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Dr. Neruda: "The prophecies were made by a variety of people who are, for the most part, unknown or anonymous, so if I told you their names you would have no recognition. You see, time travel can be accomplished by the soul from an observational level -- that is to say, that certain individuals can move in the realm of what we call vertical time and see future events with great clarity, but they are powerless to change them. There are also those individuals who have, in our opinion, come into contact with the WingMakers and are provided messages about the future, which they had recorded in symbol pictures or extinct languages like Sumerian, Mayan, and Chakobsan.
"The messages or prophecies that they made had several consistent strands or themes that were to occur in the early part of the twenty-first century, around the year 2011. Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations, by an alien race. This alien race was a predator race with extremely sophisticated technologies that enabled them to integrate with the human species. That is to say, they could pose as humanoids, but they were truly a blend of human and android -- in other words, they were synthetics.
"This alien race was prophesied to establish a world government and rule as its executive power. It was to be the ultimate challenge to humankind's collective intelligence and survival. These texts are kept from the public because they are too fear-provoking and would likely result in apocalyptic reprisals and mass paranoiaÖ"
it hails from a galaxy that our Hubble telescope has examined as thoroughly as possible and we've charted it as extensively as possible. We know that it's thrity-seven million light years away and that the species is a synthetic race -- a mixture of genetic creation and technology. It possesses a hive mentality, but individual initiative is still appreciated as long as it is aligned with the explicit objectives of its leaders.
"Because it's a synthetic race, it can be produced in a controlled environment and its population can be increased or decreased depending on the whims of its leaders.
"Our analysis is that they will befriend our governments and utilize the United Nations as an ally. They will set about orchestrating a unified world government through the United Nations. And when the first elections are held in 2018, they will overtake the United Nations and rule as the world government. This will be done through trickery and deception.
je lowki be hear tu..."
Originally posted by Unity_99
je lowki be hear tu..."
so' na'ma'ste' je' a'h'm lo' M'Ka'h'l so'ta' tu' ne' o' ma' zho'
practicing. thats all. This is not going to happen.
Not unless its freedom, with android parts merely enhancing health and longevity
without any way of controlling soveriegn minds and souls, (no masters)
and utterly gorgeous!
"The messages or prophecies that they made had several consistent strands or themes that were to occur in the early part of the twenty-first century, around the year 2011. Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations, by an alien race. This alien race was a predator race with extremely sophisticated technologies that enabled them to integrate with the human species. That is to say, they could pose as humanoids, but they were truly a blend of human and android -- in other words, they were synthetics.
"This alien race was prophesied to establish a world government and rule as its executive power. It was to be the ultimate challenge to humankind's collective intelligence and survival. These texts are kept from the public because they are too fear-provoking and would likely result in apocalyptic reprisals and mass paranoiaÖ"
it hails from a galaxy that our Hubble telescope has examined as thoroughly as possible and we've charted it as extensively as possible. We know that it's thrity-seven million light years away and that the species is a synthetic race -- a mixture of genetic creation and technology. It possesses a hive mentality, but individual initiative is still appreciated as long as it is aligned with the explicit objectives of its leaders.
"Because it's a synthetic race, it can be produced in a controlled environment and its population can be increased or decreased depending on the whims of its leaders.
"Our analysis is that they will befriend our governments and utilize the United Nations as an ally. They will set about orchestrating a unified world government through the United Nations. And when the first elections are held in 2018, they will overtake the United Nations and rule as the world government. This will be done through trickery and deception.
Originally posted by Unity_99
Oh maybe you know, if these are names or words. Something I can't go into too much, that really bothers me when it activates, was doing that as I was meditating and preparing for sleep. In any case, I got really pissed. And ended up saying quite firmly a stream of these words. In the midst of it these three, almost names but I don't know so I wrote it in my journal: mi'ko', la'na', jhz'u' ??????
No, the robotic thing isn't going to happen at all.
Lack of soveriegnity and beauty is not going to happen.
Humans are beautiful.
They're also very psi
and the metaphysical abilities are strong
despite crippled dna (that was done to them).
Somebody who is very negative wrote
and said that all our kind were going to be wiped out,
that I would fail,
and so would the federation as it has been infiltrated.
It was a very strange situation
and message from someone
who is has very strong psi,
is elohim in source
and is battling
with a dark nature
for some reason.
Also, who are the rheunians?
Originally posted by Unity_99
From what I 've heard their is a call for the United Earth Council which would hold first elections. However, the fact is there does need to be unity on this planet and it wouldnt be a negative system alone that would require this. Without this, we will only be reset and disappear. The Drake formula makes the necessity of untiy to achieve a level 3 civilizaton imperative. We've never made it to level 1, and thus far, we must have some valuable dna and resources here because we've had some help to still be here.
So, while I see the United Earth Council as the solving of world issues,
such as wars, ridding us of all banks
and corporations and slavery,
and ensuring a wonderful Venus Project type society
of higher learning and education,
with high culture for everyone equally,
with the grass roots people
running things in open transparency,
say through a jury duty with all contributing,
and all developing their psi and remote viewing, telepathy and telekinisis
from early childhood on,
so that we would never be fooled,
I can still see how this could be manipulated
into a terrible fascist state
by ruthless ET corporation types.
Nope, the robotic tech serves.
This univese isn't going to just be run by facist patriarchal males
who don't value freedom or empowerment of all.
Matriarchal explosion of social justice,
families, and freedom,
with healing and beauty for all
is going to be spread
everyone and the other
will be tranformed continually
until they themselves chose joy and peace.
Greys are not ugly,
they have an inner beauty and simplicity.
However, I'm Lyraen in source
and have no intention
of becoming a robot,
with spidey legs,
(something only a guy could love)
and intend to promote families,
and women's values.
By the way,
women really like to run
their fingers thru hair.
Theres too many people
with positive values and dreams of a wonderful future
holding the frequency
and more will be waking up,
for this to ever occur.
And the Federation,
I've had lifelong contact with them,
checkups from the time I was little,
both my brother and me as well.
[edit on 28-11-2009 by Unity_99]
fooled by who?
we are just a reflection of you.
that's what you're planning to do?
well tell me how it goes,
though you don't seem happy about it.
Originally posted by Unity_99
"we are just a reflection of you. "
and the post really caught my attention. also brought a few questions.
I've been getting synchronicity
with several sources now,
that put a slightly different perspective on life here in 3D.
It made a lot of sense, but....
If earth could be seen as a project,
and an artificial or distinct timeline,
with cycles and growth
possibilities inherant in this.
What collective direction is still happening?
Is it illusion?
And when you said
we are a reflection of you,
did you mean humanity, or ET?
We are one.
So, in all what we choose
to reflect or transmit
as our frequency,
will be mirrored back,
and so the work is within us
to do.
Am I right at all here, somewhat even?
Still, the multiverse is populated, with people.
How are their individual lives,
(many in one) all reflections merely?
I have a hard time with the mirror part,
at the same
relating this to the real life
that corporal cosmic people live in.
On the one hand
I see many many races
spread throughout many galaxies,
living lives, learning, studying ,raising families.
Then the other
would suggest it is all a mirror
or an illusion.
the 3D is the grass roots level,
and here we influence changes there,
we all exist at the same time,
its experienced,
incorporated into the whole?
So much stability,
a great place,
for a wise sage,
to collect scenery,
and recreate.
In new and inspiring ways.
many reals.
a different real,
for every group that agrees to something.
real is somebelief that is agreed upon,
amongst a group of people.
it is real within that group of people,
and amongst anyone else that shares that belief.
a rock affects the waves.
we all exist at the same time,
So if you give we (other than self) presents,
we give you presents.
It depends on what kind of we,
you give it to, as well as what you give,
which presents you get,
which is also something you "Believe" in,
spell cast or define for yourself.
Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
has everyone on ATS suddenly started taking massive amounts of drugs?
Im really starting to get worried about people on here, and the direction this site is heading to sometimes.
Originally posted by Unity_99
So much stability,
a great place,
for a wise sage,
to collect scenery,
and recreate.
In new and inspiring ways.
OK. I keep trying to find the words to define what I mean.
The wise sage however exists,
he is a person,
not just drifting abstracted fractual waves
(though I do think energy is a wave,
as in the double slit experiment).
I have had past life recall,
But as an experiencer,
these experiences leave physical wounds.
And even with the nordics,
with my friend,
we both saw the device on his head,
on his psi toggle spots (my son had one too)
and we shared this experience with these MIBs......
next day,
he shared very early on skype
his missing time,
and wounds on his head.
To me it seems quite realistic
to assume that souls
cluster together
to create
races, culture, civilization.
Also, its not quite 3D,
as in order to have the visit,
(ie. I was told it would happen
during the day
by a postcard
with clear image of L'Arna,
and his words)
and I shrugged it off as imagining,
because I am usually my own skeptic.
That night before sleep,
I had meditated,
and then was drifting off
and felt actual hands
place a device
on the toggle spots near my ears,
and this very intense rapid vibration began,
then it was lights out.
had quite a bit to share on skype yet again.
It seems reasonable
to assume we're talking races of people,
corporal from a higher frequency,
a different channel,
who can turn the channel at will
and raise our level to experience
this both physically,
or astrally
depending on their wishes at the time.
Wounds imply physical.
Originally posted by Unity_99
I love random, open ended, ideas
filled with many many possibilities.
Thinking in a limited box,
even living here on earth in our bodies,
is like playing a game,
be it Sims or world of warcraft,
and limiting yourself to the rules and paramiters of this program,
a small reality box.
I mentally cant do it.
Though I didn't get past B IQ,
which does limit the amount I can do this.
But for existence and people,
I prefer to know
theres concrete to some extent.
many reals.
a different real,
for every group that agrees to something.
real is somebelief that is agreed upon,
amongst a group of people.
it is real within that group of people,
and amongst anyone else that shares that belief.
This is kind of what I'm getting at, like vibrations, like minds......
a rock affects the waves.
we all exist at the same time,
the world we live in,
reflecting back.
If we give good gifts,
good gifts are returned?
I write to someone occasionally
that has incredible energy,
ie. he is pretty much what he says he is,
and asked him what he meant
by we all want to take,
even information,
without giving back,
we don't give back.
He said that every day had a test,
challenge, or gift in it,
a moment of growth potential,
where we could give
a gift outside of self obviously,
often to nature.
He said we all came here for growth,
but animals depended on our state of consciousness,
so giving in this way
was really important as well.
That as we did this each day,
looking for those moments
and perhaps making some changes
in our usual repsonses,
questioning our responses perhaps,
our frequency changes,
which brings with it contact possibilities.
[edit on 6-12-2009 by Unity_99]