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I Have an Idea for a New System

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posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:15 PM
I've been thinking, but what I want is a leader, someone without anymore power than the people. each state would have it's own leaders, to collect taxes, and make suggestions for the people to agree on. Taxes are optional, it's your choice. Taxes go to roads, and public works. It also goes to scientists, and engineers, NASA, etc.
People would all vote online for what they want. All the voting would be anonymous (sp?) There would only be laws that are voted on. The program would have no one controlling it, but the people. and the only time the results are released is on the day it's over, through email, phone, whatever. It will be sent automatically, through the system, on the end date. If people are homeless, the local libraries will have a voting thing. Everyone would have a username and password, they can check there tax contribution, anything doing with the government.

Armies would be militias. If people agree on the war, they will band together and fight, and taxes can go to that, but only if a majority agree. No police, or anything like that, everyone just agrees to the laws. IF someone does something against the laws, they will be social outcasts.

Capitalism would still be there, I see capitalism as an evil necissity.

What's your thoughts?

Give me any suggestions you would like.

IF you like it, post, star, and flag. The star and flag will help me make a judge of how many people think it's a good idea.

Also, tell me the problems this system will cause, and I will think of a better way to fix that.

[edit on 18-8-2009 by Phlynx]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

Who in their right mind would pay taxes if they were not forced too? Also, if you let everyone vote anonymously over the internet, wouldnt that make it pretty easy to defraud the system?

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by HotDogNoBun
reply to post by Phlynx

Who in their right mind would pay taxes if they were not forced too? Also, if you let everyone vote anonymously over the internet, wouldnt that make it pretty easy to defraud the system?
Each person would have an account, username and password, but it would be sent in as anonymous. It would be programmed so that as it is sent in, the username that said whatever it is is not remembered, but it still wouldnt let you vote more.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by HotDogNoBun
reply to post by Phlynx

Who in their right mind would pay taxes if they were not forced too? Also, if you let everyone vote anonymously over the internet, wouldnt that make it pretty easy to defraud the system?

Taxes... If roads are degrading, and no one can drive, someone will pay taxes for those to be repaired. If something is needed, the people will do something to get it.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by HotDogNoBun

I don't agree with the OP's position for the most part, but I would definitely enjoy a little bit more say in where my tax dollars are spent. For instance, if NASA wants to keep piddling around with the ISS rather than setting their sights on a real and challenging target like Mars which will force fundamental research and new technology to achieve, then I'd like to take 1/3rd or 1/4 of that tax money going to them and push it over to NOAA so that they can acquire new oceanic exploration & survey vessels.

Our oceans are woefully unexplored and untapped. Yet they cover about 3/4's of our planet and it's resources.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx
I've been thinking, but what I want is a leader, someone without anymore power than the people. each state would have it's own leaders, to collect taxes, and make suggestions for the people to agree on. you nobody in charge, yet leaders are the ones collecting the taxes and making "suggestions". That needs some work.

Taxes are optional, it's your choice. Taxes go to roads, and public works. It also goes to scientists, and engineers, NASA, etc.

Taxes cannot be optional, why should the guy living down the street not pay for it to be paved, while everybody else does? If he wants everybody else to pay for the road, he should pay as well. Taxes should not go to engineers or scientists, what purpose would that make? Taxes should go to social programs that the community supports.

People would all vote online for what they want. All the voting would be anonymous (sp?) There would only be laws that are voted on. The program would have no one controlling it, but the people. and the only time the results are released is on the day it's over, through email, phone, whatever.

Nobody in control of the "online" system? That makes no sense, nothing run's itself. I like your idea that only laws go into effect are the ones you vote on however.

Armies would be militias. If people agree on the war, they will band together and fight, and taxes can go to that, but only if a majority agree. No police, or anything like that, everyone just agrees to the laws. IF someone does something against the laws, they will be social outcasts.

You don't need armies at all to tell you the truth. But this makes sense. However you need a system of law and consequence in place, you can't simply shun those people, they will keep up their behaviour. Education is key in crime.

IF you like it, post, star, and flag. The star and flag will help me make a judge of how many people think it's a good idea.

Asking for flags is totally the wrong thing to do to get them. You don't receive one from me for this reason


posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:34 AM
For taxes, I liked Serj Tankian's Method he proposed.

If you don't know him, shame on you go look him up now.

Good your back

Okay now your know he's a BAMF.

He proposed, that when we fill out our taxes, that we also get to chose were it goes.

I like that idea, it would get the government working.

And would be one hell of a boycott if their was one.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:40 AM
I'll give it a star and a flag just because the Op is thinking,,, trying,,, reaching.
We've all gotta keep trying.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:12 AM
People would not pay taxes also with people in charge of seperate states we are basically going back to depotism no i thought humanity had evolved with our thinking processes into what we have now as an elective aristocracy democracy as we have it now works as the best we have to offer we can all have this utopia we wish to reach which is why we have socialism but the best way we could do it is to have a elite few intellects ruling over the masses we should revert back to a proper class system and you can move up the classes depending on your intellectual abilities whilst growing up instead of having popularity contests as to who becomes our leader as this just does not work instead of the masses choosing we should let the few intelects decide for the country. Unfortunatley this is also flawed as men are corruptable two quotes which i adore for this sort of scenario are "Power corrupts, but absoloute power corrupts absoloutely" and "Philosophers will be kings, when Kings are Philosophers."
The point is that however is in charge is succeptable to becoming power hungry it is just a flaw in humanity so all we can do is pick the right man or woman for the job and hope for the best as we can never truly have a democracy as there is just too many people for them all to have a say and anyway a high percentage of the population is too ignorant to know the right choice anyway.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:20 AM
I'm giving you a S&F just because of the many times I post something like this and this first person in, calls me an idiot and they hate the idea. Keep thinking. What you describe is a libertarian society, with local government as more of an administrator to the people, than as leaders. You should expand your idea to how you could implement a fair system which all sides could agree, in the event of some collapse of the monetary system. How would you help organize and rally your neighbors? What rules would you think appropriate for a localized government that is truly by the people?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:47 AM
i dont thinkit would work, chaos would ensue....but i would like a flat tax so everyone pays the same weighted amount according to what they make

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:19 PM
I don't think "everyone just agrees to the laws" counts as a system. And I would love to call police if I see a burglary or worse. It's one thing to agree on a law, it's another to get everyone to just obey. And some people already want to be social outcasts.

I love the militia idea.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:22 PM
I think you should get all the murderers in society and give them important jobs like government and police.

What you say, thats already the system, oh no i forgot, scum already run the system and it will not be changed.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:31 PM
The foundations of our political system are great and when working properly are very effective. But things are out of control nowadays. It's like the human body. Inherently it's a very resilient, tough, healthy system. But you keep abusing it and it's likely to break down. Same thing with the American political system. You keep abusing and taking advantage of and corrupting it, it's going to break down and become inefficient at doing what it was meant to do. The biggest problem in the US with our government is CAREER POLITICIANS! There is no damn reason why ANY man or woman needs to spend more than 4 years in our political system affecting change. These politicians i.e. Senators and Congressman who are lifers like Byrd. The longer someone stays in the system the more easily corrupted and bought and paid for they are. If you can't do anything in 4 years GET OUT! Same goes for the Presidency. 4 years and you're done. Change is constantly needed, especially at the pace life moves nowadays. Change is so antithetical to everything we have in government right now. There is very little change.

And it's obvious we need LESS Federal government and stronger state and even stronger local governments. There is no reason why some fat, tubby, graying out of touch old fart in Washington has to tell some rural farming town in Idaho how to run their community, how to spend their money, or whether or not people can drink the milk from their cows.

In the end NONE of this will happen because the world is not this utopic, altruistic place. There is a group of very evil people who control everything and have since America's inception. The NWO is very real and very powerful. It's all about control. That's why when people say to me violence changes nothing..........I look at them and laugh.......the deep state the runs the world ONLY KNOWS VIOLENCE. Gandi, King, Teresa........they haven't changed nearly as much as Sam Colt has!

And remember not everyone wants to be a part of society. There will always need to be some sort of authority. There will always be liars, cheats, and criminals.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by Zosynspiracy]

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Taxation is not voluntary. If you dont pay, you will be punished in some form. But thats not to say societies could not be organized on voluntary means. I mean just because there is no extortion racket to force people to pay into, that doesn't mean people dont want the services.

Pooling resources is just fine. I mean if your community wants a school, go build a school. No reason why you have to have the state middle man there.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by ConstrainedNoMore
Taxation is not voluntary. If you dont pay, you will be punished in some form. But thats not to say societies could not be organized on voluntary means. I mean just because there is no extortion racket to force people to pay into, that doesn't mean people dont want the services.

Pooling resources is just fine. I mean if your community wants a school, go build a school. No reason why you have to have the state middle man there.

Taxation. Such a ugly concept that is forced upon humans. How it seems that you are akin to to confused beasts seeking self-enslavement. My point being if humans need that false concept ov the money flow so that they may build things, to need food and homes and to progress in the vain dream called the future then so be it. But not I.

I rebuke the ideas ov the current governments. There will be a slow decrease ov taxes in many ways such as upon council taxes. This will ease the burden many people and calm the resentment they feel towards a government body asking and demanding such things. Other taxes such as involving temperment ov climate change shall have its policies reviewed in accord to a written contract that will be presented to the public to vote that it will be the agreed plan, which would propose that taxes on such similar things to be reduced to an agreed maxium limit.

Further more taxes on the prices ov petrol will be decreased slowly. It would be a duty to everyone ov you to live and gain happiness so long as you can understand that we can acheive a better way beyond the death grip ov coins and paper money. No longer should you be dazzled by the gold and treasure you think is so powerful.

More understanding is needed to break free from the ugly desire for warfare at the current violent levels as they are now. U.K. millitary will be withdrawn from combat zones and posted on a standdown order until a better knowledge ov avoiding conflict can be made practical.

Identity cards will be still be implemented but less information will be collected. The issue ov identity cards will not incur a cost ov money to the public. The price ov obtaining a passport will be reduced by a significant amount. This is because travelling on this planet that is for one and all humans should be free and easily done and will beget a new and better kind ov hope for life as you are.

Much ov what is written is a solution to taming jealousy and resenment that is caused by the usage ov such rewards as money, cash bonds etc. It is about time to be better then such things and become powerful and content in the life.

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