not to long ago, I found 3 Gadsden related Items on EBAY... now take a look
... 100's of posts, I think we found a Banner we can all agree with...
Long Live the Republic, Death to the Tyrannts ...
I wonder if we will see more Gadsdens than Stars and Stripes...
In My Neighborhood, I was first but now there are 3 of us flying the Gadsden.
Every now and then I will see a Gadsden sticker on a car in my area, however given our state seal I would sooner expect it to pick up, given its
verbiage in regards to tyrants.
I'm of the belief that this flag represents my beliefs more than the honor I bestow on old glory. but old glory is being used to do some really nasty
things to my fellow countrymen and fellow earthlings, and the questions remain unanswered and justice unserved.
I can not fly the flag of the destroyers.