is the iniquity that was found in him. He does not want to be God's
servant. He does not want to do what he was created to do. He wants to be served and there are millions who have chosen to do just that; serve him.
They have listened to his lies and chosen to follow him. Eve believed the lie that she would be like God. The reason Lucifer/Satan tempted her with
that was because it is the very thing that he wants -- to be God.
Now let us think and disect this for a moment. Pretend your KNOW the knowledge of the know Heaven, how powerful how
amazing it is. You know higher dimensions, you basically KNOW things... Now imagine if something KICKED YOU OUT...and told you to stay on "EARTH".
Like I stated above. That would quite literally BE HELL for most of us. Say we die, and we constantly reincarnate over and over again, and every time
we die...we find out the answers, just to be told "go do it again' That would be hell for most of us if not all.
Lucifer AND his fallen angels both experienced and are experiencing this (if the story is true). So in reality...could we quite literally be living in
hell? I know it might sound "a little out there"...but how would you know? how could you tell?
Hell is designed to KEEP YOU HERE FOR ETERNITY. Think of the world today. Think of how people are...the lessons we learn...the morals we take. We do
actions...we say things...we harm others...we quite literally ENSURE that we will "not be beter" and that we WILL STAY
HERE...reincarnating...forever...and ever..UNTIL...we get the idea and picture. I might sound a bit on the negative side, but does it really sound
If Lucifer can not go back to heaven...then the next obvious step is....
[edit on 20/8/2009 by kaskade]