posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by kidflash2008
Yup Democrats need to grow a set.
Maddow is excellent at breaking it down, and John Stewart asks tougher questions than
our real reporters. It’s sad that these few voices have more doggedness, direction than the elected democrats who can actually make a difference in
congress. They always have to do the brunt of the work, spreading the message of hope while the democrats in congress sell us out.
I can’t subscribe to liberalism today as much as I once did, only because your average American doesn’t appreciate, or respect anything that his
government can do for him. Pillars like Maddow can fight night and day for universal healthcare, for justice against corruption, but at some point
the people have to put down their sugar donuts and fight for it themselves, and some want to, but the majority does not, with lasting conviction.
People are far too self-absorbed nowadays, they don’t have the heart to fight injustice or vote for a better way of life. We the few need something
[edit on 24-8-2009 by sexysadie]