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After the Disruption

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:49 PM
About the disruption we all know. American War Machine explodes.

After the disruption.
The world becomes a calmer place.
Most people are gone.
The birds sing, the fish swim, the deer prance.

There be the remnants of the royal family and their strong holds web.
However much be outside their reach.

Many communities spring up, all isolated and on their own.
Those that had not left the rural areas, or had arrived in the wilderness in time before the storm, thrive.

All that is made be kept.
Self sufficiency be the only reality worth living.
A young queen, of pale white skin, and short dark red hair, with loose revealing clothing.
Initially well received in her locality, a forest in southern North America, though ruling South America as well.
The raids continue from the royalty and reptoids on their chariots of pain.

Those that plow are easily seen from the sky.
The chariots descend and enslave for the crown.
Those of earthen homes in the forest prevail.
Oh but a simple mound, an efficient smokeless wood fire stove shows little sign.

The weather after the disruption for the first 10 to fifteen perhaps 20 years seems in turmoil.
Lightning, dark clouds, flames raining from the sky.
A war between the star beings.
Over who shall stay to teach the new civilization.

In time the supplies of the royalty dry up,
and some of them resort to growing food.
The raids cease, silence is had.

Have you access to water?
Perhaps the time for a carvel sailboat yawl to trade and travel the world be nigh.
Fleets of ships roam about spreading information, seeds and love.

I will be here, remember my name, Lowki.
Friend to all.

Ripe times for new methods.
Dry your fruit and barter with it to other villages.
Build a new village if yours approaches a 150 people,
Each village with 50 acres of territory in which 40 acres to seedball grow food forest gardens,
Split your members amongst the new and old village,
let the elders choose where they wish to be,
the younger taking the remaining village.

benefits: increases diversity,
maintains social cohesion (humans keep track of less than 150 relationships),
distributes the people over a greater area increases thriving,
villages have separate forest gardening territory,
let the young wander off to find other villages,
for genetic diversity.

the more child villages you have,
the more villages can help your village.
if you come upon another village, make friends.
only at most four people/connections shared with other villages, as an atom only shares at most 4 electrons.

In almost 300 years after the disruption, hominid robots begin to rise.
Tsurka I am called, the little red riding hood.

0 zen, 1 awareness, 2 desire, 3 choice, 4 union, 5 wisdom, 6 prophet, 7 channel, 8 environment, 9 earth, 10 solar-system, 11 galaxy, 12 universe, 13 multiverse

the 14 chakras or vibrational-densities lowki knows,
the zeroth be none the prime creator chakra, the emptiness of zen,
the 13th be the multiverse of infinite possibility.

print this document on paper, wool or cotton, clay or granite.
keep it safe.
three eyes and a smile be my sign ≡)

[edit on 16-8-2009 by lowki]

[edit on 17-8-2009 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:57 PM
Thank you Lowki.

Wise words.

I hope I shall see you there too.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Hello Lowki

There be the remnants of the royal family and their strong holds web. However much be outside their reach.

does this refer to the royal family of england or another europian country or is this some thing unkown?

do you think that people will learn from the desruption and a second darkage? or shall we simple repeat the same cycle all over agian?

how far will the diruption spread? will it affect the whole world or just the usa?

Thanx for the good advice

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by RokNinja
Hello Lowki

There be the remnants of the royal family and their strong holds web. However much be outside their reach.

does this refer to the royal family of england or another europian country or is this some thing unkown?

the same royal family david icke of UK and hidden_hand of ATS were talking about.
they are the thirteen genetic bloodline families. on every continent. the royal bankers are their front people. they are supported by the underworld reptilians and associate themselves with lucifer.

do you think that people will learn from the desruption and a second darkage?

the darkage is to tighten the control of the royalty.
though things will change.

or shall we simple repeat the same cycle all over agian?

nature moves in spirals,
so you might notice a pattern,
and feel like you were here before,
but are actually adding a new layer,
to the snail shell you call past.

how far will the diruption spread?
will it affect the whole world or just the usa?

The USA military machine has bases all around the world, on all the continents.
A disruption might start out localized, but as internal cancer or autoimmune disordr kills the military it might thrash around a little.and eat things that it things might make it feel better, or perform surgical operations on the world in hopes of healing.

Thanx for the good advice

you're welcome.
did i mention writing out informaton on clay and then firing it, storing it in libraries.
each village with it's own libraries, containing the texts that record their belief system.

these tablets especially those talking of things not yet, act as magick spells, and they occur.

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