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Obama team mulls new quarantine regulations

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:43 PM

The Obama administration is quietly dusting off an effort to impose new federal quarantine regulations, which were vigorously resisted by civil liberties organizations and the airline industry when the rules were first proposed by the Bush administration nearly four years ago.

White House officials aren’t saying what their rules might ultimately require. But the previous administration proposed giving the federal government the authority to order a “provisional quarantine” of three business days — or up to six calendar days — for those suspected of having swine flu or other illnesses listed in a presidential executive order.

I don't like the sound of this part:

White House officials aren’t saying what their rules might ultimately require.

I'm not surprised in the least that obama would be recycling bush-era regulations, I've come to expect things like that. What I don't like is the vagueness concerning what might become legal if/when these rules are implemented. Any time a government entity refuses to be specific is the right time to start preparing for anything, in my opinion.


[edit on 16-8-2009 by TheAssociate]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:52 PM
Here is another take on the situation. It's a little more conspiracy-oriented, but it's an interesting read, particularly the section this section:

Project BioShield

While objections to new federal quarantine regulations may be widespread, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), particularly that agency's Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is pulling out all the stops.

Similar to the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a satrapy for arms manufacturers and other death merchants, HHS's Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority freely doles out billions of dollars in taxpayer boodle to Big Pharma.

According to a blurb on their web site BARDA, a distinct entity within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) at HHS "provides an integrated, systematic approach to the development and purchase of the necessary vaccines, drugs, therapies, and diagnostic tools for public health medical emergencies."

There's a lot more, but for the sake of saving space, I won't copy and paste it.


posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:58 PM
I'm thinking we should start calling it the "Obama-nation"! -- Is it more or just seems more than ironical that there's one letter between obama and osama and we elect a guy who's name parallels abomination?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:07 PM
Quite honestly, I'm not surprised in the least.

With each passing day, more liberties are lost.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by orderedchaos

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Exactly. Nothing much that can be done about this, except to prepare. From the sound of it, TPTB have been trying to get this legislation passed for quite a while, and now that they have an easy to swallow excuse to do so, they probably will.


posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:36 PM
OH MY! The lib Demo's would never do that!!!!

Step up Afgan.
Don't leave Iraq.

F with our rights.

Sure he's not a Right Wing nutjob?

Oh, yeah, he does not like guns. Except for the Military, his private force he is buiding, etc.

At least The Republicans leave you with some way of defending yourself.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by j2000

I'm neither a republican or a democrat, but you've got some good points, especially this:

At least The Republicans leave you with some way of defending yourself.

Thanks and star for the insight and the chuckle.


posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:52 PM
Yeah this SOB is recycling bush's wish list for stripping our rights!!!

WTF with the hope and change?

TPTB now have their perfect storm to wipe out the constitution.

The setup is perfect, if you disagree with this admin Chris Matthews leg will start tingling and he will be screaming you are a racist all over MSNBC!

And nobody likes a racist, right?

Your kid comes home and little Johnny says the other kids can't play with him Cuz their parent's say you are racist!

I "hope" I have a "change" of undies because the S is going to HTF soon.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by hotrodturbo7]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:07 PM
There is already a test for the swine flu that can be administered like a pregnancy test. I am fine with a quarantine that uses a system such as that to okay you to return back into the public after so many days. I would say if there had to be a quarantine that it be the type that they say stay at home for X amount of days. All business shut down or people just stay put. Emergency officials should be equipped with gear to allow them to deliver food, repair public services, and respond to emergencies. Everyone else just stays put for a few days.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by hotrodturbo7

recycling bush's wish list for stripping our rights!!!

Yep, all seems to be going according to plan, if perhaps, a little behind schedule. Funny how these pretexts, such as 'terrorism' and swine flu keep conveniently popping up, ain't it?


posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by TheAssociate

The thing that bothers me is that the Koolaid flows freely on both sides, when it is more and more apparent that the people that control the gov couldn't give a s$#t less what the people think, they are gonna grab some $$$$ and I have no doubt they will all be living it up in South America when TSHTF. Probably all bought ranches down there with Bush.

"welcome to Obama Acres senor, please wipe your feet, you seem to have something clinging there..."

They say the last act of a despotic regime is to loot the treasury and haul ass. If the looting is running right along in earnest, what does that tell us about where the country is heading?

We will make Zimbabwe look like a vacation spot, at least the people there are hard as nails and can survive. The soft ass MTV and american idol watchers here won't know what to think when they have one pack of
Ramen to last the whole week and three hungry suburbanite kids whose video games no longer work.


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