I just started a thread in the UFO forum on a UFO stalker that I had found in another site and it gave me an idea which I am surprised nobody else has
thought of.. or maybe did think of but thought it might be too much work/effort etc..
Anyway.. The idea is for an ATS event map. This map could be used to log many of the events we discuss here on ATS.
For an example, I'll post a link to the UFO stalker and to a couple of others.
UFO Stalker
Baltimore Greenmap
world wide crop circle map
So, maybe we could have something similar here on ATS. The USGS has one for Earthquakes, Mufon has one for UFO (obvioulsy for only those reported to
MUFON) Crop circles get a map too!
We, on ATS could have a couple of maps.. Not just Earth events but also Moon and Mars events too. All of the images we have in threads could be linked
to exact locations on the Moon and Mars
I think it could be a vast improvement on how this site operates and in the way we can all find data. There are many many things we discuss here that
could be listed. Famous historical events too
Say for example an ATS member posts a thread about some sea monster spotted in a lagoon... That event could be posted on the map in the exact
location. The location marker will have brief info but if you click the marker it will take you directly to the thread to read comments, reports, see
photos and post a reply.
Lets say someone is trying to find the location of the face on Mars using Google Mars. Ok, they may very well be able to find it, but it might take
them a while if nobody has marked it.. whereas, if we here have updated our own Mars map with all of the Mars related issues (from odd shaped rocks to
Mars rover discoveries etc) then it could all be centralised and linked throughout ATS.
Basically a virtual map of ATS threads.
Diffierent icons can be used for different events.. red squares for Earthquakes, green circles for crop circles. Black triangles for UFO's, yellow
stars for war zones and conflicts... Maybe even have it set up like the stalker does and have the ability to list all events or be selective and see
only certain ones or newest events first from any or all categories.
We could even have any satellites of importance to be tracked.. and even any space shuttle missions... including where the ISS is right now without
having to trawl through the internet..
All the info available in one place.. .on an ATS event map
Google maps API page
What say you?
[edit on 18-8-2009 by Extralien]