The Free Masons are definetly an underground society that has plotted in the past and is still plotting to infiltrate our government with their own
intertwined ( Cultic and Occultic Beliefs ) that stem back to the 1400's. And yes most of their symbolism had come from the Occult and even guess
what ? Islam ! Is this really a master plan of the East to destroy the West ?
Could there be an unforseen force leading this ? Well if they base their secret society on the Occult and is so secret that they won't come out and
talk about their REAL UNDERLINING AGENDA whos knows ? Just some things to make us think ! Enjoy a history lesson.
Mysterious Beginnings
(1) Islamic Parallels
"Sufi historian Indries Shah traces the name of the Illuminati back to a verse in the Koran which mentions a shining star..."
- Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger
"The term 'Illuminati' was used by one early writer, Menendez Pelayo, as early as 1492 and is attributable to a group known as the 'Alumbrados'
of Spain. The Alumbrados were said to receive secret knowledge from an unknown higher source, resulting in superior human intelligence. This group was
condemned by an edict of the Grand Inquisition in 1623..."
"Some writers claim that a group know as the 'Illuminated Ones' was founded by Joachim of Floris in the eleventh century and taught a primitive,
supposedly Christian doctrine of 'poverty and equality'."
- William T. Still, New World Order
"The sixteenth century saw the rise of a powerful society based upon a secret cult, in the mountains of Afghanistan - the Roshaniya, Illuminated
"The earliest figure named in the history of the cult is one Bayezid Ansari, of Afghanistan, whose family claimed descent from the Ansar - the
'Helpers', who assisted Mohammed after his flight from Mecca nearly fourteen hundred years ago. As a reward for this service, he stated, his
ancestors had been granted initiation into the mysteries of the Ishmaelite religion: the secret, inner training which dated from Abraham's rebuilding
of the Temple at Mecca, the mystical Hiram."
"Not far from Peshawar, which is now in the north-west of Pakistan, Bayezid set up a small school, where he carefully coached those who had been
initiated by him in the knowledge of the supernatural that he claimed. A period of probation was expected from each candidate, during which he would
to into periods of concealment or meditation, known as khilwat - silence. During this time he was to receive the illumination which was emanated from
the supreme being, who desired a class of perfect men- and women- to carry out the organization and direction of the world."
Merchants and soldiers "contributed lavishly to the chief's upkeep and his most expensive military, political and espionage system." At this stage
of success, Bayezid now preached that there was "no after-life of the kind currently believed in: no reward or punishment, only a spirit state which
was completely different from earthly life. The spirits, if they belonged to the Order, could continue to enjoy themselves and be earthly powers,
acting through living members....Eat, drink and be merry. Gain power, look after yourself. You have no allegiance except to the Order, he told them:
and all humanity which cannot identify itself by our secret sign is our lawful prey."
"Forty years after the last religio-military leader of the Afghan Illuminate Ones died, a society of the same name (the Illuminati) came into being
in Germany, formed, it is said, by Adam Weishaupt, the young professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University. Coincidences of date and beliefs connect
these Bavarian Illuminati with the Afghan ones, and also with other cults which called themselves 'Illuminated'."
- Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies
One of my correspondents has pointed out that in Mary Shelly's novel Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein was also in Ingoldstatdt around 1790 creating
his famous monster. "Coincidence...or was there something Mary Shelly was trying to tell us?"
(2) Adam Weishaupt
"Rather than obey the dictates of the real, and adjust himself to his reduced limits, late eighteenth-century man took refuge among phantoms;
satisfying his nostalgia with the marvels offered by impostors and necromancers, he fled matter and denied its existence....A whole culture was
- A. Viatte, Les Sources occultes du Romantisme: Illuminisme-Theosophie 1770-1820
Adam Weishaupt "adopted the teachings of radical French philosophers such as Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and the anti-Christian doctrines of
the Manicheans. He was indoctrinated in Egyptian occultism in 1771 by a merchant of unknown origin named Kolmer, who was said to have traveled Europe
in search of converts."
- William T. Still, New World Order
"Brilliant and well trained by the Jesuits in the conspiratorial methods of access to power, young Weishaupt decided to organize a body of
conspirators, determined to free the world from the Jesuitical rule of Rome and help humanity back to the pristine Christian faith of the hermetic
martyrs. He is reputed to have been initiated by a German merchant named Kolmer, he had spent many years in Egypt, into a secret doctrine based on
Manichaeism. Mayday of 1776, Weishaupt founded his own sect of the Very Perfectibles - better known as the Illuminati - with five original members,
self-described as reformist libertarians, partisans of absolute equality."
- Peter Tompkins, The Magic of Obelisks
"Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, conceived the idea of founding an order which, by mutual helpfulness,
counsel, and philosophic discussions, would increase morality and virtue, lay the foundation for the reformation of the world, and oppose the progress
of evil, all of which objectives were expressed in the name, 'Order of Perfectibilists' or 'Perfectionists', which was soon changed to
'Illuminati', which is best translated as 'intellectually inspired'. Modesty and humility seems to have been no trait of Weishaupt, for he was one
of the first to attempt to fly with little knowledge of human aerodynamics. His ambition outweighed his judgement; his ideals were too refined for a
rude world. Like many other promoters, Weishaupt sought the aid of Freemasonry to give his machine both propulsion and ballast. But it dragged
Freemasonry down without helping Illuminism very much. He was too shrewd and subtle for his own good, though such qualities gave him headway for a
time. Although he formerly belonged to the Jesuits, he secured admission to a lodge of Freemasons in 1777. Ironically, that was named 'Lodge of
"We are not informed as to just how Weishaupt became associated with Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwid Baron Von Knigge, for the latter lived in North
Germany, was of the nobility, and, after his initiation in 1773, showed little interest in Freemasonry. But noblemen were found in abundance in the
most fraudulent orders in Germany claiming some Masonic connections. Weishaupt, in 1780, dispatched the Marquis de Costanzo to propagate Illuminism in
the north and Knigge probably then first showed interest in the society. He became more and more enthusiastic as the plan was revealed to him, and, in
1781, accepted the invitation to visit Bavaria and receive full access to all of Weishaupt's materials. Knigge not only completed the scale of
degrees but became a proponent of them, bringing to his aid the assistance of Johann J. C. Bode, a prominent German Mason. The order was at first very
popular and attracted, it is said, some of the best men in Germany and some of the worst. It had 2000 names on its rolls and spread to France,
Belgium, Holland, Denamrk, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy."
- Henry Wilson Coil, Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, 1961
"Unable in Catholic Bavaria to achieve this utopian goal by direct means, Weishaupt determined to work from within an existing organization: the
Masonic order....By 1779, there were 54 members of the Illuminati, mostly young noblemen and clergymen, established in four Bavarian cities.
Thereafter, with the help of a Masonic bookseller, Johann Bode, the order branched out through Southern Germany and Austria, and down into France and
Northern Italy, intellectuals, such as Goethe, Schiller, Mozart, and Herder were attracted."
- Peter Tompkins, The Magic of Obelisks
"Knigge, especially, was a highly religious and intellectual man and would have had nothing to do with that or any other order which was
anti-Christian, yet, the vicious attacks and accusations by Baruel and Robison had great influence, and it was even charged that the Illuminati were
themselves agents of the Jesuits, though the latter were opposing it in their usual secret manner. The Illuminati were extremely secretive, even
identifying themselves and their chapters by assumed classical names; for examples, Weishaupt was Spartacus, Knigge was Philo, Ingolstadt, the
headquarters, was Eleusis, Austria was Egypt, etc. Dates were given in a sort of cryptography."
- Henry Wilson Coil, Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, 1961
Thomas Jefferson "strenuously defended the Illuminati, and described Weishaupt as 'an enthusiastic philanthropist'."
- William T. Still, New World Order
"As Weishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot and priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, and the principles
of pure morality. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment....If Weishaupt had written here, where no
secrecy is necessary in our endeavors to render men wise and virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose."
- Thomas Jefferson
"The Illuminati were finally beset by both internal and external disorders, for Weishaupt found fault with some of Knigge's ritualistic work and
peremptorily ordered it changed, whereupon, Knigge became disgusted and resigned in 1784. The Jesuits had fought it from the first and eventually all
priests became its active enemies and raised so much opposition that the Elector of Bavaria supressed the Order by edict, June 22, 1784, many
Illuminati being imprisoned and some, including Weishaupt, being forced to flee the country. Though the first edict had been obeyed, it was repeated
in March and August, 1785. Not only Illuminism, but Freemasonry was exterminated in Bavaria and neither ever recovered its former position. The
Illuminati seem to have completely disappeared everywhere by the end of the 18th century."
- Henry Wilson Coil, Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, 1961
"The suppression of the Illuminati of Bavaria in 1785 created a tremendous furor whose echoes reached as far as New England, drawing George
Washington out in support of the suspect American Freemasons. In fact the Illuminati proved to be the unwilling occasion for the birth of modern
conspiracy theory. Wildly exaggerated accounts of their supposed wickedness and of the imminent peril which they represented for society were
published in a great epidemic of pamphlets. Their secrecy, their insistence on recruitment of important civil servants, their concealment of the true
aims of the society from all but a few highly placed initiates, combined to make them into the bogeymen not only of the German conservatives but of a
wider European public. Four years later, when the French Revolution broke out, the mythical beliefs about the Illuminati of Bavaria were incorporated
in a vaster and wilder conspiracy theory, which found room also for the Templars."
- Peter Partner, The Murdered Magicians
"What is today called the conspiracy theory was born in the flood tide of books, pamphlets, and articles denouncing the Illuminati and linking them
to an ever-lengthening list of other supposed plotters. The scope of the accusations is reflected in the title of one anti-Illuminati book, published
in 1797: Proofs of a Conspiracy against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried On in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and
reading Societies, Collected from Good Authorities....The 170-year-old Proofs of a Conspiracy was reissued in 1967 by the John Birch Society, which
apparently considered the Illuminati a clear and present danger."
- Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects
(3) Rites of the Illuminati
"The aristocratic mumbo-jumbo of the Templar lodges pandered to the confused conservatism of the German nobles and ad a great deal in common with the
mumbo-jumbo of the Rosicrucians, to whose ideas the Illuminati were absolutely opposed. The Bavarian Illuminati were an austere emanation of the
spirit of the German Professorate, inspired by a consciously bourgeois program, irreligious and radical."
- Peter Partner, The Murdered Magicians
"The ceremonies were divided into three principal classes and those into degrees as follows:
I- The Nursery
1. Preparatory Literary Essay
2. Novitiate
3. Minerval
4. Minor Illuminatus
5. Magistratus
II- Symbolic Freemasonry
1. Apprentice
2. Fellow Craft
3. Master
4.(a) Scots Major Illuminatus
..(b) Scots Illuminatus Dirigens (Directory)
III- Mysteries
1. Lesser
(a) Presbyter, Priest, or Epopt
(b) Prince or Regent
2. Greater
(a) Magus
(b) Rex or King (some of these latter degrees were never completed)"
- Henry Wilson Coil, Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, 1961
"Status as a Mason was not required for initiation into the Order of Illuminati since the fourth, fifth and sixth degrees of Weishaupt and Baron Von
Knogge's system practically duplicated the three degrees of symbolic Freemasonry. Although Knigge claimed to have a system of ten degrees, the last
two appear never to have been fully worked up."
[email protected]
"Openly political and antimonarchial, Weishaupt's 'Illuminati' formed another channel of 'higher degrees' for Freemasons to graduate into after
completing the Blue Degrees. Weishaupt's 'Illuminati' had its own 'hidden master' known as the 'Ancient Scot Superior'.
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"In the lower ranks - the 'nursery' - the member was very much in the dark as to the way in which the Order was run, and how it should accomplish
its design of freeing the world. As he progressed, however, he found that a part of his service to the Society was to gain financial and social power,
and to place them at the disposal of the group. He was expected to be a diligent Mason, and to try to gain control over Masonic funds. It was not
until the tenth rite of promotion had been completed that the member was given - with the grade of Priest - certain definite knowledge. This included
the fact that the Illuminati were proposing to destroy princes and prelates throughout the world, and were to remove forever the feeling of local
nationality from the minds of men. The ways in which this was to be done involved infiltrating high positions in education, administration and the
"The very highest degrees showed that the rationalism and materialism of the thinkers who developed it were determined to stamp out belief in
religion. God and any faith in a deity, the initiate was told, were human inventions, and had no real meaning. Subsequently this was developed
further, and the member who arrived at the highest position (that of Rex, King) learned that he was now equal to a king, and that all men were capable
of equal advancement; hence the need for kings over ordinary mortals was an illusion."
- Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies
Revenge of the Templars?
(1) Threads of Conspiracy
"After their recent exposures in Bavaria, The Illuminati had been driven even further underground, taking on a variety of names, such as The French
Revolutionary Club. As radicals flocked into these new varieties of Illuminism, a larger meeting hall was needed. The Hall of the Jacobins Convent was
leased, and it was from this hall that they eventually derived their new name, the Jacobin Club.
"The Jacobin Club met in secret and eventually boasted of having some of the best-educated and most influential men in France among its 1,300
members. The Jacobins vowed to destroy the monarchy, as well as other existing institutions, and sought to establish what they called a 'New World
Order', or 'Universal Republic'."
"The famous magician and occultist, Cagliostro, was initiated into the Illuminati in 1783. Many years later, he told Catholic priests about his
initiation. The initiation took place in an underground room near Frankfort, Germany."
- William T. Still, New World Order
"An iron box filled with papers was opened. The introducers took from it a manuscript book [which] on the first 'We, Grand Masters of
the Templars...'then followed a form of oath, traced in blood. The book stated that Illuminism was a conspiracy directed against thrones and altars,
and that the first blows were to attain France, that after the fall of the French Monarchy, Rome must be attacked."
"By March, 1789, the 266 lodges controlled by the [French] Grand Orient were all 'illuminized' without knowing it, for the Freemasons in general,
were not told the name of the sect that brought them these mysteries, and only a very small number were really initiated into the secret....In the
following month the Revolution broke out."
- Cagliostro (Nesta H. Wesbster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements]
"Cagliostro was the Agent of the Templars, and therefore wrote to the Freemasons of London that the time had come to begin the work of re-building
the Temple of the Eternal. He had introduced into Masonry a new Rite called the Egyptian, and endeavored to resuscitate the mysterious worship of
Isis. The three letters 'l. P. D.' on his seal, were the initials of the words 'Lilia pedibus destrue', 'tread under foot the Lilies [of
France]', and a Masonic medal of the sixteenth or seventeenth century has upon it a sword cutting off the stalk of a lily, and the words 'talem
dabit ultio messem', 'such harvest revenge will give'."
- General Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
"In his Mémoires pour servir æ l'histoire du Jacobinisme published in three volumes from 1797 to 1798, Barruel [a Jesuit scholar] derived all
evils from Mani and the Manicheans and demonstrated the existence of a continuous historical conspiracy."
- Edward Burman, The Assassins - Holy Killers of Islam
"In the minds of Barruel and Cadet de Gassicourt [Le Tombeau de Jacques de Molay] there was in invincible belief in a continuous historical
conspiracy, through which anarchist beliefs had passed from the medieval heretics in the west and the Assassins in the east to the Templars and thence
through the four Templar lodges which were set up after the death of Jacques de Molay in 1314."
- Peter Partner, The Murdered Magicians - The Templars and their Myth
"All revolutionaries and murderers since then had been part of a single 'Templar' society - including Cromwell, the murderer of Henry IV of France,
conspirators in Portugal, Brazil and Sweden, and of course Robespierre and Danton."
- Edward Burman, The Assassins - Holy Killers of Islam
Eliphas Levi claimed that the French Revolution represented the Templars' revenge for the persecution they had suffered in the thirteenth
- David Conway, Ritual Magic
"A Lodge inaugurated under the auspices of Rousseau, the fanatic of Geneva became the center of the revolutionary movement in France, and a Prince of
the blood-royal went thither to swear the destruction of the successors of Phillipe le Bel on the tomb Jacques de Molai. The registers of the Order of
Templars attest that the Regent, the Duc d'Orleans, was Grand Master of that formidable Secret Society, and that his successors were the Duc de
Maine, the Prince of Bourbon-Condé and the Duc de Crossé-Brissace."
"It was impossible to unfold to the people the conspiracy of the Templars against the Thrones and the Tiara...[To do so] would have been to initiate
the multitude into the secrets of the Masters, and to have uplifted the veil of Isis."
"When Louis XVI was executed, half the work was done; and thenceforth the Army of the Temple was to direct all its efforts against the Pope."
- General Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
(2) The Reign of Terror
"In the spring and summer of 1789, an artificial shortage of grain was created by Illuminist manipulations of the grain market. This produced a
famine so intense that it brought the nation to the edge of revolt. One of the leading figures in this scheme was the Duc d'Orleans, the grand Master
of the grand Orient lodges. The Illuminatists claimed that their revolution would be 'for the benefit of the bourgeoisie with the people as
instruments...' but in reality the conspirators held up the food supplies and blocked all reforms in the National Assembly to exacerbate the
situation, and the populace starved.
"By July 14, the Bastille was stormed, from which a grand total of only seven prisoners were 'liberated'. Even French historians now acknowledge
that the purpose of the revolutionaries was not to destroy the Bastille or liberate the prisoners, but to steal arms and gunpowder. Thus armed, on
July 22, 1789, the Jacobins set into motion one of the most elaborately timed revolutionary exercises ever attempted. It would later be known as 'The
great Fear'.
"A panic was created simultaneously around the nation. Horsemen rode from town to town telling the citizens that 'brigands' were approaching and
that everyone should take up arms. Citizens were instructed that the conspirators were being harbored in the larger estates, the chateaux, and that by
edict of the King all should be torched. The people, obedient to their monarch, complied. Soon, the flames of destruction were soon burning out of
control. Anarchy continued to grow as citizens began raiding and pillaging - and not only for food."
- William T. Still, New World Order
With the overthrow of the monarchy in 1792, "from the 10th of August onwards, we find the tricolor replaced by the red flag of the social revolution,
whilst the cry of 'Vive notre roi d'Orleans!' gives way to the masonic watchword 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
- Nesta H. Wesbster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
"Terror was rampant in the streets of Paris....In November 1793 a campaign against religion was inaugurated by a massacre of the priests all over
France. In the cemeteries the cherished motto of the Illuminati, 'Death is an eternal sleep', was posted by the order of the Illuminatus
'Anaxagoras' Chaumette. In the churches of Paris, Feasts of Reason were celebrated where women of easy morals were enthroned as goddesses. These
were also known as 'Exoterion', and were modeled on Weishaupt's plan to honor the god of Love."
"In 1791, after returning to the United States from a three-year stint as minister to France, he [Thomas Jefferson] described the carnage as 'so
beautiful a revolution' and stated that he hoped it would sweep the world. He claimed to believe that 'most Frenchmen were Jacobins. Their excesses,
if one called them such, reflected that national will."
"By 1793, much of France lay in ruin. Industries were decimated, libraries burned, the bourgeoisie all but wiped out. Even the great chemist
Lavoisier had been guillotined on the excuse that 'the Republic has no need of chemists'."
"Toward the end of 1793, the new revolutionary Republic found itself faced with hundreds of thousands of working men for whom it could not find
employment. The revolutionary leaders embarked upon a fearful new project that was to be copied by tyrants ever after, called 'depopulation'.
"The idea was to reduce France's population of twenty-five million down to either eight or sixteen million, depending on which source you believe.
Maximilien Robespierre believed depopulation to be 'indispensable'."
- William T. Still, New World Order
"The system of the Terror was thus the answer to the problem of unemployment - unemployment brought about on a vast scale by the destruction of the
luxury trades."
- Nesta H. Wesbster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
"In France members of the revolutionary committees in charge of the extermination toiled day and night over maps, calculating just how many heads
must be sacrificed in each town. Fearful Revolutionary Tribunals tried to determine who would be killed, and a never-ending stream of victims marched
to a variety of deaths. In Nantes, 500 children were killed in one butchery, and 144 poor women who sewed shirts for the army were thrown into the
"...Estimates of the final death toll at the time ran around 300,000."
- William T. Still, New World Order
"I have seen half the earth desolated. Were there but an Adam & Eve left in every country, & left free, it would be better than it now is...The
liberty of the whole earth was depending on the issue of the contest."
- Thomas Jefferson
The Communist Machines
(1) Precursors in the Carbonari
"It has been said that the European version of the Order of the Illuminati contributed in no small measure to the development of revolutionary
doctrines which eventually culminated in the Russian and other Communist Machines."
- Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies
"...As soon as, perhaps sooner than Weishaupt had passed away, the supreme government of all the Secret Societies of the world was exercised by the
Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari. The Alta Vendita ruled the blackest Freemasonry of France, German, and England; and until
Mazzini wrenched the scepter of the dark Empire from that body, it continued with consummate ability to direct the revolutions of Europe."
- Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry, Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism
In 1816, Charles Nodier, an alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, "published anonymously one of his most curious and influential works, A
History of Secret Societies in the Army under Napoleon...It develops a comprehensive philosophy of secret societies. And it credits such societies
with a number of historical accomplishments, including the downfall of Napoleon."
- Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail
"In the early nineteenth century, certain figures - Charles Nodier, for example...and Filippo Buonarroti, a master conspirator who was much admired
by such men as Bakunin - make a point of inventing, and disseminating information about a number of wholly fictitious secret societies. So convincing
was this information that perfectly innocent people found themselves being harried and persecuted for alleged membership of clandestine organizations
that did not exist. Confronted by such persecution, the victims, as a means of self-defense, began to form themselves into a real secret society which
conformed to the blueprint of the fictitious one."
- Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy
According to the Carbonari, or "charcoal-burners", the history of this organization started in Scotland as happy democratic mystics. "For the
purpose of avoiding suspicion of ulterior motives, they took to charcoal-burning, which is described as the industry par excellence of Scotland."
Francis I, King of France, was supposedly admitted to the Order. "When he went back to France, he scrupulously fulfilled his undertaking, declaring
himself Protector of the Carbonari, and he increased their numbers. The Order now spread through Germany, France and England."
"It has been said by some historians that the inspiration of the Carbonari and similar societies came from pre-Christian times, for there were
settled in the Alps communities which seemed to owe allegiance to Gnostic and other ideas which some profess to see reflected in Freemasonry,
Templarism and the discipleship of the way of the Sufis."
"The Italian patriots Garibaldi, Mazzini and Cavour revived the secret society after 1830, and its members were again found to be ready for any
sacrifice for republicanism and rule by the Carbonari. The effect which they had upon the world was considerable: and it continued to be so. For fifty
years they had fought in civil war; they spread to many other lands, including Germany, where they were responsible for the Totenbund (the Death
League) which was dedicated to assassinating tyrants.)
- Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies
(2) The Palladian Rite Hoax
"In 1870, Mazzini and Pike reached an agreement for the creation of the new supreme rite, to be called the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. Pike was
to be called the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and Mazzini was to be called Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Pike was to draw up the
statutes and grades."
- William T. Still, New World Order
"No mention of it would ever be made in the assemblies of the Lodges and Inner Shrines of other rites...for the secret of the new institution was
only to be divulged with the greatest caution to a chosen few belonging to the ordinary high grades.
"Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its religion in Manichean new-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual and that Lucifer is the
equal of Adonay. The whole masonic world was set up at Charleston, the sacred city of the Palladium."
- Edith Star Miller, Occult Theocracy
"If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (The God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty...and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for
science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is
no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black.
"That is why the intelligent disciples of Zoroaster, as well as, after them, the Gnostics, the Manicheans and the Templars have admitted, as the only
logical metaphysical conception, the system of the two divine principles fighting eternally, and one cannot believe the one inferior in power to the
other. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but
Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil."
- Gen. Albert Pike, "Instructions"
"In the 1880s,there was a Parisian publisher named Leo Taxil who was famous for his scurrilous anti- Catholic tracts. Then one morning he proclaimed
his conversion to Catholicism. Shortly thereafter, he declared that he had unearthed the doings of the Satanic Masonic sect called the Paladins. He
began publishing the memoirs of a woman named Sophia Walden, who claimed to have left the order. For two years this fed into an anti-Masonic hysteria
in Europe, and there was even a Papal Benediction given to Sophia Walden, whom no one had even met. After a few years, Taxil broke down and confessed
that he'd made it all up. It's interesting that one hundred years ago, you also saw nativist stories in the United States about Masons, Catholics
and Mormons who were allegedly kidnapping children and holding them as slaves. And a hundred years later, we seem to be experiencing more of the
- Gerry O'Sullivan, Satanism in America
"In many anti-Masonic books you'll see what is supposed to be a quotation from Pike, saying that all Masons of the 'Higher Degrees' are secret
worshipers of Lucifer. The historical fact is that those words were written in 1894, three years after Pike's death. They were written by a notorious
atheist and pornographer named Gabriel Jogand-Pages who was better known by his pen name, Leo Taxil. Taxil was engaged in an elaborate hoax to
discredit the Church of Rome and made up the Pike quotation out of thin air.
"His purpose was to show that the Church had failed to recognize the 'threat' posed by Freemasonry and was, therefore, headed by fools and
incompetents. Taxil publicly admitted the hoax in 1897, but it had already been published by a man named Abel Clarin de la Rive, who took Taxil's
hoax at face value.
"Rive's book, La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (Woman and Child in Universal Freemasonry), was quoted by Edith Starr
Miller in 1933 in her book Occult Theocrasy. She translated the 'quotation' into English.
"Since that time, several writers of anti-Masonic books have simply repeated the 'quotation' without checking on its source or authenticity.
Taxil's public confession notwithstanding, the lie continues to shadow the name of Pike, who was, to his death, an Episcopalian Christian."
- Jim Tresner, "Conscience and The Craft"
(3) The Russian Revolution
The February 1917 Revolution was provoked by Freemasons and was operated from the few masonic Lodges left after decades of persecution from Tsarist
Secret Police. Alexander Kerensky, Justice Minister in the provisional government of Prince Georgi Yevegenievich Lvov, was a Freemason. After the
Petrograd uprising in July 1917 which led to the resignation of Lvov, Kerensky took over as Prime Minister and appointed exclusively Masons to the
- Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood
"In its organization, in its techniques for recruitment, in its means of eliciting loyalty from its adherents, in its Messianic urgency, Lenin's
revolutionary party structure derives directly from Bakunin, as Lenin himself acknowledges in his notebooks. But for Bakunin, revolution was more than
a social and political phenomenon. It was ultimately cosmic, theological, religious in character. Having spent more than twenty years working his way
up through the ranks of Freemasonry, Bakunin had acquired a metaphysical philosophical framework for his social and political ideas. Bakunin was a
self-proclaimed Satanist. According to one commentator, he saw Satan 'as the spiritual had of revolutionaries, the true author of human liberation'.
Satan was not only the supreme rebel, but also the supreme freedom-fighter against the tyrannical God of Judaism and Christianity. The established
institutions of church and state were instruments of the oppressive Judaeo-Christian God, and according to Bakunin it was a moral, and theological
obligation to oppose them. Although Lenin himself never explicitly indulged in any such cosmological conceptions, there is no question that he
recognized their utility."
- Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy
Bakunin and Lenin "were both apocalyptic zealots, while their Marxist rivals...were - in comparison - Pharisees."
- A.P. Mendel, Michael Bakunin: Roots of Apocalypse
Nazi Cult Beliefs
(1) The Stein Affair - Fact or Fiction?
"During his young adulthood before rising to power, Hitler lived in Vienna. One of Hitler's friends, during that period was Walter Johannes Stein.
During World War II, Dr. Stein became an advisor to England's Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill."
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"A number of people who intimately knew Walter Johannes Stein in the last years of his life state that Stein never met Hitler." - Christoph
Lindenberg in the German journal Die Drie
"...It was through buying a copy of Eschenbach's Parsival that had once belonged to Hitler that Dr Stein met him. Dr Stein was impressed by the
meticulousness of the marginal notes, though simultaneously appalled by the pathological race hatred that they showed.
- Frank Smyth in The Occult Connection
"This was no ordinary commentary but the work of somebody who had achieved more than a working knowledge of the black arts! The unknown commentator
had found the key to unveiling many of the deepest secrets of the Grail, yet obviously spurned the Christian ideals of the Knights and delighted in
the devious machinations of the Anti-Christ. It suddenly dawned on him that he was reading the footnotes of Satan!"
- Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny
"The fictional nature of the whole episode surrounding the annotated copy of copy of Parzival is suggested by the similarity of Pretzsche's obscure
bookshop to the one described by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton in Zanoni (1842), which probably served Ravenscroft as a literary model." - Nicholas
Goodrick-Clarke, The Modern Mythology of Nazi Occultism
"Among them [the marginal notes] appeared numerous references to the character Klingsor, whom Hitler apparently identified with the notorious
ninth-century tyrant Landuph II of Capua.
"Landulph's avaricious grasping for power had led him to study the black arts, and it was for these practices that he was excommunicated in AD 875.
But one other fact must have given Hitler a sense of identity with the ninth-century 'Fuhrer'. Landulph seems to have been either partly or totally
castrated: Eschenbach described him as 'the man who was smooth between the legs'."
- Frank Smyth in The Occult Connection
According to Ravenscroft, "Hitler took Dr. Stein up the Danube to visit his mystic teacher, a rustic woodcutter and herbalist named Hans Lodz 'who
retained in his peasant's blood the last traces of the atavistic clairvoyance of the ancient Germanic tribes' and who 'resembled a
mischievous yet malevolent dwarf from the pages of Grimm's Fairy Tales or an illustration from a book on ancient Germanic folklore'. The men took a
swim in the river at which Dr. Stein noticed that Hitler had only one testicle."
- Jeffrey Steinberg, "The Unknown Hitler: Nazi Roots in the Occult"
"We can overlook Ravenscroft's mistake of speaking of 'Wachau' as a place and not of the region which really it is. But the details do not fit:
the snow melting in May, the steamer running in spite of the floods, bathing in the river - it makes no sense. Certainly wrong is the
statement that Hitler had only one testicle...all this has been completely refuted by [Werner] Maser." - Christoph Lindenberg in the German journal
Die Drie
"...When Russian military surgeons examined Hitler's charred remains in the Berlin bunker in May 1945, they discovered that Hitler was indeed
monorchid; he possessed but one testicle." - Frank Smyth in The Occult Connection
"One of his [Hitler's] most influential mentors was a Viennese bookstore owner named Ernst Pretzsche. Pretzsche was described by Dr. Stein as a
malevolent-looking man with a somewhat toad-like appearance. Pretzsche was a devotee of the Germanic mysticism that was preaching the coming of an
Aryan super race. Hitler frequented Pretzsches store and pawned books there when he needed money. During those visits, Pretzsche indoctrinated
Hitler in Germanic mysticism and successfully encouraged Hitler to use the hallucinogenic drug peyote as a tool for achieving mystical enlightenment.
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"It was Lodz, Dr.Stein learned, who had prepared for Hitler a peyote concoction that afforded him psychedelic insight into his past lives. The peyote
itself had come from Pretzche, who had lived for a time in the German colony in Mexico. Hitler had hoped that his former
existences, viewed in his drug trance, would include an early incarnation as a powerful Teutonic ruler, but it was not to be. "Instead his
psychedelic perception revealed von Eschenbach's Parzival to have been prophetic of events that would take place a thousand years after it was
written, i.e. in the present. And it showed Hitler to have been the historical personage behind the evil sorcerer Klingsor, the very spirit of the
anti-Christ and the villain of Parzival."
"Ravenscroft's second mistake was to name the Viennese bookseller who introduced Hitler to drugs. 'No better name occurred to him than Pretsche,
popular among English writers of fiction for German malefactors', Lindenberg [in the German journal Die Drie] writes
scornfully before revealing that extensive checks of Vienna city and business directories and police records for the years 1892 through 1920 were
negative for the name in question."
- Jeffrey Steinberg, "The Unknown Hitler: Nazi Roots in the Occult"
(2) Hitler's Pathology
"Their [the Freemasons] hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say without bothering the brains but by
working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult - all this is the dangerous element and the element I have taken over.
Don't you see that our party must be of this character?...An Order, that is what it has to be - an Order, the hierarchical Order of a secular
- Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf
"According to [August] Kubizek [one of Hitler's few friends from the early years], Hitler spent a great deal of time studying oriental mysticism,
astrology, hypnotism, Germanic mythology and other aspects of occultism. By 1909 he had made contact with Dr. Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, a former
Cistercian monk who, two years previously, had opened a temple of the 'Order of the New Templars' at the tumble-down Werfenstein Castle on the banks
of the Danube. "Von Leibenfels had assumed his aristocratic sounding name: he was born plain Adolf Lanz and came of solid bourgeois stock. His
following was small but wealthy. A disciple of Guido von List [who adopted the swastika as the emblem of the neo-pagan movement in Germany in the late
19th century] he flew a swastika flag from his battlements, performed ritual magic and ran a magazine entitled Ostara, a propaganda journal of
occultism and race mysticism, to which the young Hitler became an avid subscriber."
- Frank Smyth in The Occult Connection
"Hitler is one of our will one day experience that he, and through him we, will one day be victorious and develop a movement that will
make the world tremble."
- Von Liebenfels writing to a colleague (1932)
During World War I "about two months after winning the Iron Cross, Hitler was blinded by mustard gas during a battle. He was taken to the Pasewalk
military hospital in northern Germany where he was mistakenly diagnosed as suffering from 'psychopathic hysteria'. (The symptoms were probably
caused by the mustard gas.) Hitler was consequently placed
under the care of a psychiatrist, Dr. Edmund Forster. What exactly was done to Hitler while under Dr. Forster's care is uncertain because years
later, in 1933...the Gestapo rounded up all psychiatric records related to Hitler's treatment and destroyed them. Dr. Forster 'committed suicide'
in that same year.
"The mystery of what was done to Hitler at Pasewalk is deepened by Hitler's own statements. According to Hitler, he had experience a 'vision' from
'another world' while at the hospital. In that vision, Hitler was told that he would need to restore his sight so that he could
lead Germany back to glory. Hitler's latent anti-Semitism, which had already been planted by his mystical readings in Vienna, emerged at Pasewalk."
"In a shrewd piece of detective work published in the journal, History of Childhood Quarterly, psychohistorian Dr. Rudolph Binion suggests that
Hitler's visions may have been deliberately induced by the psychiatrist, Edmund Forster, as a means of helping Hitler recover from his
blindness....Dr. Binion cites a book completed in 1939 entitled, Der
Augenzeuge ('The Eyewitness'), written by a Jewish doctor named Ernst Weiss who had fled Germany in 1933.
"It is a thinly fictionalized account of Hitler's "miracle cure".
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"Being labeled as such (suffering from 'psychopathic hysteria) would most certainly have resulted in Hitler being subjected to psychiatric treatment
for that condition, according to Professor Ernst-Gunter Schenck.
"Other records show that Hitler's personal physician from 1936-1945, Theodore Morell, was prescribing and personally injecting Hitler with
psychiatric drugs. The drugs, to which he was addicted, produced a sense of euphoria, for which Hitler expressed his extreme gratitude to Morell.
"Among the drugs he was administered were Eukodal and Pervitin. Eukodal is a narcotic similar to morphine and codeine, with the known adverse effects
of euphoria and dysphoria. Pervitin is a methamphetamine, known to cause euphoria, dysphoria, severe social disabilities, personality changes and
psychosis. Both are highly addictive.
"There is considerable controversy regarding precisely when Hitler became driven to destroy the Jews and dominate the world. There is strong
evidence, however, that the 'hate and pain' which characterized Hitler's speeches in 1919 and afterward, as well as his fanatical
purpose, were not in evidence prior to his psychiatric treatment."
- David Bonnell (dbonnell@be1145)
"Hitler's stellar performance in Munich [identifying pro-Communist soldiers to be shot in 1919] earned him a promotion. He was assigned to the
highly secret Political Department of the Army District Command. Hitler's new unit was an intelligence operation that engaged in acts of domestic
terrorism. The unit refused to accept Germany's defeat in World
War I and so it assassinated some of the German leaders who had negotiated Germany's surrender.
"A prominent leader of the District Command was captain Ernst Rohm. Rohm was a professional soldier who served as liaison between the District
Command and the German industrialists who were directly funding the District Command to help it fight communism. Captain Rohm and many other members
of the District Command were members of a mystical organization known as the 'Thule Society' [Thulegesellschaft]. The Thule believed in
the Aryan super race' and it preached the coming of a German 'Messiah' who would lead Germany to glory and a new Aryan civilization. In Spear of
Destiny [by Trevor Ravenscroft] we learn from Dr. Stein that the Thule group was financed by some of the very same industrialists who supported the
District Command. The Thule was also directly supported by
the German High Command."
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"Briefly, the creed of the Thule society inner circle is as follows: Thule was a legendary island in the far north, similar to Atlantis, supposedly
the center of a lost, high-level civilization. But not all secrets of that civilization had been completely wiped out. Those that remained were being
guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings (similar to the 'Masters' of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood). The truly initiated could establish
contact with these beings by means of magic-mystical rituals. The 'Masters' or 'Ancients' allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with
supernatural strength and energy. With the help of these energies the goal of the initiated was to create a race of Supermen of 'Aryan' stock who
would exterminate all 'inferior' races."
- Wulf Schwartzwaller, The Unknown Hitler
"Many assassinations perpetrated by the District Command may have been inspired by the Thule. According to Dr. Stein, the Thule was a 'Society of
Assassins'. It held secret courts and condemned people to death. It is likely that many victims murdered by the District Command had been condemned
earlier in the secret courts of the Thule. Many prominent
Germans supported this violence and were documented members of the Thule. For example, the Police President of Munich, Franz Gurtner, was a reported
member of the innermost circle of the Thule. He later became Minister of Justice of the Third Reich."
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"...At the end of the 1919...Hitler met Dietrich Eckart. Most biographers have underestimated the influence that Eckart exerted on Hitler. He was the
wealthy publisher and editor-in-chief of an anti-Semitic journal which he called In Plain German. Eckart was also a
committed occultist and a master of magic. As an initiate, Eckart belonged to the inner circle of the Thule society as well as other esoteric
- Wulf Schwartzwaller, The Unknown Hitler
"According to Ravenscroft [Spear of Destiny], Eckart, like Hitler, first achieved transcendence through psychedelic drugs. Research on peyote by the
German pharmacologist Ludwig Lewin had been published in 1886, leading to widespread popular experimentation. Later a heroin addict, in earlier days
Eckart used peyote in the practice on neopagan magic in Berlin. He came to believe that he, too was the reincarnation of ninth
century character. In his case it was Bernard of Barcelona, a notorious betrayer of Christianity to the Arabs and a black magician who used
thaumaturgy to hold off Carolingian armies in Spain."
"Ravenscroft writes 'there can be little doubt' that both Crowley and Eckart conducted deep studies of the Arabian astrological magic performed by
Klingsor's real life counterpart, Landulf II. It was to Sicily-then a Moslem stronghold-that Landulf fled after his traitorous
links to Islam were disclosed. And it was in a dark tower in the mountains of the southwest corner of that island that his evil soul festered with
additional bitterness over his castration by the relatives of a noblewoman he had raped. There he practiced sadistic satanism of a
nature that foreshadowed the horrors of Nazi concentration camps." - Jeffrey Steinberg, "Nazi Roots in the Occult"
"There can be no doubt that Eckart - who had been alerted to Hitler by other Thulists - trained Hitler in techniques of self confidence, self
projection, persuasive oratory, body language and discursive sophistry. With these tools, in a short period of time he was able to move the obscure
workers party from the club and beer hall atmosphere to a mass movement. The emotion charged lay speaker became an expert orator, capable of
mesmerizing a vast audience."
- Wulf Schwartzwaller, The Unknown Hitler
Hitler dedicated his book Mein Kampf to his teacher Dietrich Eckart.
(3) The German Vril
"A frequent visitor to Landsberg prison where Hitler was writing Mein Kampf with the help of Rudolf Hess, was General Karl Haushofer, a university
professor and director of the Munich Institute of Geopolitics. Haushofer, Hitler, and Hess had long conversations
together. Hess also kept records of these conversations. Hitler's demands for German 'living space' in the east at the expense of the Slavic
nations were based on the geopolitical theories of the learned professor. Haushofer was also inclined toward the esoteric. As military
attache in Japan, he had studied Zen-Buddhism. He had also gone through initiations at the hands of Tibetan lamas. He became Hitler's second
'esoteric mentor', replacing Dietrich Eckart." - Wulf Schwartzwaller, The Unknown Hitler
"Another important mystical organization behind the formation of Nazism "was the 'Vril' Society, which had been named after a book by Lord Bulward
Litton - an English Rosicrucian. Litton's book told the story of an Aryan 'super race' coming the Earth."
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The Lodge's objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to
perform exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of 'Vril'. Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician Gregor
Ivanovich Gurdyev (George Gurdjieff). Both Gurdjeiff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan lodges that possessed the
secret of the 'Superman'. The Lodge included Hitler, Aalfred Rosenberg, Himmler, Göring, and Hitler's subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell. It
is also known that Aleister
Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler. Hitler's unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had
access to the 'secret' psychological techniques of the esoteric lodges. Haushofer taught him the techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based
on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan lamas-
and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon."
- Wulf Schwartzwaller, The Unknown Hitler
"One member of the German Vril was Professor Karl Haushofer - a former employee of German military intelligence. Haushofer had been a mentor to
Hitler as well as to...Rudolph Hess. (Hess had been an assistant to Haushofer at the University of Munich.) Another Vril member was the second most
powerful man in Nazi Germany: Heinrich Himmler, who became head of the dreaded SS and Gestapo. Himmler incorporated the Vril Society into the Nazi
Occult Bureau. Yet another mystical group was the Edelweiss Society, which preached the coming of a 'Nordic messiah'....Herman Göring had become an
active member of the Edelweiss Society in 1921 while living and working in Sweden. Göring believed Hitler to be the Nordic messiah." - William
Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"The idea for the use of the swastika by the Nazis came from a dentist named Dr. Friedrich Krohn who was a member of the secret Germanen Order. Krohn
produced the design for the actual form in which the Nazis came to use the symbol, that is reversed, spinning in an anti-clockwise direction. as a
solar symbol, the swastika is properly thought of as spinning, and the Buddhists have always believed the symbol attracted luck. The Sanskrit word
'svastika' means good fortune and well being. According to Cabbalistic lore and occult theory, chaotic force can be evoked by reversing the symbol.
And so the symbol appeared as the flag of Nazi Germany and the insignia of the Nazi party, an indication for those who had eyes to see, as to the
occult nature of the Third Reich." - Bernard Schreiber. The Men Behind Hitler
"...Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the mystic who had so influenced the Kaiser, years later declared Hitler to be the prophesied German Messiah. On
September 25, 1925, the Nazi newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, celebrated Chamberlain's seventieth birthday and declared his work, Foundations of the
Twentieth Century, to be 'The Gospel of the Nazi
Movement'." - William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
(4) Himmler and the SS
"The SS had been built up by Himmler on the principles of the Order of the Jesuits...The Reichsfuhrer SS - Himmler's title as supreme head of the SS
- was intended to be the counterpart of the Jesuits' General of the Order."
- Schellenber, head of the Intelligence and Security Service (SD)
"What can we do? Just what the Catholic Church did when it forced its beliefs on the heathen: preserve what can be preserved and change its meaning.
We shall take the road back: Easter is no longer resurrection but the eternal renewal of our people. Christmas is the birth of our savior...Do you
think these liberal priests, who have no longer a belief, only an office, will refuse to preach our God in their churches?"
- Rauschning, H., Hitler Speaks
After a lengthy quasi-mystical novitiate, SS recruits were obliged to attend "neo-pagan ceremonies of a specifically SS religion devised by Himmler
himself and clearly derived from his interests in occultism and the worship of Woden."
- Francis King, Satan and the Swastika
"Himmler had abandoned his Catholic faith for spiritualism, astrology and mesmerism in his late teens. He was convinced that he was the reincarnation
of Heinrich the Fowler, founder of the Saxon royal house, who died in 936. All these elements were incorporated into his SS
"Himmler devised new festivals to take the place of such Christian events as Christmas and Easter, he wrote out baptism and marriage ceremonies -
though he believed polygamy would best serve the interests of the SS elite - and he even issued instructions on the correct manner
of committing suicide.
"The center of the SS 'cult' became the castle of Wewelsburg in Westphalia, which Himmler bought as a ruin in 1934 and rebuilt over the next 11
years at a cost of 13 million marks. The central banqueting hall contained a vast round table with 13 throne-like seats to accommodate Himmler and 12
of his closest 'apostles' - making, as some occult writers have pointed out, a coven of 13. Beneath this hall was a 'Hall of the Dead', where
plinths stood around a stone table. As each member of the inner circle of the SS died, his coat of arms would be burned and, together with his ashes,
placed in an urn on one of these plinths
for veneration." - Richard Deacon, Spyclopaedia
"At special SS-run boys' training academies, the Yule festival was celebrated, not as the birth of Christ, but as the rising from his ashes of the
'Sun Child' at the winter solstice....What they [the rituals] involve is essentially a twentieth-century variant of the old Sol Invictus cult, to
which Constantine had subscribed 1,600 years before."
"Hitler spoke of Heinrich Himmler, commander-in-chief of the SS, as 'my Ignatius Loyola'....In many respects, the SS was indeed modeled on the
Jesuits, and made deliberate use of Jesuit techniques in such spheres as psychological conditioning and education. But the Jesuits themselves had
derived much of their structure and organization from the still older
military-religious-chivalric orders like the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights (Deutschritter)." - Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic
A New World Order?
(1) The Round Table and Council on Foreign Relations
"The Round Table organization in England grew out of the life-long dream of gold and diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes for a 'new world order'."
- Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy
"The seven wills which Cecil Rhodes made between the ages of 24 and 46 [Rhodes died at age forty-eight] constitute a kind of spiritual
autobiography...Best know are the first (the Secret Society Will...), and the last, which established the Rhodes Scholarships...
"In his first will Rhodes states his aim still more specifically: 'The extension of British rule throughout the world....the foundation of so great
a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the interests of humanity'.
"The 'Confession of Faith' enlarges upon these ideas. The model for this proposed secret society was the Society of Jesus, though he mentions also
the Masons."
- Frank Aydelotte, American Rhodes Scholarships
"The 'secret society' was organized on the conspiratorial pattern of circles within circles...The central part of the 'secret society' was
established by March, 1891, using Rhodes' money. the organization was run for Rothschild [Rhodes' financier in mining enterprises] by Lord Alfred
Milner...a key financier of the Bolshevik revolution. The Round Table worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of British government,
influencing foreign policy and England's involvement and conduct of WWI."
- Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy
"At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system [the Round Table Group] had to be extended. Once again the task
was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established, in England and each dominion, a front organization to the existing Round Table Group. This front
organization, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as it nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New
York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for J. P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round
Table Group. The American organizers were dominated by the large number of Morgan 'experts'...who had gone to the Paris Peace Conference and there
became close friends with the similar group of English 'experts' which had been recruited by the Milner group. In fact, the original plans for the
Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations [C.F.R.] were drawn up in Paris..."
- Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope
"Colonel' Edward Mandel House was 'the British-educated son of a representative of England's financial interests in the American South. The title
was honorary; House never served in the military. He was strictly a behind-the-scenes wire-puller and is regarded by many historians as the real
President of the United States during the Wilson years."
"House had set down his political ideas in his book called Philip Dru: Administrator in 1912. In this book House laid out a thinly fictionalized plan
for conquest of America by establishing 'Socialism as dreamed by Karl Marx'. He described a 'conspiracy' - the word is his - which succeeds in
electing a U.S. President by means of 'deception regarding his real opinions and intentions'. Among other things, House wrote that the conspiracy
was to insinuate 'itself into the primaries, in order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in accord with theirs'. Elections
were to become mere charades conducted for the bedazzlement of the booboisie. The idea was to use both the Democrat and Republican parties as
instruments to promote World government."
- Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy
"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power
somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they
speak in condemnation of it."
- Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom
"In 1919 House met in Paris with members of...The Round Table in order to form an organization whose job it would be to propagandize the citizens of
America, England and western Europe on the glories of World Government. The big selling point, of course, was 'peace'."
"...The most important financial dynasties in America following WWI were (in addition to Morgan) the Rockefeller family; Kuhn, Loeb & Company; Dillon
Read and Company and Brown Bros Harriman. All were represented in the C.F.R. and Paul Warburg [who was the key figure in implementing the Federal
Reserve System] was one of the incorporators."
"The C.F.R. has come to be know as 'The Establishment', 'the invisible government' and 'the Rockefeller foreign office'. This semi-secret
organization unquestionably has become the most influential group in America."
- Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy
C.F.R. openly advocates 'building a new international order [which] must be responsive to world aspirations for peace, [and] for social and economic international order [code word for world government]...including states labeling themselves as 'Socialist' [Communist]."
- Study No. 7, published by the C.F.R. on November 25, 1959
As of 1971 "the formal membership in the C.F.R. is composes of close to 1500 of the most elite names in the worlds of government, labor, business,
finance, communications, the foundations, and the academy - has staffed almost every key position of every administration since those of
"At least forty-seven C.F.R. members were among the American delegates to the founding of the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945. Members of the
C.F.R. group included Harold Stassen, John J. McCloy, Owen Lattimore (called by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee a 'conscious articulate
instrument of the Soviet conspiracy'), Alger Hiss (Communist spy), Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles, John Carter Vincent (security risk), and
Dean Acheson."
"So completely has the C.F.R. dominated the State Department over the past thirty-eight years that every Secretary of State except Cordell Hull,
James Byrnes, and William Rogers has been a member of the C.F.R."
- Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy
"Almost half of the Council members have been invited to assume official government positions or to act as consultants at one time or another."
- The Christian Science Monitor
"International banking organizations that currently [1971] have men in the C.F.R. include Kuhn, Loeb & Company; Lazard Freres (directly affiliated
with Rothschild);