posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:38 AM
That's a very interesting and unique do it yourself project. Let us know how it goes.
You might want to also check out this site, it's where I have gotten poly water tanks that fit in my closet. They also have underground cistern types
and, well, basically any size and shape you could want. Price on the 305 gallon tank is $192USD. There is a 1000+ gallon one under $500.
Water Tanks
To reiterate, I think your DIY project is really awesome. In my neck of the woods, though, it's just me doing all preparing so I budget time. If that
makes any sense? Provided I can afford to buy something pre-made, that means more time I have to work on another thing needed for preparedness. An
example would be, we had a hair care thread a few days ago with a lot of good suggestions for what you could do, like using certain plants or making
your own shampoo. I just stocked up gallons of shampoo here where I am at. I can make shampoo, and the info people put out there was good to know
should I ever need it. But for now, I saved time by just buying the shampoo gallons (5 minutes, 5 bucks) and tossing them on the shelf.
I really admire you for giving this project a shot! Thinking outside the box like you are is awesome!