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alien wars ;))))

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posted on May, 12 2004 @ 03:56 PM
first of all I want to say that I don't belive in aliens,UFOs etc.I think that is all created by USAF to hide their new technologies.(for example now we have so many UFOs sightings in Iran - it's something like technology show)

but never mind.there is another story.some years ago I read some stories about UFO-s and aliens.I mean all what people who belive in them thought about them.And I found some stories about two races.One was "good"-they were our "allies" - they were called "nordics" or something like that and they were from Plejads.And there were some evil aliens.I suppose that evil was grey race.

As I remember these races were in war for some years (I don't know why) and "nordics" (these good) won that war
))),they probably destroyed some "grey" planets.

Maybe it's not true but people who belived in UFOs and abductions wrote such stories.anyway it was a good SF story.Do you know something about that stories??? About wars between aliens and especially about that war and how did that war finish.Grey were defeated for sure??

[Edited on 12-5-2004 by gattaca]

[Edited on 12-5-2004 by gattaca]

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:34 PM
I too have heard the same story...Nordics (good), Greys (evil). However, The truth lies in the in what the facts have stated. You can't deny the fact that in 40's several people in Europe have claimed to have seen a being which they had never seen before. At the same time, here in USA several people claimed to have seen the same type beings. None of these people who have claimed these sightings know eachother BUT, they have strangely enough seen the same type beings....there is something to say about that....

I have my own idea based on the Bible about aliens and where they come from...if anyone is interested.


posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:35 PM
All the information about the Nordics and the Greys can be found on the actual ATS home page under the ET link.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by gattaca
first of all I want to say that I don't belive in aliens,UFOs etc.I think that is all created by USAF to hide their new technologies.(for example now we have so many UFOs sightings in Iran


those freaks there saw an american soldier in full equipment and they think they saw an alien!

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by gattaca
first of all I want to say that I don't belive in aliens,UFOs etc.I think that is all created by USAF to hide their new technologies.(for example now we have so many UFOs sightings in Iran - it's something like technology show)

but never mind.there is another story.some years ago I read some stories about UFO-s and aliens.I mean all what people who belive in them thought about them.And I found some stories about two races.One was "good"-they were our "allies" - they were called "nordics" or something like that and they were from Plejads.And there were some evil aliens.I suppose that evil was grey race.

As I remember these races were in war for some years (I don't know why) and "nordics" (these good) won that war
))),they probably destroyed some "grey" planets.

Maybe it's not true but people who belived in UFOs and abductions wrote such stories.anyway it was a good SF story.Do you know something about that stories??? About wars between aliens and especially about that war and how did that war finish.Grey were defeated for sure??

[Edited on 12-5-2004 by gattaca]

[Edited on 12-5-2004 by gattaca]

UFO sightings/humanoid visitors form space have occurred thousands of years why rely on 40 years from the Secretive tech US got? lol

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Fin Chron Watchman
I too have heard the same story...Nordics (good), Greys (evil). However, The truth lies in the in what the facts have stated. You can't deny the fact that in 40's several people in Europe have claimed to have seen a being which they had never seen before. At the same time, here in USA several people claimed to have seen the same type beings. None of these people who have claimed these sightings know eachother BUT, they have strangely enough seen the same type beings....there is something to say about that....

I have my own idea based on the Bible about aliens and where they come from...if anyone is interested.


of course
)so if you can just say something about that

and there is another story I remember about these races.As I remeber "nordics" were very "militarized" - their ships weren't just recon/science ships but were something what I can describe as "warships".

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 01:30 PM
I believe from what the scripture says that when Lot was in Soddom and Gomorah he was visited by 2 angels. These 2 angels were there to warn Lot of the up-coming wrath of God to destroy Soddom and Gomorah by fire. They appeared obviously from another dimension (heaven) and became as men, because the men in Soddom and Gomorah saw them and saw how appealing they were. The angels have appeared MANY times in scriptures...mostly as beings of immense light....."like lightening" is what one scripture says. But always described a having human-like bodies.

As far as I have read biblically, there are only 2 types of angels, fallen and not fallen. Those that are not fallen can take the shape of men therefore so can those that are fallen, they have been seen as "creatures" "demons", crawling, slithering, walking.....etc. Many people have been "visited" by demons. What I gather from these scriptures is that the so-called aliens are just that, they are alien to this this dimension. They are the fallen angels doing what they do best....deceiving. When they appear, they appear as this "alien" that many people have seen world-wide. It truly is a huge conspiracy because their intent is to deceive the world.

The scripture describes satan as the "most crafty of all the creatures....he is an intelligent being and this is what the Lord himself said about satan. Scripture says he is the "prince of the power of the air" his territory is from a part of the cosmos down to the earth.

I don't think we realize what this really means. An intelligent and crafty being is one who can do MANY things. Things that we have a hard time comprehending. He is however subject to the Lord and can only do what God has allowed him to do.

I also think that when Genesis 6 is talking about the Nephilim and the "sons of God" that it is talking about the fallen angels. Nephi means fallen. These creatures are what we today call the aliens.

This subject can go on and on...I truly enjoy the research into and respect any other opinion or study on the subject.


posted on May, 15 2004 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Fin Chron Watchman
I believe from what the scripture says that when Lot was in Soddom and Gomorah he was visited by 2 angels. These 2 angels were there to warn Lot of the up-coming wrath of God to destroy Soddom and Gomorah by fire. They appeared obviously from another dimension (heaven) and became as men, because the men in Soddom and Gomorah saw them and saw how appealing they were. The angels have appeared MANY times in scriptures...mostly as beings of immense light....."like lightening" is what one scripture says. But always described a having human-like bodies.

As far as I have read biblically, there are only 2 types of angels, fallen and not fallen. Those that are not fallen can take the shape of men therefore so can those that are fallen, they have been seen as "creatures" "demons", crawling, slithering, walking.....etc. Many people have been "visited" by demons. What I gather from these scriptures is that the so-called aliens are just that, they are alien to this this dimension. They are the fallen angels doing what they do best....deceiving. When they appear, they appear as this "alien" that many people have seen world-wide. It truly is a huge conspiracy because their intent is to deceive the world.

The scripture describes satan as the "most crafty of all the creatures....he is an intelligent being and this is what the Lord himself said about satan. Scripture says he is the "prince of the power of the air" his territory is from a part of the cosmos down to the earth.

I don't think we realize what this really means. An intelligent and crafty being is one who can do MANY things. Things that we have a hard time comprehending. He is however subject to the Lord and can only do what God has allowed him to do.

I also think that when Genesis 6 is talking about the Nephilim and the "sons of God" that it is talking about the fallen angels. Nephi means fallen. These creatures are what we today call the aliens.

This subject can go on and on...I truly enjoy the research into and respect any other opinion or study on the subject.


hmmm...yes,there is something about that in bible.I can agree with you that stories about night visitors,some terrible creatures etc.Not only in Bible but in many "people" stories about horrible creatures coming to rape women,to take children.They were demons.

But look at "grey" face.I don't know why but this face is terrible and scary.I would better look at somebody like Klingon from Star trek or anything like that than "greys".All "grey" image is scary - they are something like ants.They are really "aliens".

And look at "nordics" - they are perfect.They are so similiar to us.Perfect bodies,blonde hair.They use weapons like us,they are good fighters.They can smile or they can be angry.They are not "aliens" like greys..

All what we can see is very friendly image.

I don't know why but it looks strange.I don't belive it.They are really like "angels" and "devils".I suppose that all stories about wars between good and evil,about wars between sons of God and sons of "evil" and about wars between good "nordics" and evil "greys" are the same stories.But it doesn't mean that they exist in our world.It can be something deep inside of us,in our minds or in our souls.

Many of years ago people thought that "evil" demons are something between humans and animals.Because they were afraid of wild animals.They were strong,big and wild.Now we see them as "aliens" - they are inteligent,scary,well organized,strange and they have powerfull technology.

It's good that "nordics" or "angels" or anything "good" are still winning that battle
)It means that we can feel safe

It's why I was interested in these stories.These stories are our "legends".People from middleages had stories about goblins,knights,saints,dragons and we have stories about UFOs and aliens.

I'm not sure if thay really exist or they are just our imagination

But I want to know

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